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Parallel Testing World Shota Fukumori (sora_h) at RubyConf 2011

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Hi • I’m from Japan.

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I’m Shota Fukumori A ruby committer.

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Also known as sora_h

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Committer ranking as of today

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Committer ranking as of today me

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Committer ranking as of today me The patch monster (also known as nobu)

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Committer ranking as of today me The patch monster (also known as nobu) Where is matz?

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Committer ranking as of today me The patch monster (also known as nobu) No matz.

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Twitter @sora_h

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Sarah Mei (not me)

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DISCLAIMER • I’ll talk about parallel testing. • My English skill is unknown. • If you want to listen to general news around ruby 1.9.3, I strongly recommend you to move to Room 2. • Room 2 14:10: “Implementation of Ruby 1.9.3 and later” by ko1

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DISCLAIMER • All “Ruby” without any notes in this presentation mean “CRuby” (a.k.a. MRI).

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I missed a schedule of talking at RubyKaigi • 15 minutes left when I ended a talk

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I missed a preparing schedule today • I finished writing today’s presentation file yesterday’s night (10pm).

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Agenda • Why Parallel Testing • Multi-Thread or Multi-Process • test/unit parallelization • How it works • Performance

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Agenda • Why Parallel Testing • Multi-Thread or Multi-Process • test/unit parallelization • How it works • Performance

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Benefits • In most case, tests can run more faster • Faster test → Fast development cycle • In TDD, BDD development • At Ruby, committers have to run `make test-all` before commit to repository. • Faster test make developers happy :-)

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Develop Test Push Deploy With slow test: Implemented!

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Develop Test Push Deploy With slow test: Umm Slow tests....

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Develop Test Push Deploy With slow test: --Break time--

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Develop Test Push Deploy With slow test: Ugh test failed...

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Develop Test Push Deploy With slow test: Fixed!

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Develop Test Push Deploy With slow test: Umm Slow tests....

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Develop Test Push Deploy With slow test: --Break time--

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Develop Test Push Deploy With fast test: Implemented!

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Develop Test Push Deploy With fast test: Um, some test failed...

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Develop Test Push Deploy Fixed! With fast test:

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Develop Test Push Deploy Tests passed, yay! With fast test:

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Benefits • You can fix failure with short time

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Benefits • Q. You should run only few tests (like around the fixed point) at once. • A. Some changes make some failures at another point. In ruby, running all test at each commits is recommended.

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Example • Cookpad: • The most popular cooking recipe sharing site in Japan • 1.8.7 + Rails 2.3

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Example • • Parallel Testing for RSpec

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Example • Before (without parallel_tests): 16 minutes • After (with parallel_tests): 3.5 minutes

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Example • Cookpad wrote a in-house library • rake cookpad:spec:remote

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Example • rake cookpad:spec:remote • 4 servers: • Core i7 (8 threads) + 16GB RAM + SSD • = 32 threads (!)

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Example • rake cookpad:spec:remote • Send local code to remote servers for running test with `rsync` • Run test via ssh. Outputs will be merged

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Example •parallel_tests (at local machine): 3.5 minutes •cookpad:spec:remote : 50 seconds •19.2x faster

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Example • This example is from: • ruby01 Video: • Sorry It’s Japanese...

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Benefits • Faster test, Faster development, Faster deployment.

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Benefits • So, How we can run test faster?

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Benefits • Use high power PC • Parallel running

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Benefits • Use high power PC • Parallel running

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Why parallel testing • Modern machines have a multi (core| thread) • Use multi (core|thread) is the easiest way to run test faster!

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Agenda • Why Parallel Testing • Multi-Thread or Multi-Process • test/unit parallelization • How it works • Performance

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Multi-(thread|process) • Currently Ruby’s `Thread` doesn’t run parallel. • So, running multiple tests using `Thread` class in Ruby doesn’t make sense.

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Multi-`Thread` ? • Ruby’s Thread can’t run multiple threads at once... Time Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 ŋŋŋ Running Thread

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Multi-Process ? • Multi process is good parallelization method at ruby. Time Test 2 Test 1 ŋŋŋ Core A Core B Test 1 Other 1 Other 2 Test 2 ↓Running process on each core Other: other process Test: testing process

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Agenda • Why Parallel Testing • Multi-Thread or Multi-Process • test/unit parallelization • How it works • Performance

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What’s test/unit • Unit testing library that shipped with Ruby • Before 1.9: test/unit doesn’t have any dependencies • After 1.9: test/unit is wrapper of minitest because of compatibility. • test/unit is used for Ruby’s unit testing.

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test/unit parallelization • I wrote a patch that allows test/unit runs multiple tests at once • Because I wanted to make Ruby’s `make test-all` (make target to test ruby) more more faster! :p • Fast is important™

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How it works • I’ll use the following words to describe how it works: • Master: a process that is started first. This Process sends a instruction to workers. • Example: a ruby process that started by `make test-all` • Worker: a process that is started by Master process. This process runs tests.

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How it works 1. Start master process (by like `make test- all`) 2. Master process starts worker processes 3. Master process sends a test file names to worker processes 4. Worker processes read a file that named passed by master process

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How it works 5. Worker processes run a test. 6. Worker processes return a test result to master process. 7. Master process send another test file name to worker process 8. Do from step 4 again.

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How it works • this feature uses stdin/stdout for communication between worker process and master process. • and this feature parallelize each test file. • so you have to separate tests and TestCase if you use this feature.

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How it works Master Worker Worker Test files test_a.rb test_b.rb test_c.rb

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How it works • User starts master process Master Test files test_a.rb test_b.rb test_c.rb

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How it works • Master process starts worker processes using IO.popen Master Worker Worker Test files test_a.rb test_b.rb test_c.rb IO.popen

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How it works • Master process sends file names of tests to worker process Master Worker Worker Test files test_a.rb test_b.rb test_c.rb test_a.rb test_b.rb

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How it works • Worker process reads test file from file system. Master Worker Worker Test files test_a.rb test_b.rb test_c.rb

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How it works • Worker process runs test Master Worker Worker Test files test_c.rb result result

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How it works • Worker process sends result to Master process. master saves results from workers. Master Worker Worker Test files test_c.rb result result

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How it works • Master sends remaining test file name. Master Worker Worker Test files test_c.rb result result test_c.rb

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How it works • Worker process runs next test Master Worker Worker Test files test_c.rb result result

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How it works • If there are no remaining test files, send quit instruction to worker Master Worker Worker Test files result result result Quit

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How it works • If there are no remaining test files, send quit instruction to worker Master Worker Worker Test files result result result Bye

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How it works • If there are no remaining test files, send quit instruction to worker Master Test files result result result

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How it works • If there are any results that contains more than one failure, master will retry in default Master result result result I have a failure!

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How it works • If there are any results that contains more than one failure, it’ll retry by master process in default Master result result test_b.rb Retry

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How it works • If there are any results that contains more than one failure, it’ll retry by master process in default Master result result result There are no failures.

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How it works • Because some tests fail because of parallelization. Master result result result There are no failures.

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How it works • Then merge the results and show to user Master result result result User via STDOUT

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This is • all of a mechanism of this this. • it works well, but...

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In Ruby • some tests don’t consider a parallelization • it can guess (I guessed that) • The issues is: • Tests around network are using same port • Tests are using same directory

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Real World Issues • test/ruby/test_signal.rb • test/ruby/test_process.rb • test/net/test_{http,https}.rb • test/csv/* • tests of rubygems

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test_signal.rb • test around signal handling of ruby. • this test run Kernel#fork to check fork is implemented. • test/unit’s at_exit called each fork. • I fixed test/unit to make be runnable this test. • Patch description: Add a flag to test/unit and interrupt if a flag is true in at_exit.

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test_process.rb • This test modifies STDIN/OUT. • this feature uses STDIN/OUT, so I modified to duplicate STDIN/OUT before run test in worker process.

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test_{http,https}.rb • These tests use same port number in test. • I fixed port number; but a fix is committed before I commit by Yui (nurse).

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test/csv/* • Tests included in this directory use same temporally directory name • All testcases use same directory name and they deletes temporaly directory in `teardown` phase. • So...

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test/csv/* Time test_csv_b.rb test_csv_a.rb Running Tests Test finished. Deleting the dir. Still Running...

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test/csv/* Time test_csv_b.rb test_csv_a.rb Running Tests Deleted! “No such files or directory”

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test/csv/* • Renamed temporary directory names to be unique each tests in test/csv/*.

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test/rubygems/* • Recently they forget writing dependencies of test. • It makes problem at parallel_test. • because... ok, let’s show a example. Note: “dependency” is a file should be required.

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test/rubygems/* • if there are test_a.rb, test_b.rb, and foo.rb. • also test_a.rb and test_b.rb depends on foo.rb. • test_a.rb includes `require ‘foo’`, •but test_b.rb doesn’t.

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test/rubygems/* • When not using parallel testing: Time test_a.rb test_b.rb Running Test foo.rb is required. no errors. require ‘foo’

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test/rubygems/* • When parallel testing: Time test_a.rb test_b.rb Running Tests require ‘foo’ Ugh, foo.rb is not required... Exception ocucred...

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test/rubygems/* • I’m fixing that if I found. • This case can be found in any tests, but I founded only in the rubygems test. • I don’t know why. :p

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test/rubygems/* @rubygems_developers: please merge r33232 (in ruby-repo) or

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Agenda • Why Parallel Testing • Multi-Thread or Multi-Process • test/unit parallelization • How it works • Performance

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Performance • Kenta Murata a.k.a. @mrkn measured and created a performance graphs for me. • He’ll talk at the last session of room 2, about the ruby’s number system. • Thanks!

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Performance • Measured at the following environment: • OS: Mac OS X 10.6.6 • CPU: Intel Core i7 2.66 GHz • (2 cores 4 threads) • Memory: 8GB 1067 MHz DDR3 • Test files is from ruby’s repository

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Performance 0 32.5 65.0 97.5 130.0 single 1 2 3 5 8 13 Elapsed time Seconds worker(s)

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Performance • Without parallelization (“no -j”): 121.49 seconds • Enabled parallelization with 5 workers: 43.41 seconds

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Performance • Without parallelization (“no -j”): 121.49 seconds • Enabled parallelization with 5 workers: 43.41 seconds 2.79x Faster!

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How to use • Separate TestCase-s to multiple file. • Write script to run multiple test file using Test::Unit::AutoRunner. • good example is ruby’s test/runner.rb in ruby’s repository. • Run the script with argument -j N. • Running the script with --help provides more information.

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The patch made me • A committer! • I was very happy then.

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That’s all. Thank you!

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Announcement • Ruby 1.9.3 RC1 has been released! • You can use parallelization by installing this! • Let’s try it and tell us if you found a bug. • More about:

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Any Questions? If I can’t answer to your question because of my English skill, please send tweet to @sora_h or mail me: