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• Friday, October 7, 11

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Testing Web APIs with Ruby and Cucumber Anthony Eden Friday, October 7, 11

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As a developer In order to build rock-solid web APIs I will test like a boss Friday, October 7, 11

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Like a Boss Friday, October 7, 11

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Why Cucumber? Friday, October 7, 11

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Show me the Money Friday, October 7, 11

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Feature: create a card As an API client In order to add a person to the address book I can create a card Friday, October 7, 11

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Scenario: Given I send and accept JSON When I send a POST request to "/cards" with the following: ... Then the response status should be "201" And the response body should be a JSON representation of the Card Friday, October 7, 11

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Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole Friday, October 7, 11

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Scenario: Given I send and accept JSON When I send a POST request to "/cards" with the following: """ { "first_name":"Anthony", "last_name":"Eden", "display_name":"Anthony Eden", "emails":[ { "address_type":"personal", "address":"" }, { "address_type":"work", "address":"" } ] } """ Then the response status should be "201" And the response body should be a JSON representation of the Card Friday, October 7, 11

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Given I send and accept JSON Friday, October 7, 11

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Given /^I send and accept JSON$/ do header 'Accept', 'application/json' header 'Content-Type', 'application/json' end Friday, October 7, 11

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When I send a POST request to "/cards" with the following: Friday, October 7, 11

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When /^I send a POST request to "([^\"]*)" with the following:$/ do |path, body| post path, body end Friday, October 7, 11

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Then the response status should be "201" Friday, October 7, 11

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Then /^the response status should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |status| last_response.status.should eq(status.to_i) end Friday, October 7, 11

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Then /^the response status should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |status| begin last_response.status.should eq(status.to_i) rescue RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => e puts "Response body:" puts last_response.body raise e end end Friday, October 7, 11

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And the response body should be a JSON representation of the Card Friday, October 7, 11

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Then /^the response body should be a JSON representation of the (\w+)$/ do |model| last_response.body.should eq(model.constantize.last.to_json) end Friday, October 7, 11

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Storing a bit of state (like a client app) Friday, October 7, 11

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Given I have created a card And I store the card id to use it in a future API call When I send a GET request to "/cards/{{id}}" Friday, October 7, 11

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Given /^I store the card id to use it in a future API call$/ do @id = end Friday, October 7, 11

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When I send a GET request to "/cards/{{id}}" Friday, October 7, 11

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When /^I send a GET request to "([^"]*)"$/ do |path| path = Mustache.render(path, {:id => @id}) get path end Friday, October 7, 11

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When /^I send a GET request to "([^"]*)" with the last (\w+) id$/ do |path, model| id = path = Mustache.render(path, {:id => id}) get path end Friday, October 7, 11

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Verification of Response Data Friday, October 7, 11

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Then /^the first name in the JSON representation of the card should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |first_name| json = JSON.parse(last_response.body) match = JSONSelect('.first_name').match(json) match.should eq(first_name) end Friday, October 7, 11

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What about our old friend, XML? Friday, October 7, 11

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Scenario: create a card with XML Given I send and accept XML When I send a POST request to "/cards" with the following: """ Anthony Eden Anthony Eden """ Then the response status should be "201" And the response body should be an XML representation of the Card Friday, October 7, 11

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Given /^I send and accept XML$/ do header 'Accept', 'text/xml' header 'Content-Type', 'text/xml' end Friday, October 7, 11

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Then /^the response body should be an XML representation of the (\w+)$/ do |model| last_response.body.should eq(model.constantize.last.to_xml) end Friday, October 7, 11

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The Setup Friday, October 7, 11

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Rails Friday, October 7, 11

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gem 'rspec' gem 'cucumber-rails' gem 'database_cleaner' gem 'mustache' gem 'json_select' Friday, October 7, 11

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Sinatra Friday, October 7, 11

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env.rb Friday, October 7, 11

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class AddressBookWorld include RSpec::Expectations include RSpec::Matchers include Rack::Test::Methods def app Sinatra::Application end end Friday, October 7, 11

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class String def constantize split('::').inject(Object) { |memo,name| memo = memo.const_get(name); memo } end end Friday, October 7, 11

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The Versioning Debate Friday, October 7, 11

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/v1/cards Friday, October 7, 11

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Accept: application/vnd.myapp+json; version=1 Friday, October 7, 11

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No Versioning Friday, October 7, 11

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HATEOAS Friday, October 7, 11

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"links": [ { "rel": "addresses", "uri": "/cards/1/addresses" }, { "rel": "self", "uri": "/cards/1" } ] Friday, October 7, 11

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Friday, October 7, 11

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RSpec for Integration Friday, October 7, 11

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require 'spec_helper' describe "create card" do context "through the API" do let(:headers) do { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/json', 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json' } end let(:body) do { "first_name" => "Anthony", "last_name" => "Eden", "display_name" => "Anthony Eden", } end it "creates a card" do post '/cards', body.to_json, headers response.status.should eq(201) response.body.should eq(Card.last.to_json) end end end Friday, October 7, 11

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it "creates a card" do post '/cards', body.to_json, headers response.status.should eq(201) response.body.should eq(Card.last.to_json) end Friday, October 7, 11

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The Future of Web Applications Friday, October 7, 11

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Things to Think About Friday, October 7, 11

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How would building services as only APIs affect your choice of tools and techniques? Friday, October 7, 11

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Are there programming languages that would be better suited to API-only services? Friday, October 7, 11

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What other protocols are useful for building API-only services? Friday, October 7, 11

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Fuzz test your beliefs Friday, October 7, 11

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Friday, October 7, 11

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Friday, October 7, 11

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Blog: Twitter: @aeden Friday, October 7, 11