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Symfony User Group Köln What's new in Symfony 6.1 Denis Brumann @dbrumann Christian Flothmann @xabbuh powered by

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Christian Flothmann @xabbuh [email protected] Wer sind wir?

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Denis Brumann @dbrumann [email protected] Wer sind wir?

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Asset BrowserKit Cache Console Config DependencyInjection ErrorHandler ExpressionLanguage Finder Form FrameworkBundle HtmlSanitizer HttpClient HttpFoundation HttpKernel Ldap Lock Mailer Messenger Mime Notifier PhpUnitBridge PropertyInfo Routing Security Serializer Translation TwigBundle Validator Yaml

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First Contribution @norbertschultheisz @mjpvandenberg @sbelyshkin @ecourtial @mytuny @remilemonnier @chapterjason @jannick-holm @dmitryuk @angelov @bitgandtter @mondrake and many more…

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PHP 8.1 Allgemein

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Allgemein Requiring the "symfony/symfony" package is deprecated Replace it with standalone components instead. #45563 @nicolas-grekas

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Cache #42997 @sbelyshkin Improve reliability & performance of TagAwareAdapter by making versions integral part of item value.

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Cache Adds a new command: cache:pool:invalidate-tags #44692 @kbond

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Console Deprecate properties $defaultName and $defaultDescription #45361 @derrabus

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Console Add autocompletion for fish shell #43641 @guillaume-a bin/console completion fish :> ~/.config/fish/completions/

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DI Adds #[MapDecorated] and #[AsDecorator] attributes #46112 @chalasar #45834 @Jean-Beru

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DI Expressions as service factories #45512 @nicolas-grekas

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DI #[Autowire] #45657 & #45783 @kbond

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DI Add exclude to TaggedIterator and TaggedLocator #44774 @ruudk

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Expression Language Add support for null-safe operator #45795 @mytuny

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Expression Language Add some more operators #45912 @fabpot

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Form Add prototype_options to CollectionType #45605 @michaelKaefer

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HtmlSanitizer New component #44681 @tgalopin

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HtmlSanitizer #44681 @tgalopin

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HttpKernel Add Profiler::isEnabled() method #45265 @Bilge

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Routing Make route params available to route conditions #46042 @HypeMC

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Routing Allow using service in route condition #44405 @renanbr

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Routing (backed) EnumRequirements for routes #45803 @fancyweb

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Routing Requirement object with universal regex patterns #45528 @fancyweb

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HttpKernel Add UID argument value resolver #44665 @fancyweb

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HttpKernel Controller argument resolver for backed enums #44831 @ogizanagi

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HttpKernel Add ArgumentMetadata getAttributes #45094 @seldaek

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Mailer Improve extensibility of EsmtpTransport #44446 @ampaze

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Mailer Implement EmailTags for AmazonMailer #45222 @driesvints

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Mime Add DraftMail type: $content = (new DraftEmail() :>html($twig:>render(::.)) :>attach(::.) :>toString() ; $response = new Response($message:>toString()); $contentDisposition = $response:>headers:>makeDisposition( ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, 'download.eml' ); #44311 @kbond

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Messenger Add Redis Sentinel support #43163 @norbertschultheisz

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Messenger Support setting connection_name for AMQP transport #45436 @dmitryuk

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Messenger #45436 @dmitryuk

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Messenger Add TransportMessageIdStamp to RedisSender #44522 @GaryPEGEOT

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Messenger Add SerializedMessageStamp #44589 @nikophil

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Notifier Sendberry Bridge KazInfoTeh Bridge 46elks Bridge OrangeSMS Bridge Engagespot Bridge #45195 @StaffNova #44360 @taranovegor #44874 @jongotlin #44884 @enigma972 #44303 @danut007ro

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PHPUnitBridge Add option ignoreFile to configure a list of known deprecations to ignore: #45226 @mondrake /Test message .*/ /^\d* occurrences/

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Security Allow to specify a RequestMatcher in access_contol #44670 @TristanPouliquen

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Security #44670 @TristanPouliquen

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Serializer Add context builders #43973 @mtarld

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Serializer Deprecate context aware interface #43982 @mtarld

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Translation Add support for dumping xliff translations as .xlf or .xliff file This is needed for example for the translation provider Lokalise and the GitLab integration for this provider. #45421 @DanielBadura

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Translation New service: LocaleSwitcher #45793 @kbond

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Validation Support specifying which fields should be unique in Unique constraint #42403 @wkania

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Validation #42403 @wkania

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Validation Allow creating constraints with required arguments #45072 @norkunas

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Validation Make constraint violation interfaces stringable #45484 @HypeMC

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Profiler HttpClient: Add button for copy as curl to WebProfiler #43931 @Deuchnord

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Profiler Add Xdebug info #44483 @chr-hertel

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Profiler Serializer Profiler #45656 @mtarld

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