Slide 37
Slide 37 text
First of all, we haven't really spent on any money on marke@ng and word of mouth has
been crucial to Wufoo's popularity. So that being said, we've been able to generate
word of mouth by trying to be remarkable and exceeding customer expecta>ons
wherever possible. I know that isn't really one idea, but by always having a focus on
"wowing" your customer, you start taking that extra step in everything you do. And
taking that li?le step @me acer @me ends up in a product full of areas that your
customers will remark on and talk about.
Three areas in par@cular that we take pride is our simplicity, personality, and customer
support. Another thing we do is send out handwriEen thank you and holiday cards,
and you'd be surprised how much a $1 card can brighten somebody's day.
Chris Campbell