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High-Noon Shoot-out Design Simon Collison /

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• Common sense approaches • Designing with fewer restrictions • Creating attractive user experiences • Taking risks • Trying to actually enjoy what we do A campaign for...

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Limitations If it were 1976 there would be a punk revolution

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• Time scale, budget & client vision • Platforms & agents • Research & resources • Accessibility & usability • Content management system

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“Although using tables for layout will normally result in hair loss, after several hours pondering the semantics of the navigation information I decided that it was in fact tabular information.” - Andy Clarke May 11th 2007

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Why does the internet have to be so bloody perfect when other more established media falls so short?

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Hicks Design

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“I like to Use It, Use It...”

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Fight The Power! The hardware and software manufacturers should just learn to work together to deliver standard accessibility features throughout their products and save us from having to worry about every single move we make

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Preserving Visual Design Integrity

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Visual Design is not complex engineering 10

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Design interfaces visually - and don’t be afraid to take risks 09

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Reserve the right to veto the decisions of “technologists” 08

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Think, build and design organically 07

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Don’t pander to personal preferences 06

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Deliver a rich, considered visual experience for all 05

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Be expressive with web typography 04

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Layout decisions are the preserve of the designer 03

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Visual design makes the first impression - respect it! 02

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Build everything with Flash! 01

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Your choice

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Thanks, Comrades! This manifesto will be online at