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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny The Future of Collaboration by Daniel Greenfeld

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Who am I? Daniel Greenfeld (@pydanny) Cartwheel Web / Revsys Fiancé of Audrey Roy

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Mark Pilgrim is Gone

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Mark Pilgrim • feedparser • conbtributed to httplib2 • Dive into Python • Dive into HTML5

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Mark’s Projects? • What is the copyright on his material? • What about his code?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny httplib2 • Mark wasn’t lead, but outage anyway... • PyPI? • was down • Had to find a cached download •A lot of libraries depend on httplib2

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny PyPI Issues? • Packages are too easily deleted • Dependency checks for that package • Request a project hand-off? • Other projects need to be notified • RSS feed of these things • Needs moderation but PyPI busy

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Repeating History? • http://pypants(.com|.org|.net) is gone • is here today

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Repeating History? • django-piston • •

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny A Dark Future

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Critical Packages Breakdown • A number of critical Python Packages vanish • Various build scripts fail • Replace from caches/backups •Domain Knowledge is gone Dark Future

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Repercussions • Annoyance • Ability for Python to move forward HALTS • Social Issues Dark Future

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Not the Future

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny • Legacy code tries to install legacy packages • Various build scripts fail • Replace from caches/backups MAYBE! •Domain Knowledge is gone TODAY

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Library of Alexandria

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Stuff we make today Is legacy within 5 years

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Trust Issues

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Lack of trust makes collaboration hard

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny No collaboration causes the NIH plague

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Repercussions TODAY • Annoyance • Ability for Python to move forward HALTS • Social issues

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Solution? Sponsorships!

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Sponsorships • Individual, Corporate, Academic, GSOC • Advance an open source project forward!

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Sponsorships • Python core • Django • Plone • Twisted • Read the Docs (PSF) • WebOb (PSF) Tons more I’m missing!

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Problems • Application process • Seems focused on short-term development • Interns often produce unusable code • Ongoing maintenance?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Critical Packages Breakdown • Legacy code tries to install legacy packages • Various build scripts fail • Replace from caches/backups MAYBE! •Domain Knowledge is gone N O C H AN G ES

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Repercussions • Annoyance • Ability for Python to move forward HALTS • Social issues N O C H AN G ES

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Same as before

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Still have Trust Issues

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Why should I collaborate with you?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Future still looks dark

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny So now what?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Solution? Community Managers

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Community Managers • David Eaves DjangoCon 2011 Keynote • • Makes sure packages are maintained!

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Problems • Need core/senior developers • They are already busy • Who assigns authority?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Solution Reconsidered PSF Paid Community Manager • Reasonable pay • Works with PyPI team to do package curation • Helps project leads if they need to hand off • Broadcasts so the community knows about it

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Solution Reconsidered PSF Paid Community Manager • Performance reviews • Term limits • Great resume material • Volunteers have different priorities

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Increase of Trust

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny This makes collaboration easier

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny The Brighter Future

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Critical Packages Breakdown • A number of critical Python Packages vanish • Various build scripts fail • Replace from caches/backups •Domain Knowledge is gone Today

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Critical Packages Breakdown • A number of critical Python Packages vanish • Various build scripts continue •Domain Knowledge is at risk Future

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Repercussions • Annoyance • Ability for Python to move forward HALTS • Social Issues Today

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Repercussions • Annoyance • Ability for Python to move forward slows • Mitigated Social Issues Future

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Precedents • Ubuntu Community Manager • Isn’t there a Fedora Community Manager? • Twilio Community Managers

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny But...

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny I want more

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny More reasons to trust

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny More incentives to collaborate

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny More reasons to give code back

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Question: How do we keep the projects that do this operating?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Call to Action

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Proposal: PSF Project Incubation

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny The Idea Part I The PSF provides seed money to open source projects that can provide a return of investment on these items: • Tangible benefit to the Python community • Money via a viable business model

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny The Idea Part II • Choose from participants in coding contests • Django Dash & other unborn contests • PSF offers YC-style seed funding • Marketing: Blog posts, PyCon booths, • Lets them go to do their thing What the PSF Board / Community does:

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny The Idea Part III • Deliverable open source code • Something that makes the Python world better • PSF is an investor so dividends come back What the incubatee provides:

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny What this isn’t • Covering < $100 monthly hosting • Throwing money at things without a self- supporting business model • For part-timers - It’s all or nothing

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny If I were rich I would do this right now

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Example Projects Real World

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny • Winner of this year’s Django Dash • I want this for all of Python • Will it be maintained? • Will it go the way of PyPants?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny • Winner of this year’s Django Dash • I want this for Python • API/Syndication? (Open Comparison) •Will it be maintained? •Will it go the way of PyPants?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Pay to analyze privately Business Model (Great for client projects!)

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Easy linting increases Trust

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Collaborate with high lint rated projects!

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny • Placed in the 2010 Django Dash • • •

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny A measurable benchmark!

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Documentation increases Trust

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Documentation increases Trust Trust increases Collaboration

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Can it do more? • Support other markup languages?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Business Model Pay for private doc hosting?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny • A place to freeze your Python dependencies • Let’s PyPI focus on what it does best - Indexing • Provides additional security • Fetch packages any way you want • Not yet launched. ☹ Developer paying the bills?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny • PyPI is still the canonical source • Less need for Paid Community manager • Will probably archive all legacy packages Possible Advantages (Except ones flagged for critical things like security) • OMG CAN WE HAVE THIS PLEASE?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Dependability increases Trust Trust increases Collaboration

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny • PSF should incubate this project • Open source it? • + Lowers the bus factor • - Easy launch of copy versions of site • - Does it become harder to earn profit? • + Once launched, SLA is key

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny PyPI

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny PyPI • Launched before the days of OS X • The canonical source for Python packages • Focusing hard on just Indexing

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Business Model Pay for a PyPI Appliance?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Dependability increases Trust Trust increases Collaboration

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny • Competed in Django Dash 2010 • More sites coming soon! • Plone • Flask • Python! • A year of expansion and code cleanup

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Largest sprint group at PyCon 2011!

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Many good people Most downloads Maintained? Much recent work

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Many good people Most downloads Maintained? Much recent work Django Social Auth is my current registration preference

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Metrics increase Trust Trust increases Collaboration

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny • More OAUTH and OpenID Support • Improved search • Language neutral to support other tools • Better caching • Additional RSS feeds • Give us more hard metrics please! I — Open Comparison

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Business Model ???

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Business Model • Consulting for Open Comparison • Enterprise Support? • Ideas anyone?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Results?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Self-sustaining Python ecosystem

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Critical Packages Breakdown • A number of critical Python Packages vanish • Various build scripts fail • Replace from caches/backups •Domain Knowledge is gone Today

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Critical Packages Breakdown • A number of critical Python Packages don’t vanish • Various build scripts continue •Domain Knowledge remains Future

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Repercussions • Annoyance • Ability for Python to move forward HALTS • Social Issues Today

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Repercussions • Complacency about stability of ecosystem • Ability for Python to move forward continues • What Social Issues? Future

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny The Future?

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny The Ideas • Paid Community Manager • PSF project incubation

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Shoot them down!

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Paid Community Manager • If the PSF doesn’t do it, there is already PyPI • Maybe the PSF shouldn’t be involved • Ubuntu didn’t debate the position

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny PSF Project Incubation This is not cheap! At least $15K per incubation

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny PSF Project Incubation This is not cheap! At least $15K per incubation Problem

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny PSF Project Incubation • Already exist, just not with the PSF • How much produced code comes out? • Imagine the energy of a start-up giving back! • Is happening already so PSF ought to profit...

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Thanks Github!

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Daniel Greenfeld @pydanny Questions?