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Remember The User! Improving usability and accessibility in learning!

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Bored Some rights reserved by scragz

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Angry Some rights reserved by kalavinka

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So, Don’t Do This

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Happy Some rights reserved by orangeacid

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Usability “Usability is the ease of use and learnability of a human-made object.” - Wikipedia

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Usability is Anything - BJ “Usability applies to job aids, performance support tools, learning 2.0 tools, and pretty much anything else we introduce to our learners.”! - BJ Schone!

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Usability Testing - Nielsen! “The best results come from testing no more than 5 users and running as many small tests as you can afford.”! - Jakob Nielsen!

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How To Test “Setting up a usability test involves carefully creating a scenario, or realistic situation, wherein the person performs a list of tasks using the product being tested while observers watch and take notes.”! - Wikipedia!

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Accessibility “Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible.” - Wikipedia

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Accessibility! “It is imperative that deaf individuals have equal access to all the same information as their hearing peers.”! - Michelle McCannon!

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Color Blindness! “99% of all colorblind people are not really color blind but color deficient; the term color blindness is misleading.”! - 50 Facts About Color Blindness

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Cool Tools! Color Blindness Simulator Color Scheme Designer! ! Crazy Egg! ! GrayBit Test of DevLearn Site!

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Tips: Hearing Impaired! •  Provide volume controls for audio tracks! •  Provide all auditory information visually! •  Avoid audio queues!

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Tips: Blindness! •  Use descriptive text for images and media! •  Logical and consistent naming for controls, visible or not! •  Consistent and predictable screen layouts and order! •  Allow for keyboard navigation for all course elements! •  Avoid tooltips or mouse over effects!

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Tips: Low Vision/Color Blindness! •  Increase contrast between background and text! •  Make color a secondary means of conveying information! •  Ensure the content works on monochrome screen!

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Not a Checkbox

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What About the Interface? “The ways you employ graphics, sequence tasks, display information, use animation, provide controls for that animation, or combine narration with that animation can determine how well users will learn.”! - UX Mag!

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Questions and Discussion!

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Links and Resources! Usability!!!!! Do FAQs Improve Usability?! Usable Learning! eLearning Weekly! ! Accessibility!!!!!! ! ! ! !

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Continue the discussion…! ! @briandusablon! !! !! ! [email protected]!