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From Design to Dynamic Rapid Development with ExpressionEngine

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Hello My Name is Jonathan Longnecker @necker47

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Overview What We’re Covering Today

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The Problem EE Developers Are Too Awesome

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The Problem 15+ Add-Ons for Each Site Using the Same Template Patterns Doing it Over and Over Again

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The Solution EE Sandbox Templating Rapid Build Out Sweet T ricks

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The Old Way How we used to do this

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Find all Addons & Install Go to all the 3rd party developer sites, download install latest versions, configure to liking. The Old Way

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Templates Manually create templates for each major page, use gobal embeds where possible. The Old Way

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Image Placement Confusing mess using the file field plugin. Images had to be manually inserted in templates. The Old Way

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EE Sandbox Get Your Shovels and Buckets

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EE Sandbox Addons LG Addon Updater LG .htaccess Generator LG Add Sitename LG Replace LG TinyMCE SL Developer ImgSizr Word Limit Plus Category Checkboxes Freeform Field Frame nGEN File Structure Edit Dropdown

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Leevi Graham The man EE Sandbox Addons

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LG Addon Updater Let your 3rd party addons check home for updates EE Sandbox Addons

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LG .htaccess Generator Remove index.php and much, much more EE Sandbox Addons

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LG Add SiteName Enable CP admin page title replacements EE Sandbox Addons

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LG Tiny MCE Turn off source formatting, spans and br’s Take out image upload, add blockquote EE Sandbox Addons

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SL Developer Info Get to all your developer information quickly by keeping it in one place EE Sandbox Addons

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Image Sizer Resizes, crops and thumbnails your images intelligently EE Sandbox Addons

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Freeform Make forms using custom fields, create email templates EE Sandbox Addons

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Field Frame Rethink the way you use custom fields EE Sandbox Addons

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nGen File Field A fieldtype for the FieldFrame framework EE Sandbox Addons

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Structure Radically change the way you handle content pages and navigation EE Sandbox Addons

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Structure Manage content weblog with Structure Choose “content” template EE Sandbox Addons

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Template Preferences Turn on revisions Save templates as files EE Sandbox Addons

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Weblog Create a “content” weblog EE Sandbox Setup

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Custom Fields Meta Keywords Meta Description Body (Tiny MCE) Images (FF Matrix) EE Sandbox Setup

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File EE Sweet Trick Title Width Height Align AJ Penninga -

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ImgSizr Create “sized” directory in /images with appropriate permissions EE Sandbox Other Stuff SL Developer Create custom tab Extensions Create custom tab Client Member Group Setup new “editor” group with access to file upoads, Structure, weblogs

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Global Variables HTML Opening HTML Closing jQuery Javascript RSS Links Stylesheets EE Sandbox Global Variables

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EE Sandbox Global Variables html_head

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EE Sandbox Global Variables html_head_end

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EE Sandbox Global Variables rss

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Templates Footer Header Nav Sidebar Content EE Sandbox Templates

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EE Sandbox Templates

Navigation Here

    {exp:structure:nav_main include_ul="no" current_class="current"}

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EE Sandbox Templates

Sidebar Here

{exp:structure:nav_sub css_id="sec-nav" show_overview_link="yes" start_from="/{segment_1}" show_depth="2" } sidebar

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EE Sandbox Templates {html_head} {exp:weblog:entries weblog="content" disable="member_data| pagination|trackbacks"} {/exp:weblog:entries} {exp:structure:titletrail separator="|"} {rss} {stylesheets} {js} {jquery} {html_head_end} content

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No content

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EE Sweet Trick {exp:weblog:entries weblog="content" limit="1" disable="member_data|pagination|trackbacks"} {exp:lg_replace:haystack needles="{images backspace="1"}image_{row_count}|{/images}"} {body} {images} {exp:lg_replace:replacement needle="image_{row_count}"} {exp:imgsizer:size src="{img}" width="{img-width}" height="{img- height}" alt="{img-caption}" class="{img-align}"} {/exp:lg_replace:replacement} {/images} {/exp:lg_replace:haystack} {/exp:weblog:entries} Image Replacement Method

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Entry List what we’ve installed and any special path changes when moving servers. EE Sandbox Install Log

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Moving Servers Moving your sandbox is faster than installing

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Export the Database Export from your sandbox install. Moving Servers

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Import Database Create a new blank database and import. Moving Servers

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Move Files Move all your files to the new server. Moving Servers

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Check Permissions Check permissions against the installation instructions Moving Servers

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Config File Update your new database info in the config.php file. Moving Servers

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Check Paths Change paths all through CP (there’s a lot) Moving Servers

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Chop it Up & Build it Out Live Demo Time

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Thank You! Slides, links and assets available at