Built on powerful concepts
• Separation of concerns
• Pragmatism
• Best practices
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“In computer science, separation of concerns
(SoC) is the process of separating a computer
program into distinct features that overlap in
functionality as little as possible.” -- Wikipedia
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“A concern is any piece of interest or focus in a
program. Typically, concerns are synonymous
with features or behaviors.” -- Wikipedia
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Examples of SoC
– Separating content from styling
Internet Protocol Stack
– HTTP or SMTP doesn’t care about TCP, nor IP
Place where you eat / place where you shit
– Don’t mix it up, it’s dirty and can be hazardous
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The Controller analyses the user
request, calls the Model and passes
data to the View.
The View layer formats data in a
dedicated format (html, json…)
The Model stores the business logic
and classes that manipulate data.
MVC Pattern
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Uncoupled components
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With optional dependencies
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• Bridges couple third party libraries with
Symfony components.
• External to the component and the 3rd party
• Prevent hard-coupling between component
and third-party library.
for dedicated
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Is it the job of this class
to do that?
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No content
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Complete list of tips available online
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Pragmatic approach
• Simple & effective
• Download the project and start immediatly
• Oriented toward the real world, not purity for
the sake of purity.
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Pragmatic approach
• No magic = No WTF effect
• No magic = Keeping control
• Almost always explicit
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Pragmatic approach
• Code generation thanks to the CLI
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Pragmatic approach
• Easy debugging thanks to WDT
• Meaningful error messages
• Gentle to the end-user
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Pragmatic approach for your project
• Make a prototype that works, and improve it
step by step.
• Refactor early, refactor often.
• THINK constantly about what you’re doing
and why you’re doing it
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Premature optimization
abstraction is the root
of all evil
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Coding standards
• Symfony come with it’s own coding
• Coming from another framework ?
– It can be weird at first time, but you’ll get used to
it really quickly
• Rights & Responsibilities of an object
• Interfaces are the contracts of OOP
• No surprises
• You can replace an interfaced object with
your own implementation, without breaking
The wheel, not reinvented
• Rock solid HTTP implementation
• Edge Side Include (ESI)
• HTTP Cache, no applicative cache
– Did not reinvent the wheel !
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If a standardized
solution exists:
use it
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Follows PSR-0
• PHP Standards Working Group
• http://groups.google.com/group/php-
– autoloader interoperability
– Namespace convention
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No singleton and DIC
• Uses DIC
• No singleton = better testability thanks to the
absence of hard-coupling
• Lazy loading
• Reentrancy
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Interfaced exceptions
• Not present in all components
– DependencyInjection, Routing, Serializer, Yaml
• Keeps semantic of the 13 SPL’s exceptions
• Makes it easier to catch exception of a
OpenSource cross polination
• Benefit from the work of hundreds of people
• Security Component comes from Spring
• Monolog was inspired by logbook (python)
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OpenSource cross polination
• Assetic is based on webassets (python)
• Composer is a port of the SAT solver
algorithm of openSUSE’s libzypp (c)
• PHPCR, port of JCR
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Search for solutions in
other languages and
port them!
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and… IT WORKS !
• Already used in hundreds of websites
– symfony.com
– lockerz.com
– exercise.com
– Opensky.com
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New project comes in
• User account platform
• SSO or webapp can share informations with
other accepted webapps
• API for third party websites
• SDK for the API
• Other connected webapps can be done in
any php frameworks or languages.
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Think standards!
• OpenID
• OAuth2
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Identify the best
solution for your needs
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• RFC is ~40 pages long.
• OAuth2 is a complicated subject with a lot of
HTTP workflows
• Do you really want to start from scratch?
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Don’t suffer the Not
Invented Here syndrom
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How to choose?
• Search for other libraries in ruby / php /
python / whatever
• Is the developper well known?
• Is the company behind renowned?
• Is the library well tested?
• Follow your guts!
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• Porting OAuth2 library from ruby was
– RAKE middleware to Symfony2 architecture
– I had no knowledge of ruby
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No content
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• Port the test early!
• markTestIncomplete()
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How to port?
• Port only what you need
– Port only the things you need
– Make it works
– Repeat.
• Port the whole thing in one time
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But be pragmatic
• Do not try to immediately release the port as
open source
• Make it work for your project, and maybe one
day, open source it when you’ll be happy of it
Think independent
• Do you want to tie your SDK to a Framework?
• SDK is framework-independent library
• Only dependency is Buzz (because it’s great)
• Only after that, integrate it into framework
– Silex service provider
– Symfony2 bundle
– symfony 1.x plugin
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rate this talk
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Marc Weistroff
Sensio Labs