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HTML5 & JAVASCRIPT Awesome Technology on the Web Rob Hawkes

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Created by Phil Banks (@emirpprime)

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HTML5 & JavaScript What is all the fuss about?

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Open technologies Anyone can view the source code

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Free technologies Free to use. Free to develop with

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Plugin-less No more reliance on third-party software

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Interoperable They are built to work across platforms

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Cross-browser support Most major features are supported

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My favourites Highlighting some the best new features

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Canvas 2D graphics platform

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WebGL 3D graphics platform

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Video The reliance on Flash is over

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Audio More Flash reliance vaporisation

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WebSockets Bi-directional real-time communication

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Node.js Run JavaScript on the server

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Many more Much has changed on the Web

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The future We are only at the beginning

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Threshold of something cool The time is now

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Rob Hawkes HTML5 & WebSockets game Twitter sentiment analysis Delving into your soul RECENT PROJECTS Personal website and blog MORE COOL STUFF Web development podcast Rawket Scientist Technical Evangelist at Mozilla @robhawkes

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Become a canvas master RAWKES.COM/FOUNDATIONCANVAS Out now Paperback and digital formats Learn how to animate Make two cool space games Foundation HTML5 Canvas

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Hand-picked experts @ASKMDN & #ASKMDN ON TWITTER One hour every fortnight Web development topics Great discussions Ask MDN ASKMDN

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THANK YOU Any questions? Rob Hawkes @robhawkes