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Sail Navigating the DOM APIs Kit Cambridge Voxer

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Sometimes, it makes sense to use an existing third-party solution. Other times, it makes sense to chart your own course.

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CSS Selectors Attributes Properties Traversal Manipulation Styles Positioning Storage Wrappers Effects Plug-ins

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Simplify Find problems in disguise

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Element Storage Associate arbitrary metadata with an element MooTools Prototype jQuery store, retrieve, eliminate store, retrieve, purge, getStorage data, removeData, hasData

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function isSupported() { var element = document.createElement("div"); return typeof element.uniqueNumber == "number" && typeof document.documentElement.uniqueNumber == "number" && element.uniqueNumber != document.documentElement.uniqueNumber; } var Storage = {}; Index data by unique element identi er

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var UID = 2; function identify(element) { if (element == window) { return 0; } else if (element.nodeType == 9) { return 1; } else if (element.nodeType == 1) { if (!/^(?:embed|object|applet)$/i.test(element.nodeName)) { var property = (isSupported() ? "unique" : "sail") + "Number"; return element[property] || (element[property] = UID++); } } return null; }

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The Perils of Generality Tailored solutions are the answer Attributes

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style href src width height enctype contenteditable type checked selected compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noresize noshade nowrap readonly allowtransparency truespeed Buggy Attributes

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maxLength selected tabIndex enctype rows cols size value contentEditable profile classid url vrml dynsrc lowsrc pluginspage background cite codeBase data longDesc profile useMap action classid Buggy Properties

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Many of these attributes and properties are deprecated...but browsers still support them. If you’re writing a general solution, you’ve committed yourself to supporting them as well.

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Considerations Opportunity cost

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File size Complexity Performance Micro-Libraries General solutions Edge cases

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Targeted, low-level utility libraries Stop writing library plug-ins General libraries are abstraction layers with a different syntax Don’t aim for identical experiences across every browser Learn and target DOM APIs instead Save cross-browser consistency for low-level methods

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“Any change to a low-level abstraction propagates to its dependencies.” “Before attempting to x any bug, the author must rst get an understanding of the problems caused by their code.” — Garrett Smith

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Accept constraints Think about what you need Reduce abstractions Write only what you need

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Thank you! @kitcambridge