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Responsible Responsive & filament group Scott Jehl

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filament group We design engaging sites and applications that are simple to use and accessible to all.

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Mitch Hedberg “An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. ”

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A natural subset of Progressive Enhancement. Responsive Design

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Delightful and inclusive. Responsible

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Inclusive Delightful It works in my browser. It feels intuitive. It allows me to complete my task It’s fun to use! It’s damned fast!

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...and work especially well in newer browsers! Make it work everywhere.

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to skin an app. There are, in fact, Many ways

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“it depends.” - Every speaker at this conference.

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Should it be responsive? • Commonality across experiences • Developer Skillset • Time up-front vs. maintenance • Interest in a challenge

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Make no mistake! PE, done right, is hard.

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can be rich, without being exclusive. A proposition: A layered approach

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Talk = cheap.

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Let’s tear it apart, shall we? We built something.

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A One-Web Case Study

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Design-velopment Team @beep @upstatement @filamentgroup @mirandamulligan

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But is it responsible? Responsive.

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Areas of Responsibility Accessibility Performance Usability Sustainability

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Responsive... ble baseline • “Content” first • Mobile-first images • Mobile-friendly layout

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Asset Baseline • Basic CSS file • Basic JS file • Qualified Enhanced CSS file

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Defensive Development = Qualified Upgrades Experience Divisions

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Basic CSS

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“Basic” = safe defaults • Tweaks to browser typography • Horizontal rules • Text alignment • Display: Inline / Block • No complex layout or positioning

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Enhanced Experience

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The @media qualifier

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Ethan Marcotte “If you’re awesome, or you’re Internet Explorer, you get enhanced.”

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@media-fortified design.

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All in your

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The Concatenator

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Server-side Concatenation Minify + Gzip

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Enhanced CSS /* styles for everyone go here.. */ @media all and (min-width: 500px){ .. } @media all and (min-width: 620px){ .. } @media all and (min-width: 950px){ .. }

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Inheritance Prevention @media all and (min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 700px){ /* styles constrained to 500-700px */ }

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Left Right Left

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Display: table + table-cell

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Ems all the way down. Ems allow for components to adapt differently in different containers

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• ResponsiveImages.js • Respond.js • Modernizr / extensions / HTML5 Shim • The Boston Globe JS Framework Basic.js: “just enough”

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Responsive Images

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Edge Cases

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Edge Cases

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Respond.js Now available as part of

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Also: matchMedia polyfill window.matchMedia( “only all” );

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Globe JS Framework

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The globe, um... global. globe = {};

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Feature flags from Modernizr respond.mediaQueriesSupported

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Internet Explorer Flags globe.browser.ie6 = document.documentElement .className.indexOf( “ie6” ) >= 0;

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Again, with the @media globe.enhanced = respond.mediaQueriesSupported || globe.browser.ie6 || globe.browser.ie7 || globe.browser.ie8; Conditional-comment driven

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JS Experience Divide if( !globe.enhanced ){ //last stop for old browsers! return; } else{ //remove Basic CSS //bring on the enhancements }

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great browser, too slow. And one caveat... No Enhanced JS for BB5

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No JS? That’s okay.

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On removing Basic.css... head.removeChild( basicCSS ); • Convenient when basic.css does not easily cascade. • A convenience that can’t be guaranteed.

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Enhancing Further

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Loading Assets

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Different for every browser. Highly optimized. Enhanced page weight

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~ hand-crafted delivery ~ The assets you receive depend on width, section, features

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Defining Assets to Load //Arrays of JS and CSS files globe.jsToLoad = [ “jquery.js” ]; globe.cssToLoad = []; jQuery is dynamically-loaded too!

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Feature-based Loading if( ){ jsToLoad.push( “touchEvents.js” ); }

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Section-specific Loading if( globe.hasClass( “gallery”, body ) ){ jsToLoad.push( “galleries.js” ); }

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Device Size Decisions if( window.screen.width > 500 ){ cssToLoad.push( “fonts.css” ); } screen, not window

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Our width usage rule of thumb: screen for assets window for design

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Why Screen, not viewport? • Fixed per device • Assets delivered to device’s potential, not just current state. • Orientation-change makes resize relevant again.

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Pack & Load globe.load.script( jsToLoad.join(",") ); cssToLoad.join(",") );

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Again, concat. “js/file1.js,file2.js,file3.js” Minify + Gzip

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Responsive Behavior

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Collapsible Sections

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We value all input...

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On the desktop... photo: flickrich

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...and on the device Touch & Mouse Events Mouse Events

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Normalized Events • vclick • vmousedown • vmouseover • vmouseup • vmousecancel

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Click - or - Gesture

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Less JS execution, faster page loads Single-Page Apps

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Degrees of #!%$hashbang Foo Foo!foo.html Not great: Less... not great:

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Great: history.replaceState!foo.html

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Many ways to “Save”

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Hidden Touch Interface

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Even save without JS Simple Form

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Extends the ability for a site to meet you where you are PE + offline is possible!

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Accessibility enhancements

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Keep it accessible

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pairs with mobile, resolution-independent audible interface

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One-Web Challenges

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Content Negotiation

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What if we treat them like navigation? Landing pages are heavy

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Anchor-Include Pattern T

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Ideal Delivery In page source Delivered via Ajax

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Ads are not awesome. • Third-party, potential for conflicts • They block content loading • Potentially overtake page • Pixel dimensions, contractually • Filled with document.write

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Best. Line. Ever. document.write( “.....” );

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Dynamically injected, naturally. How we “solve” ads:

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Resize + Hide + Append

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Where to append? CSS: @media all and (min-width: 500px){ .a .ad { display: none; } } JavaScript: //on window resize: if( !$( “.ad” ).is( “:visible” ) ){ $( “.ad” ).appendTo( “.b” ); }

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Not an edge-case. Edge Caching

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In conclusion... to build sites that are rich without being exclusive. We have the tools

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What about “apps?”

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@scottjehl thanks everyone.