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Todd Parker & Scott Jehl filament group State of the Framework

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filament group We design engaging sites and applications that are simple to use and accessible to everyone.

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A quick restatement of goals & philosophy How’d we get here?

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The mobile web is massive

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35 Billion Devices on the internet Eric Schmidt DLD Conference 2011 Keynote via

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They aren’t all iPhones...

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July 2011 World Mobile Browsers 4.01 12.3 17.1 18.17 19.95 22.07 Opera iPhone / iPod Touch Android Nokia BlackBerry Netfront

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Tim Berners-Lee July 1996 “Anyone who slaps a ‘this page is best viewed with Browser X’ label on a web page appears to be yearning for the bad old days [...]”

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The goal

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...and work especially well in capable browsers! Make it work everywhere.

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All Platforms 1 codebase

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iOS Android WebOS Blackberry WP7 Meego/Maemo Kindle 2 Nook Playbook Symbian Symbian

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Desktop too.

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Also here.

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Built on standards

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and jQuery core Mobile + Tablet UI Tools + utilities

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Familiar API, CDN delivery jquery.min.js 31kb 10 - 25kb

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Progressive Enhancement

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Don’t break the web. Bookmark / Refresh Friendly URLS History Works Now with PushState!

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Not the OS Design for the brand

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Keep it accessible

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Touch, mouse, keyboard Touch & Mouse Events Mouse Events

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Load only what you need! Modular, Decoupled

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mobile to tablet to desktop One framework that adapts to context

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One. Web.

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without being exclusive. Build rich experiences

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How to build a jQuery Mobile App

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Step 1. Make a regular website

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My Web App body {text-align: center; }

Welcome to my site!


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Step 2. Add jQuery Mobile

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My Web App body { text-align: center; }

Welcome to my Site!


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Set the zoom

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...or something. Step 3 Go shopping

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How the heck?

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Introducing... The Navigation model

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Listen, intercept, handle w/ Ajax products.html

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After that, update the URL History, deep linking, bookmarking

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...or in older browsers Hash works as a fallback

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Linking Pages

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How to link pages
This is a jQuery Mobile link!

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Configuring Transitions This is a jQuery Mobile link!

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Regular forms; Hijax’d Don’t thank us; thank this guy >

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Transitions too!

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“Pages” in the page

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Page container

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Page containers are.... • used to group “pages” in DOM • auto-generated for you • any kind of element you’d like

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...but not in history ...but they can be closed with back button

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Multipage documents

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ID’d sections

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Hello world

...and local anchor links

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Page Sections

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Page child roles header footer content

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Page child roles

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pros / cons •May lend a “native” app feel. •Useful in certain simple UI situations: full-page photo galleries, etc. •Often translate poorly to desktop. •Only feel “native” to iOS users •Uncanny Valley

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  • Products
  • Services
  • About us
  • Contact
A Regular UL

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Basic unordered list

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  • Products
  • Services
  • About us
  • Contact
Basic unordered list

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Basic unordered list

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List with links

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List with links

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Headers, footers

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“Fixed” toolbars

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Form elements

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Navigation Scripting

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Change pages via JS $.mobile.changePage(“about/us.html”);

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...and back window.history.back();

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Submit form data $.mobile.changePage(“handler.php”, { type: "post", data: { "shipping": "Fast!" } });

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$.mobile.loadPage( "about/us.html" ); Load pages via JS

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Page loadPage() from HTML

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Custom Events

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Page Events

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the new domready Introducing pagecreate

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Small code tidbit. $( “.ui-page” ).live( “pagecreate”, function(){ alert( “I’m created!” ); });

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pre-parse the markup here Also: pagebeforecreate

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pagebeforecreate $( “div” ).live( “pagebeforecreate”, function(){ alert( “I’m about to be created!” ); });

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Page Change Events

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All Page Change Events • pagebeforechange • pagebeforeshow • pagebeforehide • pageshow • pagehide • pageremove • pagechange

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Putting it all together

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Alphas 1-3:

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Alpha 4

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vmousedown | vmouseover | vmouseup | vmousemove | vmouseclick Virtualized Events

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Use ‘em like mouse events $( “a.toggleable” ).bind( “vclick”, function(){ $(this) .next() .toggleClass( “hidden” ); });

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$.noConflict() for your HTML Data Attr Namespacing

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Also. • Configurable text strings (i18n) • Updating page titles • No more meta viewport injection

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Beta 1

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Also. • URL bar hidden: iOS + Android • Smoother transitions • Improved URL Handling • Pinch zooming enabled • Auto Back buttons OFF

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Beta 2

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No content

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Widget Decoupling • header/content/footer • collapsible • controlgroup • fieldcontain • fixheaderfooter • button • checkboxradio • select • slider • textinput • links theming • listview • navbar • grid

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Cleaner design

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Page wrapper: optional

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Gradients: More!

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New create event $( markup that contains widgets... ) .appendTo( ".ui-page" ) .trigger( "create" );

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Also. • DOM management • Data-prefetch • autoInitializePage • Configuration improvements

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Beta 3

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iOS5 Overflow & Fixies

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1.0 RC1

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Well, ok.

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Search icon

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API docs

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What’s Next?

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1.0 in weeks

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Theming is hard.

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Basic TR demo movie

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Download Builder in the works! Also!

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Build, Contribute

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Demos & Docs Live dev snapshot Nightlies, Latest

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fork & contribute

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Build your own $ git clone git:// jquery-mobile.git $ cd jquery-mobile $ make 1 2 3

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Thanks core team! • Kin Blas ( Adobe ) • John Bender ( Adobe ) • Ghislain Seguin ( Jive )

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Awesome sponsors are awesome filament group

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Thanks! Questions? @toddmparker @scottjehl