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In which I attempt to answer the questions: What's my career? What do I love about it? Pamela Fox: MAKER @pamelafox [email protected]

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What's my career? ..."my usual occupation"... ENGINEER? DEVELOPER? MAKER!

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The early years ...before computers... Volcanoes Play-doh Rock-tumbling

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Discovering computers was inevitable, really.. PCs Macs Laptops

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Making stuff with computers was inevitable, really.. Invites Calendars ...Menus, Class signs, Cartoons

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My first website's the thought that counts..

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My first program ..who needs fireworks when you have Perl?.. Dec. 31, 1997

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The programming continues... ..and I get a boyfriend!...

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The power of programming ..the world is your oyster/audience/userbase... vs.

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5 years of Computer Science ..with a few minors tossed in... 3D Facial Animation Websites Linguistics

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The modern renaissance (wo)man ..daVinci would have been a programmer...

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Discovering the joy of teaching ..a logical conclusion of making... High School: Computer Camp Counselor Undergrad: Workshop Instructor Grad School: Teaching Assistant

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5 years of "Developer Relations" ..the perfect marriage of making & teaching?... Google Maps APIs Google Wave APIs Writing, Speaking, Coding

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Now: Making it on my own ..until I run out of savings, at least... Fun & games Learning tools Self-improvement apps

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Calling all makers! 1. Make a website 2. Try programming 3. Consider CS for college