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Not just another Wordpress blog Wordcamp 2011, Thessaloniki

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Not just another Wordpress blog Wordcamp 2011, Thessaloniki

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Some stuff about me (I’m interesting. I think.)

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My name is Zaharenia – @sugarenia

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My name is Zaharenia – @sugarenia ≠

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My name is Zaharenia – @sugarenia ≠

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...and this is Gadget, my cat (he doesn’t like walking on a leash)

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I think I want to be a freelancer... – Me, circa 2009

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No content

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The problem

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Slide 11 textαν-το-περιεχόµενο-είναι- βασιλιάς-το-design-τ/

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Αν εποµένως το πιο σηµαντικό είναι το περιεχόµενο σε µια παρουσία online (...) µήπως το αντίπαλο δέος το οποίο για χάρη συντοµίας θα το πω design πρέπει να είναι αυτό που θα ‘θυσιαστεί’; “ „

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Πλέον η ουσία βρίσκεται (...) να βρεθείς µέσω των social media µπροστά στους χρήστες ή τους καταναλωτές σου (...) Και κανένα design όσο και να λειτουργήσει ως ‘κράχτης’ και όσο καλό και να είναι δεν πρόκειται να βοηθήσει σηµαντικά επ’ αυτού – ειδικά µακροπρόθεσµα. “ „

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Arras (

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Everyone. Whom is this presentation for?

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This. So what’s your problem anyway?

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Bueno by WooThemes

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Aurora Borealis by Themeforest

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Topzglow by simplyWP

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MyWordpress by Themeforest

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Fresh News by WooThemes

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Header Fat Footer

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Header Fat Footer Most popular

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Header Fat Footer Carousel Most popular

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Header Fat Footer Carousel Featured Most popular

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Header Fat Footer Carousel Featured Most popular Tag clouds

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Pffffft... Wait, tag clouds?

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Hey, I’ve seen it before... The dreaded Wordpress look

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Tight deadlines. Why do we do this?

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Tight budgets. Why do we do this?

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Laziness. Why do we do this?

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Let’s change this.

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Art Direction The elephant in the room

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Art direction brings clarity and definition to our work; it helps our work convey a specific message to a particular group of people. “ „

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This is not your aunt’s travel blog...

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...and this is not a pharmacy website.

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Design Research You. Need. It.

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Moodboards Capture the mood of the website

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The purpose of a mood board is to set the tone & style of a design effort, without the distraction of flow and architecture. “ „

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Use whatever suits you OneNote, Curio, Photoshop, LittleSnapper...

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Best-sellers? Stay away. So generic it hurts

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(Plus they all look alike)

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Striking by ThemeForest

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inFocus by ThemeForest

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Display by ThemeForest

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Go stylish minimal But only if you have to

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Dandelion by Themeforest

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Briefed by WooThemes

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Modest by ElegantThemes

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Penelope by cssigniter

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Practical by WPBundle

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Don’t copy. Not too much anyway

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Almost 89,2% of tutorial sites looks like PsdTuts or Smashing Magazine. – Me

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Frankly, it gets boring.

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No more magazines. Especially when you don’t have content

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It will show.

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Delicious Magazine by WooThemes

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Diverse by WPBundle

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Vetee by Themeforest

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Hipstr Tumblr It is popular for a reason

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Slanted by WooThemes

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Nimble by WPBundle

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Auld by WooThemes

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Shelf by The Theme Foundry

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No content

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Recap time! (This is what you should write down)

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Don’t Wordpress look Marketplace best-sellers Magazine themes without content

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Do Design research Minimalism & personality Lean ’n’ mean original themes

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No more of this. Don’t make me spank you.

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Thank you! You’re cool. Zaharenia Atzitzikaki UI designer @sugarenia