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Behavior Driven Development How it can open your eyes 1

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Brilliant Fantastic | | @jwright 2

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Disclaimer It works on my machine 4

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Jeez Not another *DD Process 5

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How do you verify what you are building is the thing that the customer wants? 6

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56% of all bugs can be traced to errors made during the requirements stage -- Tom DeMarco 7

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Minimizing The Feedback Loop 8

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Get Requirements Analyze Design Code Test 9

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Code Test Test Driven Development “Test Eventually” / “Test While” Design 10

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It’s not about testing It’s about design 11

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Inspection to find defects is a waste -- Shingeo Shingo 12

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Inspection to prevent defects is essential -- Shingeo Shingo 13

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Code Test Test Driven Development “Test First” Design 14

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Red > Green > Refactor 15

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Design is a process not a phase 16

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Design Code Test Behavior Driven Development Analyze 17

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Extends TDD 18

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Common Language between developers & customers 19

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Gives You a starting point 20

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Gherkin The Common Language 21

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Feature: In order to As a I want to Feature name / identifier Value proposition Role / Actor Feature description Feature: Add an item to my cart In order to purchase an item As an online shopper I want to place something in my cart to show intent that I plan on purchasing it 22

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Scenario: Given When Then Acceptance criteria Setup (arrange) User action / change occurs (act) Outcome (assert) Scenario: A user without an account can add items to their cart Given I do not have an account And a product exists with name: “Ton-Ton Sleeping bag” When I browse to the product’s detail page And I click “Add to Cart” Then I should be on the cart page And I should have an item in my cart with name: “Ton-Ton Sleeping bag” 23

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Outside-in Development 24

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Write Scenarios 25

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Steps are pending 26

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Write steps definitions 27

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Go down to RSpec 28

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Write code example 29

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Make example pass 30

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Go back up to Cucumber 31

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Make steps pass 32

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Refactor! 33

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Mindsets Not Toolsets 34

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Tools are just tools....using them doesn’t automatically mean you’re doing BDD -- The RSpec Book 35

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Tools for Ruby 36

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RSpec 37

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Cucumber 38

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Friends I got nothing... 39

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Tools for .NET 40

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SpecFlow 41

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Example use case 42

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Backgrounds provided by 44

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A Must Read The RSpec Book: BDD with RSpec, Cucumber, & Friends 45

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Brilliant Fantastic | | @jwright 46