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Introduction to Git & Gerrit at the London JUG by Matthew McCullough and Alex Blewitt

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Matthew McCullough @matthewmccull

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“Cool kids” version control system

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Open Source

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bash scripts ☛ C code

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I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First Linux, now git. -Linus Torvalds “ ”

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➡How to commit, branch and tag ➡How Git implements a new commit-referencing syntax ➡How to pull and push changes between repositories ➡How to set up a Git repository

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➡How to set up a Git repository

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No daemon

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No special repo area

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> cd myproj > git init Initialized empty Git repository in /stuff/myproj/.git/

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➡How to commit, branch and tag ➡How Git implements a new commit-referencing syntax ➡How to pull and push changes between repositories ➡How to set up a Git repository

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➡How to commit, branch and tag

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The three basics

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➡How to commit

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> git add

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> git status # On branch master # Initial commit # Changes to be committed: # (use "git rm --cached ..." to unstage) # new file: myfile.txt

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> git commit -m”” [master (root-commit) 498cc44] My first commit 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 myfile.txt

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Local Branches Remote Branches Upstream Branches Working Copy commit

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➡How to branch

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> git branch

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Local Branches Remote Branches Upstream Branches Working Copy

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> git checkout Switched to branch 'mybranch'

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Local Branches Remote Branches Upstream Branches Working Copy

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➡How to tag

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> git tag -a -m””

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➡How to commit, branch and tag ➡How Git implements a new commit-referencing syntax ➡How to pull and push changes between repositories ➡How to set up a Git repository

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➡How Git implements a new commit-referencing syntax

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This is a test

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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> git log commit 0fc27c73dea82a0576c6cf262fb517d24e75a223 Author: Matthew McCullough Date: Mon Oct 24 10:42:20 2013 +0300 Performance enhancement of calc engine commit 7d946e814233814b1780ed1035da271cbb37206d Author: Matthew McCullough Date: Mon Oct 24 12:59:41 2013 +0300 Translation to Esperanto

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➡How to commit, branch and tag ➡How Git implements a new commit-referencing syntax ➡How to pull and push changes between repositories ➡How to set up a Git repository

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➡How to pull and push changes between repositories

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> git clone Cloning into myproj... remote: Counting objects: 3871, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (73/73), done. remote: Total 3871 (delta 51), reused 3853 (delta 36) Receiving objects: 100% (3871/3871), 297.88 KiB | 35 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (51/51), done. > cd myproj

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Local Branches Remote Branches Upstream Branches Working Copy clone clone clone

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> git push Counting objects: 16, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done. Writing objects: 100% (15/15), 1.37 KiB, done. Total 15 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0) To 6128b94..7607971 master -> master

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Local Branches Remote Branches Upstream Branches Working Copy push push commit

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> git pull Updating 474f43d..7607971 Fast-forward sample5.htm | 1 + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 sample5.htm

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Local Branches Remote Branches Upstream Branches Working Copy pull pull pull

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Next: Alex Blewitt on Gerrit

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Introduction to Git & Gerrit at the London JUG by Matthew McCullough and Alex Blewitt