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$ whoami

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No content

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Mobile? Web? Both?

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Nice to meet ya.

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PIXELS I'VE PUSHED With some very talented folks.

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No content

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No content

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Play golf? Find this dude and get in on the beta.!

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Titanium powered kiosk!

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No content

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It's still just JavaScript.

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var foo = function () { } foo = () -> I’d rather write this. JAVASCRIPT COFFEESCRIPT

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var button = Titanium.UI.createButton({ title: 'I am a Button', height: 40, width: 200, top: 10 }); button.addEventListener('click', function(e) { alert("Oooh, that tickles!"); }); JAVASCRIPT

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button = Titanium.UI.createButton title: 'I am a Button' height: 40 width: 200 top: 10 button.addEventListener 'click', (e) -> alert "Oooh, that tickles!" COFFEESCRIPT

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It's about more than aesthetics ;{ } For me,

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Some of my favorite features...

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for own key, value of query uri += "#{ key }=#{ escape(value) }&" COFFEESCRIPT var key, value; var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; for (key in query) { if (!, key)) continue; value = query[key]; uri += "" + key + "=" + (escape(value)) + "&"; } JAVASCRIPT

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for own key, value of query uri += "#{ key }=#{ escape(value) }&" COFFEESCRIPT Comprehensions

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for own key, value of query uri += "#{ key }=#{ escape(value) }&" COFFEESCRIPT Interpolation

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courseButtonSubhead = Ti.UI.createLabel className: 'optRowSubhead' text: "#{GolfStatus.App.currentGame?.green?.name}" COFFEESCRIPT The Existential Operator

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class GolfStatus.Models.Game constructor: (@owner, @course, @playingFor='brag', @scoringFormat='low_net') -> @players = {} @addPlayer @owner if @owner @green = @course.greens[0] if @course @currentHole = 1 @maxHolePlayed = 1 # elsewhere game = new GolfStatus.Models.Game(...) COFFEESCRIPT Simple inheritance pattern

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class GolfStatus.Models.Game constructor: (@owner, @course, @playingFor='brag', @scoringFormat='low_net') -> @players = {} @addPlayer @owner if @owner @green = @course.greens[0] if @course @currentHole = 1 @maxHolePlayed = 1 COFFEESCRIPT @

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class GolfStatus.Models.Game constructor: (@owner, @course, @playingFor='brag', @scoringFormat='low_net') -> @players = {} @addPlayer @owner if @owner @green = @course.greens[0] if @course @currentHole = 1 @maxHolePlayed = 1 COFFEESCRIPT Default values

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class GolfStatus.Models.Game constructor: (@owner, @course, @playingFor='brag', @scoringFormat='low_net') -> @players = {} @addPlayer @owner if @owner @green = @course.greens[0] if @course @currentHole = 1 @maxHolePlayed = 1 COFFEESCRIPT More human conditionals

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GolfStatus.Models.Game::PlayingForTypes = brag: 'Bragging Rights' cash: 'Status Cash' GolfStatus.Models.Game::ScoringFormats = low_net: 'Low Net' low_grows: 'Low Gross' COFFEESCRIPT Easy object.prototype

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noticeHTML =''' ''' noticeHTML += "
" noticeHTML += ''' ''' COFFEESCRIPT Heredocs

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Because string building sucks.

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And so much more.

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Are you using JSS?

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JSS works like CSS.

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Why do we have CSS?

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content presentation

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A example

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var buttonOne = Titanium.UI.createButton({ title:'I am a Button', height:40, width:200, top:10 }); var buttonTwo = Titanium.UI.createButton({ title:'I am also a Button', image:'../images/chat.png', width:200, height:40, top:60 }); JAVASCRIPT

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var buttonOne = Titanium.UI.createButton({ title:'I am a Button', height:40, width:200, top:10 }); var buttonTwo = Titanium.UI.createButton({ title:'I am also a Button', image:'../images/chat.png', width:200, height:40, top:60 }); Presentation JAVASCRIPT

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#buttonOne { title:'I am a Button'; width:200; height:40; top:10 } #buttonTwo { title:'I am also a Button'; image:'../images/chat.png'; width:200; height:40; top:60 } .button { height: 40; width: 200; } var buttonOne = Titanium.UI.createButton({ id: "buttonOne", className: "button" }); var buttonTwo = Titanium.UI.createButton({ id: "buttonTwo", className: "button" }); Behavior and composition in Presentation in .js .jss JSS JAVASCRIPT

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#buttonOne { title:'I am a Button'; width:200; height:40; top:10 } #buttonTwo { title:'I am also a Button'; image:'../images/chat.png'; width:200; height:40; top:60 } .button { height: 40; width: 200; } var buttonOne = Titanium.UI.createButton({ id: "buttonOne", className: "button" }); var buttonTwo = Titanium.UI.createButton({ id: "buttonTwo", className: "button" }); Style hooks JAVASCRIPT JSS

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There's a better way to write CSS. JSS

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& CSS extensions & compiler Patterns & plugins

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gem install compass

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#buttonOne { title: 'I am a Button'; width: 200; height: 40; top: 10 } #buttonTwo { title: 'I am also a Button'; image: '../images/chat.png'; width: 200; height: 40; top: 60 } .button { height: 40; width: 200; } Is it JSS or Sassy CSS? Yes? JSS / SCSS

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#buttonOne title: 'I am a Button' width: 200 height: 40 top: 10 #buttonTwo title: 'I am also a Button' image: '../images/chat.png' width: 200 height: 40 top: 60 .button height: 40 width: 200 I prefer Sass' original indented, whitespace aware syntax. SASS

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Which do you prefer?

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#buttonOne { title: 'I am a Button'; width: 200; height: 40; top: 10 } #buttonTwo { title: 'I am also a Button'; image: '../images/chat.png'; width: 200; height: 40; top: 60 } .button { height: 40; width: 200; } SCSS

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#buttonOne title: 'I am a Button' width: 200 height: 40 top: 10 #buttonTwo title: 'I am also a Button' image: '../images/chat.png' width: 200 height: 40 top: 60 .button height: 40 width: 200 SASS

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Pick one. Or not. Mix and match.

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Organize with partials.

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stylesheets ├── _activity.sass ├── _base.sass ├── _confirmation.sass ├── _course.scss ├── _courses.sass ├── _friends.scss ├── _gameplay.sass ├── _leaderboard.sass ├── _leaders.sass ├── _login.sass ├── _requests.sass ├── _tourcard.sass └── app.sass @import 'base' @import 'login' @import 'activity' @import 'course' @import 'courses' @import 'friends' @import 'leaderboard' @import 'leaders' @import 'requests' @import 'tourcard' @import 'confirmation' @import 'gameplay' Resources ├── app.js ├── app.jss ...

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stylesheets ├── _activity.sass ├── _base.sass ├── _confirmation.sass ├── _course.scss ├── _courses.sass ├── _friends.scss ├── _gameplay.sass ├── _leaderboard.sass ├── _leaders.sass ├── _login.sass ├── _requests.sass ├── _tourcard.sass └── app.sass @import 'base' @import 'login' @import 'activity' @import 'course' @import 'courses' @import 'friends' @import 'leaderboard' @import 'leaders' @import 'requests' @import 'tourcard' @import 'confirmation' @import 'gameplay' Resources ├── app.js ├── app.jss ... Mix scss with sass if you're so inclined.

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Don't Repeat Yourself

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.user-info bottom: 1 color: #333 font-size: 11 font-weight: bold height: auto left: 0 shadowColor: #fff shadowOffset-x: 0 shadowOffset-y: -1 text-align: center width: 92 SASS

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.user-info bottom: 1 color: #333 font: size: 11 weight: bold height: auto left: 0 shadowColor: #fff shadowOffset: x: 0 y: '-1' text-align: center width: 92 DRY it up. Nesting SASS

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#buttonOne title: 'I am a Button' width: 200 height: 40 top: 10 #buttonTwo title: 'I am also a Button' image: '../images/chat.png' width: 200 height: 40 top: 60 .button height: 40 width: 200 SASS

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=button height: 40 width: 200 #buttonOne +button title: 'I am a Button' top: 10 #buttonTwo +button title: 'I am also a Button' image: '../images/chat.png' top: 60 DRY it up. Mixins SASS

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=bottom-right($height: 40, $width: 200) height: $size width: $size right: 0 bottom: 0 #buttonOne +bottom-right title: 'I am a Button' #buttonTwo +bottom-right(50, 300) title: 'I am also a Button' image: '../images/chat.png' DRY it up. Mixins with params SASS

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#buttonOne title: 'I am a Button' width: 200 height: 40 top: 10 #buttonTwo title: 'I am also a Button' image: '../images/chat.png' width: 200 height: 40 top: 60 .button height: 40 width: 200 SASS

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.button height: 40 width: 200 #buttonOne @extend .button title: 'I am a Button' top: 10 #buttonTwo @extend .button title: 'I am also a Button' image: '../images/chat.png' top: 60 DRY it up. @extend SASS

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.button, #buttonOne, #buttonTwo { height: 40; width: 200; } #buttonOne { title: 'I am a Button'; width: 200; } #buttonTwo { title: 'I am also a Button'; image: '../images/chat.png'; top: 60 } DRY it up. @extend One less class in our .js JSS

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Craft themes with color functions.

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$button-base: #a7a7a7 #buttonOne color: $button-base title: "Button 1" #buttonTwo color: $button-base title: "Button 2" variables SASS

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$button-base: #a7a7a7 #buttonOne color: $button-base title: "Button 1" #buttonTwo color: $button-base title: "Button 2" variables SASS

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$button-base: #a7a7a7 #buttonOne color: $button-base title: "Button 1" #buttonTwo color: darken($button-base, 20%) title: "Button 2" color functions SASS

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$button-base: #a7a7a7 #buttonOne color: $button-base title: "Button 1" #buttonTwo color: darken($button-base, 20%) title: "Button 2" color functions SASS

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hue(#cc3) # => 60deg saturation(#cc3) # => 60% lightness(#cc3) # => 50% adjust-hue(#cc3, 20deg) # => #9c3 saturate(#cc3, 10%) # => #d9d926 desaturate(#cc3, 10%) # => #bfbf40 lighten(#cc3, 10%) # => #d6d65c darken(#cc3, 10%) # => #a3a329 grayscale(#cc3) # => desaturate(#cc3, 100%) = #808080 complement(#cc3) # => adjust-hue(#cc3, 180deg) = #33c mix(#cc3, #00f) # => #e56619 mix(#cc3, #00f, 10%) # => #f91405 mix(#cc3, #00f, 90%) # => #d1b72d more color functions SASS

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mix(rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.75), #f00) # => rgba(178, 95, 19, 0.875) mix(rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.90), #f00) # => rgba(163, 114, 22, 0.95) alpha(rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.75)) # => 0.75 opacity(rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.75)) # => 0.75 opacify(rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.75), 0.1) # => rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.85) fade-in(rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.75), 0.1) # => rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.85) transparentize(rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.75), 0.1) # => rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.65) fade-out(rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.75), 0.1) # => rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.65) even more color functions SASS with alpha support!

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Building a hybrid native+web app?

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Share your stylesheet variables!

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No more vendor namespaces. Selector inheritance. URL helpers. So much more.

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I could write a book.

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Oh wait. We did!

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Isn’t she Sassy, folks? GET THE BOOK.

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sass40 Save 40% and get early access! Sadly, sass100 is not a valid code.

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No content

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Web languages. Native apps.

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Event driven.

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... are really ViewControllers.

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So we create View factories...

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... and Model factories ...

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...and factories that make miniature models of factories.

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The Titanium WayTM

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button = Titanium.UI.createButton title: 'I am a Button' height: 40 width: 200 top: 10 button.addEventListener 'click', (e) -> alert "Oooh, that tickles!" COFFEESCRIPT Look familiar?

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So how do you manufacture your own views?

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Compose from other views.

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MyApp.Views.createLoginWindow = (opts={}) -> window = Ti.UI.createWindow(opts) button = Titanium.UI.createButton title: 'I am a Button' height: 40 width: 200 top: 10 window.add button # methods say = (msg) -> alert(msg) # event handlers button.addEventListener 'click', -> say('hello') window COFFEESCRIPT

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MyApp.Views.createLoginWindow = (opts={}) -> window = Ti.UI.createWindow(opts) button = Titanium.UI.createButton title: 'I am a Button' height: 40 width: 200 top: 10 window.add button # methods say = (msg) -> alert(msg) # event handlers button.addEventListener 'click', -> say('hello') window Create the factory method in the appropriate namespace. COFFEESCRIPT

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MyApp.Views.createLoginWindow = (opts={}) -> window = Ti.UI.createWindow(opts) button = Titanium.UI.createButton title: 'I am a Button' height: 40 width: 200 top: 10 window.add button # methods say = (msg) -> alert(msg) # event handlers button.addEventListener 'click', -> say('hello') window Compose the view from Titanium types or others of your own COFFEESCRIPT

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MyApp.Views.createLoginWindow = (opts={}) -> window = Ti.UI.createWindow(opts) button = Titanium.UI.createButton title: 'I am a Button' height: 40 width: 200 top: 10 window.add button # methods say = (msg) -> alert(msg) # event handlers button.addEventListener 'click', -> say('hello') window Methods in familiar place COFFEESCRIPT

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MyApp.Views.createLoginWindow = (opts={}) -> window = Ti.UI.createWindow(opts) button = Titanium.UI.createButton title: 'I am a Button' height: 40 width: 200 top: 10 window.add button # methods say = (msg) -> alert(msg) # event handlers button.addEventListener 'click', -> say('hello') window And event handlers... COFFEESCRIPT

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MyApp.Views.createLoginWindow = (opts={}) -> window = Ti.UI.createWindow(opts) button = Titanium.UI.createButton title: 'I am a Button' height: 40 width: 200 top: 10 window.add button # methods say = (msg) -> alert(msg) # event handlers button.addEventListener 'click', -> say('hello') window Return your view COFFEESCRIPT

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CoffeeScript classes

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class GolfStatus.Models.Game constructor: (@owner, @course, @playingFor='brag', @scoringFormat='low_net') -> serialize: -> deserialize: (data) -> save: -> resume: -> dataForSubmit: () -> submit: (error) -> ... COFFEESCRIPT

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API Wrappers

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class GolfStatus.API # Initialize with login and password constructor: (@login, @password) -> COFFEESCRIPT CoffeeScript class

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... # Build the full API URI for a request requestURI: (path, query={}) -> uri = "#{GolfStatus.API_ENDPOINT}#{path}.json?" for own key, value of query uri += "#{ key }=#{ escape(value) }&" uri COFFEESCRIPT URI building

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# Common request handling across all verbs request: (path, options, authenticated=true) -> # Default to GET options.method ?= 'GET' options.query ?= {} options.success ?= -> options.error ?= -> Ti.API.error xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient() xhr.onreadystatechange = (e) -> ... # Default event handlers # Basic auth # other common stuff ... if options.body data = JSON.stringify(options.body) Ti.API.debug data xhr.send(data) else xhr.send() COFFEESCRIPT HTTP Request building

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# High level method for GET requests get: (path, options, authenticated=true) -> options.method = 'GET' @request path, options, authenticated # High level method for POST requests post: (path, options, authenticated=true) -> options.method = 'POST' @request path, options, authenticated # High level method for DELETE requests delete: (path, options, authenticated=true) -> options.method = 'DELETE' @request path, options, authenticated COFFEESCRIPT High level methods for HTTP verbs

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# ### Authenticate the user ### authenticate: (options) -> Ti.API.debug "GolfStatus.API.authenticate" @get '/me', options # ### Logout the user ### logout: (options) -> Ti.API.debug "GolfStatus.API.logout" @delete '/logout', options # ### Forgot password forgotPassword: (email, options) -> Ti.API.debug "GolfStatus.API.forgotPassword" options.query = {} = email @post '/passwords', options, false # ### Convenience method to get current user info ### me: (options) -> Ti.API.debug "" @authenticate options COFFEESCRIPT Higher level API methods

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Folder structure

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. ├── Resources # Titanium root │ └── vendor # JavaScript frameworks ├── src # CoffeeScript root │ └── golf_status # App root │ ├── models │ └── views │ ├── account # App domains │ ├── activity │ ├── courses │ ├── leaderboard │ └── play └── stylesheets # Sass

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Stitching it all together

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GolfStatus = Models: {} Views: Account: {} Activity: {} Courses: {} Leaderboard: {} Play: {} Ti.include('vendor/date.js') Ti.include('vendor/underscore.js') Ti.include('golf_status.js') GolfStatus.App.init() COFFEESCRIPT

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GolfStatus = Models: {} Views: Account: {} Activity: {} Courses: {} Leaderboard: {} Play: {} Ti.include('vendor/date.js') Ti.include('vendor/underscore.js') Ti.include('golf_status.js') GolfStatus.App.init() COFFEESCRIPT Set up your namespaces

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GolfStatus = Models: {} Views: Account: {} Activity: {} Courses: {} Leaderboard: {} Play: {} Ti.include('vendor/date.js') Ti.include('vendor/underscore.js') Ti.include('golf_status.js') GolfStatus.App.init() COFFEESCRIPT third party frameworks

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GolfStatus = Models: {} Views: Account: {} Activity: {} Courses: {} Leaderboard: {} Play: {} Ti.include('vendor/date.js') Ti.include('vendor/underscore.js') Ti.include('golf_status.js') GolfStatus.App.init() COFFEESCRIPT All of our app in just one file

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GolfStatus = Models: {} Views: Account: {} Activity: {} Courses: {} Leaderboard: {} Play: {} Ti.include('vendor/date.js') Ti.include('vendor/underscore.js') Ti.include('golf_status.js') GolfStatus.App.init() COFFEESCRIPT Fire up the app and first window

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Lean app.js makes for flexibility

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Tapping through to test deep screens bites!

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# GolfStatus.App.init() window = GolfStatus.Views.Play.createGameWindow() COFFEESCRIPT Comment out init and fire up the deepest view.

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run-iphone: & @DEVICE_TYPE=iphone make run test-iphone: & @DEVICE_TYPE=iphone make test run-ipad: & @DEVICE_TYPE=ipad make run test-ipad: & @DEVICE_TYPE=ipad make test run: & @if [ "${DEVICE_TYPE}" == "" ]; then\ & & echo "Please run \"make run-[iphone|ipad]\" instead.";\ & & exit 1;\ & fi & @mkdir -p ${PROJECT_ROOT}/${PROJECT_NAME}/Resources/test/ & @echo "" > ${PROJECT_ROOT}/${PROJECT_NAME}/Resources/test/enabled.js & @make launch-titanium guilhermechapiewski (Guilherme Chapiewski)

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rake I'm a Rubyist, so I speak

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def compile_sass puts "Compiling stylesheets".blue input = "stylesheets/app.sass" output = "Resources/app.jss" system "sass --compass -C -t expanded #{input} > #{output}" end RAKEFILE

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def compile_coffee paths = `find src/golf_status -name '*.coffee'`.split("\n") compilation = ( puts "Compiling CoffeeScript (golf_status.js)".blue output = "Resources/golf_status.js" system "coffee --join #{output} -b -c #{paths.join(' ')}" and puts "Compiling CoffeeScript (app.js)".blue system "coffee -p --bare src/ > Resources/app.js" ) if compilation puts "Successfully compiled CoffeeScript".green else puts "Error compiling CoffeeScript".red end compilation end RAKEFILE

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def compile_coffee paths = `find src/golf_status -name '*.coffee'`.split("\n") compilation = ( puts "Compiling CoffeeScript (golf_status.js)".blue output = "Resources/golf_status.js" system "coffee --join #{output} -b -c #{paths.join(' ')}" puts "Compiling CoffeeScript (app.js)".blue system "coffee -p --bare src/ > Resources/app.js" ) if compilation puts "Successfully compiled CoffeeScript".green else puts "Error compiling CoffeeScript".red end compilation end RAKEFILE Compile App namespaces to single file

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def compile_coffee paths = `find src/golf_status -name '*.coffee'`.split("\n") compilation = ( puts "Compiling CoffeeScript (golf_status.js)".blue output = "Resources/golf_status.js" system "coffee --join #{output} -b -c #{paths.join(' ')}" puts "Compiling CoffeeScript (app.js)".blue system "coffee -p --bare src/ > Resources/app.js" ) if compilation puts "Successfully compiled CoffeeScript".green else puts "Error compiling CoffeeScript".red end compilation end RAKEFILE Compile app.js which includes the app library

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def build(options={}) return unless compile options[:device] ||= 'iphone' puts "Building with Titanium... (DEVICE_TYPE:#{options[:device]})".blue sh %Q{bash -c "#{TI_BUILD} run #{PROJECT_ROOT}/ #{IPHONE_SDK_VERSION} #{APP_ID} #{APP_NAME} #{APP_DEVICE}" \ | perl -pe 's/^\\[DEBUG\\].*$/\\e[35m$&\\e[0m/g;s/^\\[INFO\\].*$/\\e[36m $&\\e[0m/g;s/^\\[WARN\\].*$/\\e[33m$&\\e[0m/g;s/^\\[ERROR\\].*$/\\e[31m $&\\e[0m/g;'} end RAKEFILE

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def build(options={}) return unless compile options[:device] ||= 'iphone' puts "Building with Titanium... (DEVICE_TYPE:#{options[:device]})".blue sh %Q{bash -c "#{TI_BUILD} run #{PROJECT_ROOT}/ #{IPHONE_SDK_VERSION} #{APP_ID} #{APP_NAME} #{APP_DEVICE}" \ | perl -pe 's/^\\[DEBUG\\].*$/\\e[35m$&\\e[0m/g;s/^\\[INFO\\].*$/\\e[36m $&\\e[0m/g;s/^\\[WARN\\].*$/\\e[33m$&\\e[0m/g;s/^\\[ERROR\\].*$/\\e[31m $&\\e[0m/g;'} end RAKEFILE Build with Titanium Python command line

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def build(options={}) return unless compile options[:device] ||= 'iphone' puts "Building with Titanium... (DEVICE_TYPE:#{options[:device]})".blue sh %Q{bash -c "#{TI_BUILD} run #{PROJECT_ROOT}/ #{IPHONE_SDK_VERSION} #{APP_ID} #{APP_NAME} #{APP_DEVICE}" \ | perl -pe 's/^\\[DEBUG\\].*$/\\e[35m$&\\e[0m/g;s/^\\[INFO\\].*$/\\e[36m $&\\e[0m/g;s/^\\[WARN\\].*$/\\e[33m$&\\e[0m/g;s/^\\[ERROR\\].*$/\\e[31m $&\\e[0m/g;'} end RAKEFILE Pipe to PERL for some colored terminal goodness

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No content

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Choose what works for you.

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JavaScript Frameworks

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Underscore.js From Jeremy Ashkenas, the creator of CoffeeScript.

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Don't Repeat Yourself Not Repeating Yourself

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Ti GEM Automating these patterns. A work in progress.

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gem install ti

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ti new

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ti new codestrong-app iphone

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├── Coffeefile ├── Guardfile ├── LICENSE ├── Rakefile ├── Readme.mkd ├── Resources │ ├── app.js │ ├── app.jss │ ├── images │ │ ├── KS_nav_ui.png │ │ └── KS_nav_views.png │ ├── lsrc.js │ └── vendor ├── app │ ├── │ └── lsrc │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── helpers │ │ └── │ ├── models │ ├── stylesheets │ │ ├── app.sass │ │ └── partials │ └── views ├── build ├── config │ └── config.rb ├── docs ├── spec │ ├── │ ├── helpers │ ├── models │ └── views ├── tiapp.xml └── tmp

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ti generate

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Golf.Views.GamePlay.createScoreCardView = (options) -> view = Ti.UI.createView (options) view

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ti scaffold

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ti compile

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ti build

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Ti GEM @revans @baldrailers @rupakg

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Get involved!

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We've got BIG ideas.

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