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Agile Development With RJS For Ninja Rockstars

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Much Ado About CoffeeScript Mattt Thompson (@mattt) Lone Star Ruby Conf V

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Sass CoffeeScript

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Sass → CSS $blue: #3bbfce $margin: 16px .content-navigation border-color: $blue color: darken($blue, 9%) .border padding: $margin / 2 margin: $margin / 2 border-color: $blue .content-navigation { border-color: #3bbfce; color: #2ca2af; } .border { padding: 8px; margin: 8px; border-color: #3bbfce; }

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CoffeeScript → JavaScript Account = (customer, cart) -> @customer = customer @cart = cart $('.shopping_cart').bind ↩ 'click', (event) => @customer.purchase @cart var Account; var __bind = function(fn, me) { return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; Account = function(customer, cart) { this.customer = customer; this.cart = cart; return $ ('.shopping_cart').bind('click', __bind(function(event) { return this.customer.purchase(this.cart); }, this)); };

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• Installation • Integration With Rails • Syntax • Features Introducing CoffeeScript What We’ll Cover

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“It’s just Javascript”

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• Less Syntactic Cruft

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• Less Syntactic Cruft • JavaScript Design Patterns are Features of CoffeeScript

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$ homebrew install node

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$ curl | sh

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$ npm install -g coffee-script

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$ coffee

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Integration With Rails

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gem 'rails', '3.1.0rc5'

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app/ assets/ javascripts/

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jQuery(function() { $("#title").show(); });

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jQuery function() $("#title").show()

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jQuery -> $("#title").show()

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Store.prototype.add = function(item) { this.items.push(item); }

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Store.prototype.add = function(item) this.items.push(item)

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Store.prototype.add = function(item) @items.push(item)

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add: function(item) @items.push(item)

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add: -> (item) @items.push(item)

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add: (item) -> @items.push(item)

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• Redundant Punctuation Omitted

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• Redundant Punctuation Omitted • function becomes ->

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• Redundant Punctuation Omitted • function becomes -> • this. becomes @

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• Redundant Punctuation Omitted • function becomes -> • this. becomes @ • {} becomes ⇥

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Class Pattern 1

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class Animal constructor: (name) -> @name = name

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var Animal; Animal = (function() { function Animal(name) { = name; } return Animal; })();

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2 Lexical Scoping (No Global Variables)

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window.Animal = class Animal constructor: (name) -> @name = name

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Default Arguments 3

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window.Animal = class Animal constructor: (name = "Unknown") -> @name = name

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String Interpolation 4

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class Bear extends Animal constructor: (name) -> @name = "#{name}, the Bear"

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Conditional Suffixes 5

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@price = amount if amount > 0.00

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Operator Aliases 6

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@lovesTacos = false unless @name is "Mattt"

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CoffeeScript JavaScript is === isnt !== not ! and && or || true, yes, on true @, this this of in in N/A

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7 Deconstructing Assignment

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[dollars, cents] = input.match /(\d+)/g

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Existential Operator 8

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[dollars, cents] = (input.match /(\d+)/g) ? [0, 0]

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Splats 9

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gold, silver, bronze, rest = "" awardMedals = (first, second, third, others...) -> gold = first silver = second bronze = third rest = others pieEatingCompetitors = [ "Wynn Netherland", "Steve Klabnik", "Adam Keys", "Richard Schneeman", "Rob Mack", "Tim Tyrrell", "Steve Stedman", "Mando Escamilla", "Keith Gaddis" ] awardMedals pieEatingCompetitors...

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List Comprehensions 10

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eat food for food in ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine']

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eat food for food in ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine'] ↩ when food is "toast"

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languages = { "Javascript": 3, "CoffeeScript": 9, "Ruby": 9, "Python": 6, "Objective-C": 7, "Potion": 10 } favorites = language for language, awesomeness of ↩ languages when awesomeness >= 7

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• Installation • Integration With Rails • Syntax • Features Introducing CoffeeScript What We’ve Covered So Far

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“a little language”

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Web 2.0: A History

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1995 Ruby Created by Matz JavaScript Created by Brendan Eich

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2005 Ruby Rails created by DHH JavaScript AJAX coined by Jesse James Garret

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2006 Ruby RJS shipped with Rails 1.2 JavaScript jQuery 1.0 is released by John Resig

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page.insert_html :bottom, 'list', content_tag("li", "Fox") page.visual_effect :highlight, 'list', :duration => 3 page.replace_html 'header', 'RJS: Great Success!'

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2007 Ruby Era of competing Ruby implementations (MRI, YARV, Rubinius, JRuby) JavaScript Era of competing JavaScript frameworks (Prototype, jQuery, dojo, MooTools, YUI)

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2008 Ruby Cartoon Foxes JavaScript Unicorns

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2009 Ruby Ruby 1.9 released JavaScript Node.js created by Ryan Dahl

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2010 Ruby CoffeeScript JavaScript CoffeeScript

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Much Ado About CoffeeScript Mattt Thompson (@mattt) Lone Star Ruby Conf V