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Ordered List John Nunemaker MongoChi 2011 October 18, 2011 MongoDB for Analytics A loving conversation with @jnunemaker

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Background As presented through interpretive dance

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No content

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No content

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No content

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~1 month Of evenings and weekends

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~4 dog years Since public launch

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~6 tiny servers 2 web, 2 app, 2 db

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~1-2 Million Page views per day

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No content

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No content

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Implementation Imma show you how we do what we do baby

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Doing It Live No aggregate querying

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get('/track.gif') do Hit.record(...) TrackGif end

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class Hit def record site.atomic_update(site_updates) Resolution.record(self) Technology.record(self) Location.record(self) Referrer.record(self) Content.record(self) Search.record(self) Notification.record(self) View.record(self) end end

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class Resolution def record(hit) query = {'_id' => "..."} update = {'$inc' => {}} update['$inc']["sx.#{hit.screenx}"] = 1 update['$inc']["bx.#{hit.browserx}"] = 1 update['$inc']["by.#{hit.browsery}"] = 1 collection(hit.created_on) .update(query, update, :upsert => true) end end end

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Pros Space

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Pros Space RAM

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Pros Space RAM Reads

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Pros Space RAM Reads Live

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Cons Writes

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Cons Writes Constraints

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Cons Writes Constraints More Forethought

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Cons Writes Constraints More Forethought No raw data

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Time Frame Minute, hour, month, day, year, forever?

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# of Variations One document vs many

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Single Document Per Time Frame

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No content

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{ "t" => 336381, "u" => 158951, "2011" => { "02" => { "18" => { "t" => 9, "u" => 6 } } } }

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{ '$inc' => { 't' => 1, 'u' => 1, '2011.02.18.t' => 1, '2011.02.18.u' => 1, } }

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Single Document For all ranges in time frame

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No content

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{ "_id" =>"...:10", "bx" => { "320" => 85, "480" => 318, "800" => 1938, "1024" => 5033, "1280" => 6288, "1440" => 2323, "1600" => 3817, "2000" => 137 }, "by" => { "480" => 2205, "600" => 7359,

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"600" => 7359, "768" => 4515, "900" => 3833, "1024" => 2026 }, "sx" => { "320" => 191, "480" => 179, "800" => 195, "1024" => 1059, "1280" => 5861, "1440" => 3533, "1600" => 7675, "2000" => 1279 } }

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{ '$inc' => { 'sx.1440' => 1, 'bx.1280' => 1, 'by.768' => 1, } }

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Many Documents Search terms, content, referrers...

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No content

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[ { "_id" => ":", "t" => "ruby class variables", "sid" => BSON::ObjectId(''), "v" => 352 }, { "_id" => ":", "t" => "ruby unless", "sid" => BSON::ObjectId(''), "v" => 347 }, ]

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Writes {'_id' => "#{site_id}:#{hash}"}

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Reads [['sid', 1], ['v', -1]]

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Growth The best laid plans of mice and men

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Partition Hot Data Currently using collections for time frames

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Bigger, Faster Server More CPU, RAM, Disk Space

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Users Sites Content Referrers Terms Engines Resolutions Locations Users Sites Content Referrers Terms Engines Resolutions Locations

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Partition by Function Spread writes across a few servers

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Users Sites Content Referrers Terms Engines Resolutions Locations

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Partition by Server Spread writes across a ton of servers, way down the road, not worried yet

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Ordered List Thank you! [email protected] John Nunemaker MongoChi 2011 October 18, 2011 @jnunemaker