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API Design Matters Anthony Eden Monday, September 26, 11

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Why? Monday, September 26, 11 How many of you are write software for a living? How many of you design APIs for a living? If you write software, you design APIs.

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APIs are the product Monday, September 26, 11 Used both internally and externally.

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APIs outlive implementations Monday, September 26, 11 Clients expect APIs to be stable even as implementations change.

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APIs lead everything else Monday, September 26, 11 API helps guide the implementation, both the implementation of the API as well as the implementation of client code.

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Principles Monday, September 26, 11

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Easy to learn Monday, September 26, 11 Principle of least astonishment. Think about naming. Lead by example.

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Produces readable code Monday, September 26, 11 From the client perspective, code that uses an API must be readable. A good API will encourage good client code.

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Easy to extend Monday, September 26, 11 APIs grow with new requirements and should be designed with this in mind. APIs should also be easy to split into smaller APIs.

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Hard to misuse Monday, September 26, 11 Makes it easier to write correct code. Avoids relying on order or side effects.

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Sufficiently powerful Monday, September 26, 11 As small as possible but never smaller. Only implements the functionality required to get the job done. Adding is easy, removing is much more difficult because dependencies are broken.

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Principles v2* * because everyone loves the letter ‘C’ Monday, September 26, 11

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Consistent Monday, September 26, 11 Consistent with existing APIs Consistent naming throughout “Economy of concepts” - introduce new concepts with frugality

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Clear Monday, September 26, 11 Clarity of code. Clarity of intent.

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Convenient Monday, September 26, 11 Easier to use the API than to implement an alternative API. Eschews complexity for usability.

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Concise Monday, September 26, 11 Brief but comprehensive.

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Complete Monday, September 26, 11 Does the job, no more, no less

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Examples Monday, September 26, 11

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Net::HTTP Monday, September 26, 11 Consistent, clear, convenient, concise, complete?

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Net::HTTP.get_print '', '/' Net::HTTP.get_print URI.parse('') Net::HTTP.get ‘’, ‘/’ Net::HTTP.get URI.parse(‘’) Monday, September 26, 11 The difference between get_print is one returns a string and one prints to stdout.

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res = Net::HTTP.start ‘’ do |http| http.get ‘/’ end get(path, initheader = {}, dest = nil) Monday, September 26, 11 initheader is a Hash of request headers “dest argument is obsolete. It still works but you must not use it.” Oh, and by the way...

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“If called with a block, yields each fragment of the entity body in turn as a string as it is read from the socket. Note that in this case, the returned response object will not contain a (meaningful) body.” Monday, September 26, 11 Also...

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In version 1.1, this method might raise an exception for 3xx (redirect). In this case you can get a HTTPResponse object by “anException.response“. Monday, September 26, 11 except...

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In version 1.2, this method never raises exception. Monday, September 26, 11

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Monday, September 26, 11 * get_print (side effects, unnecessary methods, does more than it should) * .start vs. #start (unnecessary methods) * post vs. post2 * D and Proxy (methods using class-naming style) * version_1_1 (side effects, hard to extend) * newobj (unecessary) * exceptions for flow control (raise exceptions for 3xx redirects) * SSL methods (does more than it should) * proxy methods (does more than it should)

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Typheous Monday, September 26, 11 Consistent, clear, convenient, concise, complete?

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request ="") hydra = hydra.queue(request) response = request.response response.body Monday, September 26, 11 or if you need shortcuts...

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response = Typhoeus::Request.get("") response.body Monday, September 26, 11

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response ="", { :params => {:person => {:name => “John”}} }) response.body Monday, September 26, 11

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Faraday Monday, September 26, 11 Consistent, clear, convenient, concise, complete?

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response = Faraday.get("") response.body Monday, September 26, 11

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conn = => '') do |builder| builder.use Faraday::Request::JSON builder.use Faraday::Response::Logger end response = conn.get '/nigiri/sake.json', ‘X-Example’ => ‘foo’ response.body Monday, September 26, 11

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openuri Monday, September 26, 11 The best API is no API open(url) becomes like opening a file

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require ‘open-uri’ open("") do |f| f.each_line { |line| p line } end Monday, September 26, 11

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Monday, September 26, 11 Consistent, clear, convenient, concise, complete.

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Techniques Monday, September 26, 11

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Ask & Think Monday, September 26, 11 Talk to those that need it Know what is required Be the client

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Client first Monday, September 26, 11 Clear and concise requirements Readme driven design Sample client code Tests

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Implementation second Monday, September 26, 11 Favor a clear and concise API with a difficult implementation over allowing the implementation to bleed into the API. This is why we love Ruby!

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Address your audience Monday, September 26, 11 Define APIs at the appropriate level for the type of consumer Domain experts will expect appropriate jargon Non-domain experts will want to avoid being baffled

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Choose good defaults Monday, September 26, 11 But make sure to document them

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Separate API and SPI Monday, September 26, 11 API is the public consumer interface SPI is the public provider interface (and is used for extension)

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Consistent, clear, convenient, concise, complete? Monday, September 26, 11 Ask yourself

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The best API is no API Monday, September 26, 11 Jasmine Blanchette, The Little Manual of API Design

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Things to think about Monday, September 26, 11 If you are a software developer, then you are an API designer. Design with purpose and intent.

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What are other examples of good APIs to learn from? Monday, September 26, 11

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What can we learn from APIs in functional languages? Monday, September 26, 11

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How do you refactor APIs to make them better? Monday, September 26, 11 Keep in mind the challenges of existing API users.

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How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters Joshua Bloch The Little Manual of API Design Jasmin Blanchette Monday, September 26, 11