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Javascript As A Programming Language domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Javascript As A Programming Language Versioning, Test Driven Development & Continuous Integration IS domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Hello, who’s speaking? domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax domenica 2 ottobre 11

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They said I am a... Frontend Cowboy Nicola Vitto Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax domenica 2 ottobre 11

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They said I am a... Frontend Cowboy Nicola Vitto Javascript Pervert Roberto Felter Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax domenica 2 ottobre 11

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They said I am a... Frontend Cowboy Nicola Vitto Javascript Pervert Roberto Felter Perfect Stranger basically anyone else Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Actually I am: still a Platform Software Developer at Yoox Group, currently in charge of js architecture development Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Actually I am: still a Platform Software Developer at Yoox Group, currently in charge of js architecture development Frontend Meetup organizer with From The Front Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Actually I am: still a Platform Software Developer at Yoox Group, currently in charge of js architecture development Frontend Meetup organizer with From The Front and a javascript pervert Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax domenica 2 ottobre 11

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1. Disclaimer 1. Disclaimer 2. You Need a Strategy 3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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1. Disclaimer 1. Disclaimer 2. You Need a Strategy 3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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DISCLAIMER Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live Martin Golding domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Javascript is not jQuery Let’s say it all together: “Javascript is not jQuery” What do you mean? I mean that Javascript is not just something you find online, cut and paste in a just before the end of the </body> REAL DISCLAIMER domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Not jQuery’s fault jQuery is extremely powerful but...WITH GREAT POWER THERE MUST ALSO COME - - GREAT RESPONSABILITY! * * original sentence from 1962 first spiderman story domenica 2 ottobre 11

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but who cares? as long as interaction is held by: designers that aren’t exactly aware of what they are doing backend developers even worse: they mostly don’t even care about what’s happening clientside as long as everything works The right tool in wrong hands domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Not a “merchant of complexity” we don’t need just to let stuff work we don’t need complexity either we need a strategy to let code be maintainable and reusable domenica 2 ottobre 11

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is it about simplicity? it isn't there’s a lot of people who hides their ignorance behind simplicity Front end developers have to claim their role in development roadmap and business strategy, because... domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Javascript is a serious business domenica 2 ottobre 11

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What's relying on javascript? domenica 2 ottobre 11

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What's relying on javascript? performance ↓ user experience ↓ conversion ↓ money domenica 2 ottobre 11

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What's relying on javascript? domenica 2 ottobre 11

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What's relying on javascript? ajax interaction ↓ less bandwith & server load ↓ less infractucture costs ↓ money domenica 2 ottobre 11

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What's relying on javascript? domenica 2 ottobre 11

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What's relying on javascript? cross platform animation ↓ less tecnologies ↓ less code duplication ↓ money domenica 2 ottobre 11

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1. Disclaimer 2. You Need a Strategy 2. You Need a Strategy 3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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1. Disclaimer 2. You Need a Strategy 2. You Need a Strategy 3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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YOU NEED A STRATEGY What's the use of running if you are not on the right road German proverb domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Why do you need a strategy? you need a strategy because best practices and design patterns are the same in a 4 guys based company as well as in a large corporate. YOU NEED A STRATEGY domenica 2 ottobre 11

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How many people code? It doesn’t really matter if you are working at facebook, soundcloud or by yourself in a small office. domenica 2 ottobre 11

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A real life example Small Web Agency 1 designer, 2 developers and a lot of small website with low maintenance rate. domenica 2 ottobre 11

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a SLIDER’s Story The designer introduces a slider on 5 websites: ”it’s cool on apple store”. The developer gets a jQuery plugin online domenica 2 ottobre 11

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a SLIDER’s Story The designer introduces a slider on 5 websites: ”it’s cool on apple store”. The developer gets a jQuery plugin online Major release of the most used browser. A small fix has been released, they have to change 5 files in 5 different projects. domenica 2 ottobre 11

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a SLIDER’s Story The designer introduces a slider on 5 websites: ”it’s cool on apple store”. The developer gets a jQuery plugin online Major release of the most used browser. A small fix has been released, they have to change 5 files in 5 different projects. Oh damn! There’s no mouse wheel integration! should they ask for support or should they change the library by themself? domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Am I the only one or there’s something wrong? domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Just a spoonful of sugar... manage codebase just in one place continue development without regression use stable versions of our libraries domenica 2 ottobre 11

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1. Disclaimer 3. Continuous Integration 2. You Need a Strategy 3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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1. Disclaimer 3. Continuous Integration 2. You Need a Strategy 3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Continuous Integration A software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently. Each integration is verified by an automated build to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Martin Fowler CI is about the fundamentals. If we don’t focus on the fundamentals we’ll be forced to perform low-level tasks later, usually at the most inconvenient times Paul Duvall, Continuous Integration domenica 2 ottobre 11

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I Build So Consistently domenica 2 ottobre 11

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I Build So Consistently identify domenica 2 ottobre 11

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I Build So Consistently identify build domenica 2 ottobre 11

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I Build So Consistently identify build share domenica 2 ottobre 11

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I Build So Consistently identify build share make it continuous domenica 2 ottobre 11

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How does this fit our needs? domenica 2 ottobre 11

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codebase just in one place setup an isolated repository for reusable libraries share the code through a CI process resolve dependency on websites domenica 2 ottobre 11

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continue development without regression validate the code run tests against errors (both coding and logic) version the shared code against interface changes domenica 2 ottobre 11

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stable versions use a declared semantic versioning use a file system based pattern: //jsRepo/dist/yourscript-1.0.0/yourscript.js //jsRepo/dist/yourscript-1.0.0.js never modify already released versions increase version number instead domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Unit & Functional an overview domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Unit & Functional an overview is it red? is it made to fit well other block? is it a 4x2 block? is the roof red? is there a porch? is there a door? domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Unit vs Functional test cross browser issues test interaction between different libraries control over codebase consistency against external changes execution time test integration domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Test Driven Development domenica 2 ottobre 11

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You will, eventually.. domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Everyone should be happy domenica 2 ottobre 11

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an advice Keep it Simple & Smart Don’t over-engineer it: you will eventually regret every single useless complexity you will introduce domenica 2 ottobre 11

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1. Disclaimer 4. Choose Your Tools 2. You Need a Strategy 3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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1. Disclaimer 4. Choose Your Tools 2. You Need a Strategy 3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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CHOOSE YOUR TOOLS A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies Oscar Wilde domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Another Neat Tool Simply saying the documentation sucks doesn't do any good Larry V. Streepy - Ant Mailing List 06.06.2001 domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Another Neat Tool He was right: 10 years later ANT documentation still sucks but ANT is a solid choice in build automation configuration. Simply saying the documentation sucks doesn't do any good Larry V. Streepy - Ant Mailing List 06.06.2001 domenica 2 ottobre 11

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ANT XML driven: simple and straightforward a standard there are a lot of implementations and plugins every tool in this presentation is easily capable to be used in Ant build process domenica 2 ottobre 11

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ANT - Alternatives It's plenty of valuable Ant alternatives. Choose the one that fits better your needs domenica 2 ottobre 11

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DEPENDENCY RESOLVER Websites: Code Base: UNIT TEST RUNNER domenica 2 ottobre 11

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DEPENDENCY RESOLVER Websites: Code Base: JS TEST DRIVER domenica 2 ottobre 11

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JS Test Driver Js Test Driver is the most complete javascript unit test runner available external api integration jasmine and qunit as well as its own api test report console return and junit compatible report smooth integration both locally and on a build machine domenica 2 ottobre 11

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How does it work? It runs a server opens browsers runs test suites retrieves results on the console creates a report in JUnit format domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Pitfalls? testing asynchronous execution is a mess domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Sinon.js a standalone javascript library with unit test utilities fake server manage server response in order to test ajax interaction fake timer in order to test timeouts, intervals, animation callbacks... spy, stub & mock in order to make advanced assertions on object interaction domenica 2 ottobre 11

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JS Test Driver - Alternatives Env.JS a javascript DOM implementation in javascript engines: it is possible to fake browser execution and run unit tests. Yeti it stands for Yahoo Easy Test Interface and it is a very promising unit test runner, potentially the most suitable alternative. domenica 2 ottobre 11

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DEPENDENCY RESOLVER Websites: Code Base: JS TEST DRIVER domenica 2 ottobre 11

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APACHE IVY Websites: Code Base: JS TEST DRIVER domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Apache Ivy Ivy is a simple, powerful and well documented dependency manager It has a full integration in ANT build system and, again, it’s really simple, especially if you keep a file system based versioning. domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Ivy Alternatives Is there any alternative? I haven’t found anything simple enough to compete with Ivy straightforwardness: other solutions (ie. maven) drove me nuts domenica 2 ottobre 11

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3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 2. You Need a Strategy 1. Disclaimer 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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3. Continuous Integration 4. Choose Your Tools 5. The Environment 2. You Need a Strategy 1. Disclaimer 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild domenica 2 ottobre 11

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THE ENVIRONMENT I like boring things Andy Warhol domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Javascript Repository domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/ dist libs src tools build.xml Javascript Repository domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/ dist libs src tools build.xml Javascript Repository /tools/ jslint JsTestDriver-1.3.1 domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/ dist libs src tools build.xml Javascript Repository /tools/ jslint JsTestDriver-1.3.1 /src/ form-validator slider src slider.js test slider.test.js jsTestDriver.conf version.prop twitter-widget ... domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/libs/ jquery-1.5.1.min.js sinon-1.0.0.js / dist libs src tools build.xml Javascript Repository /tools/ jslint JsTestDriver-1.3.1 /src/ form-validator slider src slider.js test slider.test.js jsTestDriver.conf version.prop twitter-widget ... domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/libs/ jquery-1.5.1.min.js sinon-1.0.0.js / dist libs src tools build.xml Javascript Repository /tools/ jslint JsTestDriver-1.3.1 /src/ form-validator slider src slider.js test slider.test.js jsTestDriver.conf version.prop twitter-widget ... domenica 2 ottobre 11

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basepath: ../.. server: load: - libs/sinon-1.0.0.js - libs/jquery-1.5.1.min.js - src/slider/src/slider.js - src/slider/test/slider.test.js JsTestDriver.conf domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Let's code domenica 2 ottobre 11

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var test = new TestCase("Slider.test", { setUp: function(){ }, tearDown: function(){ } }); Test Code var slider; domenica 2 ottobre 11

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var test = new TestCase("Slider.test", { setUp: function(){ /*:DOC +=
*/ }, tearDown: function(){ } }); Test Code var slider; domenica 2 ottobre 11

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var test = new TestCase("Slider.test", { setUp: function(){ /*:DOC +=
*/ }, tearDown: function(){ } }); Test Code var slider; testSliderIsAPlugin: function(){ var test = function(){ $("slidable").slider(); }; assertNoException(test); }, domenica 2 ottobre 11

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JS Test Driver in action domenica 2 ottobre 11

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var test = new TestCase("Slider.test", { setUp: function(){ /*:DOC +=
*/ }, tearDown: function(){ } }); Test Code var slider; testSliderIsAPlugin: function(){ var test = function(){ $("slidable").slider(); }; assertNoException(test); }, domenica 2 ottobre 11

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var test = new TestCase("Slider.test", { setUp: function(){ /*:DOC +=
*/ }, tearDown: function(){ } }); Test Code (function($){ $.fn.slider = function(){}; }(jQuery)); testSliderIsAPlugin: function(){ var test = function(){ $("slidable").slider(); }; assertNoException(test); }, domenica 2 ottobre 11

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JS Test Driver in action domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/libs/ jquery-1.5.1.min.js sinon-1.0.0.js / dist libs src tools build.xml Javascript Repository /tools/ jslint JsTestDriver-1.3.1 /src/ form-validator slider src slider.js test slider.test.js jsTestDriver.conf version.prop twitter-widget ... domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/libs/ jquery-1.5.1.min.js sinon-1.0.0.js / dist libs src tools build.xml Javascript Repository /tools/ jslint JsTestDriver-1.3.1 /dist/ form-validator-1.0.0 form-validator-1.1.0 slider-1.0.0 slider.min.js twitter-widget-1.0.0 twitter-widget-1.0.1 twitter-widget-2.0.0 ... /src/ form-validator slider src slider.js test slider.test.js jsTestDriver.conf version.prop twitter-widget ... domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Test Ajax Call var test = new TestCase("mylib.test", { testAjaxCallSuccess: function(){ var server = sinon.useFakeServer(); server.respondWith("GET", "/some/article/comments.json", [200, {"Content-Type":"application/json"}, '[{ id:12, comment:"Hello"}]']); var callback = sinon.spy(); myLib.getCommentsFor("/some/article", callback); server.respond(); assert(callback.calledWith([{ id:12, comment:"Hello"}])); server.restore(); } }); domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Test Ajax Timeout var test = new TestCase("mylib.test", { testAjaxCallTimeout: function(){ var server = sinon.useFakeServer(); server.respondWith("GET", "/some/article/comments.json", [200, {"Content-Type":"application/json"}, '[{ id:12, comment:"Hello"}]']); var timeoutCallback = sinon.spy(); var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); myLib.getCommentsFor("/some/article", function(){}, {onTimeout: timeoutCallback, timeout:2500}); clock.tick(2500); assert(timeoutCallback.called()); server.restore(); } }); domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Website Solution domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/ css img inc scripts .htaccess index.php Website Solution domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/scripts/ public src tools apache-ivy-2.2.0 yui-compressor-2.4.6 ivy-settings.xml mywebapp.xml ivy.xml / css img inc scripts .htaccess index.php Website Solution domenica 2 ottobre 11

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/scripts/ public src tools apache-ivy-2.2.0 yui-compressor-2.4.6 ivy-settings.xml mywebapp.xml ivy.xml / css img inc scripts .htaccess index.php Website Solution domenica 2 ottobre 11

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! ! domenica 2 ottobre 11

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! ! domenica 2 ottobre 11

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ivy.xml domenica 2 ottobre 11

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ivy.xml domenica 2 ottobre 11

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6. In The Wild 1. Disclaimer 2. You Need a Strategy 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild 4. Choose Your Tools 3. Continuous Integration domenica 2 ottobre 11

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6. In The Wild 1. Disclaimer 2. You Need a Strategy 5. The Environment 6. In The Wild 4. Choose Your Tools 3. Continuous Integration domenica 2 ottobre 11

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IN THE WILD In the wild, there is no health care. Dwight Schrute (the office) domenica 2 ottobre 11

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so? what is it about? control & knowledge domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Inversion of control freakness I am not a control freak. Gain control and then leave to the machine the responsibility to check everything; focus on knowledge. 1) Inspired (and I mean copied) by - Inversion of Control Freak: Dependency Injection, Domain-Driven Design, Test-Driven Development techniques 2) actually I am 1 2 domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Javascript had several springs buzzwords: DHTML before and Ajax after big frameworks: from Prototype+Scriptaculous to jQuery future: HTML5 LOOKING FORWARD domenica 2 ottobre 11

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Javascript had several springs buzzwords: DHTML before and Ajax after big frameworks: from Prototype+Scriptaculous to jQuery future: HTML5 LOOKING FORWARD domenica 2 ottobre 11

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on browser Javascript had several springs buzzwords: DHTML before and Ajax after big frameworks: from Prototype+Scriptaculous to jQuery future: HTML5 LOOKING FORWARD domenica 2 ottobre 11

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on browser then there’s a brand new world on server: node.js, noSQL databases (couchdb, mongodb..) Javascript had several springs buzzwords: DHTML before and Ajax after big frameworks: from Prototype+Scriptaculous to jQuery future: HTML5 LOOKING FORWARD domenica 2 ottobre 11

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the further we look at, the more control we need LOOKING FORWARD domenica 2 ottobre 11

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the further we look at, the more control we need LOOKING FORWARD domenica 2 ottobre 11

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the further we look at, the more control we need LOOKING FORWARD javascript is a programming language domenica 2 ottobre 11

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the further we look at, the more control we need LOOKING FORWARD javascript is a programming language javascript is a serious business. domenica 2 ottobre 11

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the further we look at, the more control we need LOOKING FORWARD javascript is a programming language javascript is a serious business. and, most of all... domenica 2 ottobre 11

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javascript kicks asses domenica 2 ottobre 11

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javascript is money domenica 2 ottobre 11

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One last word.. domenica 2 ottobre 11

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domenica 2 ottobre 11