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Power Your Portfolio With WordPress Matt Wiebe @mattwiebe Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Knowledge. Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Knowledge. • Make a Child Theme Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Knowledge. • Make a Child Theme • Make a custom content type Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Knowledge. • Make a Child Theme • Make a custom content type • Add and retrieve meta data Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Knowledge. • Make a Child Theme • Make a custom content type • Add and retrieve meta data • Create a custom content type template Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Child Themes Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Child Themes • Quick • DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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/* Theme Name: My Portfolio Template: twentyeleven */ style.css Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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/* Theme Name: My Portfolio Template: twentyeleven */ style.css Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Parent/Child Terminology Parent | Child Template | Stylesheet Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Parent Theme (Template) Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Child Theme (Stylesheet) Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Child Theme Inheritance • WP looks in the child theme first Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Child Theme Inheritance • WP looks in the child theme first • If a file isn't there, it looks in the parent theme Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Child Theme Inheritance • WP looks in the child theme first • If a file isn't there, it looks in the parent theme • exception: both functions.php files will be loaded Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Child Theme Inheritance • WP looks in the child theme first • If a file isn't there, it looks in the parent theme • exception: both functions.php files will be loaded • functions.php is like your theme's mini-plugin Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Child Themes: ONLY CHANGE WHAT NEEDS CHANGING Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Child Themes: ONLY CHANGE WHAT NEEDS CHANGING OR: Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Let's Code Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Portfolios Need Items add_action('init', 'sd_init'); function sd_init { $args = array(); register_post_type('sd_portfolio', $args); } Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Crash Course in Hooks Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Crash Course in Hooks • The foundation of WP’s plugin system Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Crash Course in Hooks • The foundation of WP’s plugin system • ACTIONS run at various points Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Action Hook Example add_action('wp_head', 'my_wp_head'); function my_wp_head() { // Does something in a theme's header // Maybe echo a Typekit ? } Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Crash Course in Hooks • The foundation of WP’s plugin system • ACTIONS run at various points • FILTERS run and allow you to modify data Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Filter Hook Example add_filter('the_title', 'no_orphans'); function no_orphans($title) { // run an awesome piece of code // ALWAYS return the passed-in filter value return $title; } Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Crash Course in Hooks • The foundation of WP’s plugin system • ACTIONS run at various points • FILTERS run and allow you to modify data • Both connect a hook with a function of your own Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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add_action('init', 'sd_init'); function sd_init { $args = array(); register_post_type('sd_portfolio', $args); } Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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add_action('init', 'sd_init'); function sd_init { $args = array(); register_post_type('sd_portfolio', $args); } Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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add_action('init', 'sd_init'); function sd_init { $args = array(); register_post_type('sd_portfolio', $args); } Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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add_action('init', 'sd_init'); function sd_init { $args = array(); register_post_type('sd_portfolio', $args); } Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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add_action('init', 'sd_init'); function sd_init { $args = array(); register_post_type('sd_portfolio', $args); } Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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$args = array( 'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail') ); register_post_type('sd_portfolio', $args); register_post_type $args Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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$args = array( 'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'portfolio') ); // Sets URL for single Portfolio Item // register_post_type $args Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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$args = array( 'has_archive' => 'portfolio' ); // Sets URL for all portfolio items // register_post_type $args Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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$args = array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => 'Portfolio Items' 'singular_name' => 'Portfolio Item', // more labels can be set ) ); register_post_type $args Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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$args = array( // Show on front end 'public' => true, // Show the admin UI 'show_ui' => true ); register_post_type $args Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Featured Image • AKA thumbnail / post thumbnail • Associate a specific image with a post/page/ portfolio item/whatever • Perfect for a portfolio: show an image for a portfolio item Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Custom Image Sizes // in your functions.php add_image_size('sd_portfolio', 1000, 500, true); // in your theme the_post_thumbnail('sd_portfolio'); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Custom Image Sizes // width add_image_size('sd_portfolio', 1000, 500, true); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Custom Image Sizes // height add_image_size('sd_portfolio', 1000, 500, true); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Custom Image Sizes // crop (optional, false default) add_image_size('sd_portfolio', 1000, 500, true); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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There’s More to a Portfolio Than a Title & an Image Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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More Portfolio Info • Work Done • Agency (if you’re a freelancer) • URL of finished work • Client quote • Other? Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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We'll Make This: Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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This is a rare thing that WordPress does NOT make easy Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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add_meta_box('porfolio-meta', 'Portfolio Metadata', 'sd_portfolio_metabox', 'sd_portfolio', 'normal' ); function sd_portfolio_metabox() { $url = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'live_url', true); ?> Live Site URL:

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Blech. Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Simpler Metaboxes • More Fields Plugin • Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Simpler Metaboxes • More Fields Plugin • • Tribe_Meta_Box class • Not yet released. But awesome. • A few lines of code = no manual metabox labour Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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$meta_fields = array( array( 'name' => 'Live site URL', 'meta' => 'live_url', 'type' => 'text' ) ); // define our box $meta_box = array( 'id' => 'portfolio-meta', 'title' => 'Portfolio Metadata', 'pages' => array('sd_portfolio'), 'fields' => $meta_fields ); // Initialize metabox new Tribe_Meta_Box($meta_box); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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• archive-sd_portfolio.php • 10 most recent portfolio items Theme It. Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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• archive-sd_portfolio.php • 10 most recent portfolio items • single-sd_portfolio.php • a single portfolio item Theme It. Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Loop Refresher while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); // do some HTML + template_tags // title, featured image, metadata... endwhile; Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Single Portfolio Item single-sd_portfolio.php Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Single Portfolio Item single-sd_portfolio.php Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Single Portfolio Item // in loop Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Single Portfolio Item // in loop // featured image the_post_thumbnail('your_image_id'); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Single Portfolio Item // in loop // featured image the_post_thumbnail('your_image_id'); // add_image_size('your_image_id'); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Displaying Metadata // in loop! $live_url = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'live_url', true ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Displaying Metadata // the current post's ID $live_url = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'live_url', true ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Displaying Metadata // the meta key (set previously) $live_url = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'live_url', true ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Displaying Metadata // single piece of metadata // Usually want true (default false) $live_url = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'live_url', true ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Displaying Metadata $live_url = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'live_url', true ); // security FAIL View Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Displaying Metadata $live_url = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'live_url', true ); // security WIN View Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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WP Security 101 1. Never trust any user-submitted data Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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WP Security 101 1. Never trust any user-submitted data Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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1. esc_ is the prefix for WP escaping functions. 2. attr is the contexts. The available contexts are attr, html, js, sql, url, url_raw, and textarea. 3. _e is the optional translation suffix. The available suffixes for 2.8 are __, and _e. If you omit the suffix, no translation is performed, and your string is just returned. Source: (Mark Jaquith) Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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WP Security 101 1. Never trust any user-submitted data 2. Watch Mark Jaquith’s security presentation on Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Portfolio Archive Template archive-sd_portfolio.php Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Portfolio Archive Template • Similar bits to the single portfolio item, but with less detail Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Portfolio Archive Template • Similar bits to the single portfolio item, but with less detail • Add JavaScript for the whooshy bits Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Managing JS the WP Way Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Managing JS the WP Way Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Managing JS the WP Way // Your script name. Useful if you register first // and selectively load later. wp_register_script( 'script-name', 'http://path/to/ script.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'script-name' ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Managing JS the WP Way // URL of JS file. wp_register_script( 'script-name', 'http://path/to/ script.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Managing JS the WP Way // An array of possible dependencies. Optional. wp_register_script( 'script-name', 'http://path/to/ script.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Managing JS the WP Way // Version number of script. Optional. wp_register_script( 'script-name', 'http://path/to/ script.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Managing JS the WP Way // Load in footer. Optional (defaults to false). wp_register_script( 'script-name', 'http://path/to/ script.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Managing JS the WP Way $theme_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/'; wp_register_script( 'flexslider', $theme_url . 'jquery.flexslider-min.js', array('jquery'), '1.2', true ); wp_register_script( 'portfolio-slideshow', $theme_url . 'slideshow.js', array('flexslider'), null, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'portfolio-slideshow' ); Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Review • Made a Child Theme Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Review • Made a Child Theme • Made a custom content type (post_type) Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Review • Made a Child Theme • Made a custom content type (post_type) • Added and retrieved meta data (securely!) Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Review • Made a Child Theme • Made a custom content type (post_type) • Added and retrieved meta data (securely!) • Created a custom content type template Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Review • Made a Child Theme • Made a custom content type (post_type) • Added and retrieved meta data (securely!) • Created a custom content type template • Added JS the WP Way Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Hang Out With WP Nerds Winnipeg WordPress Meetup: Wednesday, 24 August, 11

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Questions? The code: Matt Wiebe @mattwiebe Wednesday, 24 August, 11