25th April, 2019
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Introduce the Everyleaf training program.
How we use this.
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The Rails Training Program of
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Made by Everyleaf(株式会社万葉)
Famous Ruby consultanting company in JP.
First introduced to the public in RubyWorld
Conference 2017 by Yasuko Ohba (@nay3)
For training new programmer employees.
The Rails Training Program of
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In Japanese!
No code!
Step by step guide from build to deploy a todo-
list application in Rails.
23 Regular and 10 optional steps.
What included?
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1-6:Setup the environment.
7-12:Create Task model and Unit Test.
13:First time deploying to Heroku.
14-16:Make basic CRUD controller of Task.
17:Add Pagination(Kaminari)
Regular Steps
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18:Add Bootstrap.
19:User model.
20:Sign up / in / out(w/o Device).
21:User management.
22:User role.
23:Add Tag of Task(Handmade).
Regular Steps
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Disclaimer: The following pages
about how Everyleaf use the guide
might include my personal POV.
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As an OJT (On Job Training) for newbie junior
Newbies have to finish this guide before joining
the regular projects.
Each newbie has his/her own employee mentor.
Newbie has to send a pull request for each step.
How is Everyleaf used?
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Ensure newbies has minimal level of skills
Justify the acknowledgement of technical
stacks with newbies.
Avoid risk of putting newbies straight into
regular projects.
The goals of this program!
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Chinese version translated by @jodeci.
A little change is made.
Additional Front-End version(React).
What did we do?
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OJT for intern and newbie colleagues.
Assignment for applicants.
How we use it.
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Adopted in 2018 summer.
Just as what Everyleaf does.
Finish rate: 100%(4 of 4 backend interns).
Has to finish before joining commercial project.
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Assignment for Applicants
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1.Applicants submit resume.
2.Resume Review.
3.If more than 2 were selected, then send the
assignment instruction.
4.Ask applicant how many steps can they
accomplish in 2 weeks.
Recruitment Flow
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5.The applicant starts working on the assignment.
6.The applicant notifies us to book time for regular
interview once they are finished.
7.Feedback & Code Review during interview.
Recruitment Flow
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Find code snippets of“bad smell”.
Keep asking “Why do you use this approach?”
Reaction is important to see his/her personality.
Review Process
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1.Stack Overflow Programer
2.No test
3.Foul play(ex: Devise or acts-as-taggable-on)
4.Plain password
5.API credential in code
6.Fat Controller
Common Mistakes
It’s not easy to get people to send resume.
To be able to tell is even more difficult.
The journey to solution matters more.
Thanks for Everyleaf!