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Dependency Injection and the Symfony2 Service Container

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Richard Miller ● ● ● @mr_r_miller

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What is Dependency Injection?

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class ProductController { public function addAction() { //validate the POST variables $productSaver = new ProductSaver(); $productSaver->save($product); } //-- }

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class ProductSaver { public function save($product) { $mapper = new DataMapper(); $mapper->save($product); $emailNotifier = new EmailNotifier(); $emailNotifier->notify($product); } }

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class EmailNotifier { public function notify($product) { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->addTo('[email protected]'); $mail->addCC('[email protected]'); //create message body using $product $mailer = new Mailer(); $mailer->send($mail); } }

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Problems with EmailNotifier ● Not reusable ● Change of email addresses ● Change of mailer ● Impossible to unit test ● Any test will create an actual Mailer and send the email

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public function notify($product) { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->addTo($this->toAddress); $mail->addCC('[email protected]'); //create message body using $product $mailer = new Mailer(); $mailer->send($mail); } protected $toAddress; public function __construct($toAddress) { $this->toAddress = $toAddress; } $mail->addTo($this->toAddress);

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protected $toAddress; protected $ccAddresses = array(); public function __construct($toAddress) { $this->toAddress = $toAddress; } public function setCcAddress($ccAddress) { $this->ccAddresses[] = $ccAdresss; } public function notify($product) { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->addTo($this->toAddress); foreach($this->ccAddresses as $ccAddress) { $mail->addCC($ccAddress); } //create message body using $product $mailer = new Mailer(); $mailer->send($mail); } protected $ccAddresses = array(); public function addCcAddress($ccAddress) { $this->ccAddresses[] = $ccAdresss; } foreach($this->ccAddresses as $ccAddress) { $mail->addCC($ccAddress); }

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Constructor Injection ● Fixed at instantiation ● Guaranteed to have been injected

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Setter Injection ● Good for optional dependencies ● Good for collections of dependencies

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protected $toAddress; protected $ccAddresses = array(); protected $mailer; public function __construct($toAddress, MailerInterface $mailer) { $this->toAddress = $toAddress; $this->mailer = $mailer; } public function addCcAddress($ccAddress) { $this->ccAddresses[] = $ccAdresss; } public function notify($product) { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->addTo($this->toAddress); foreach($this->ccAddresses as $ccAddress) { $mail->addCC($ccAddress); } //create message body using $product $this->mailer->send($mail); } protected $mailer; MailerInterface $mailer $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->mailer->send($mail);

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$settings = Settings::fetch(); switch($settings->get('mailer)) { case 'smtp': $mailer = new SMTPMailer(); break; case 'sendmail': $mailer = new SendmailMailer(); break; case 'test': $mailer = new TestMailer(); break; case 'basic': default: $mailer = new Mailer(); break; } $mailer->send($mail);

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protected $toAddress; protected $ccAddresses = array(); protected $mailer; public function __construct($toAddress, MailerInterface $mailer) { $this->toAddress = $toAddress; $this->mailer = $mailer; } public function addCcAddress($ccAddress) { $this->ccAddresses[] = $ccAdresss; } public function notify($product) { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->addTo($this->toAddress); foreach($this->ccAddresses as $ccAddress) { $mail->addCC($ccAddress); } //create message body using $product $this->mailer->send($mail); } protected $mailer; MailerInterface $mailer $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->mailer->send($mail);

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Type Hinting ● Ensures object with correct interface injected ● Hint should be Interface not Implementation ● Helps IDE with auto-completion

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protected $toAddress; protected $ccAddresses = array(); protected $mailer; public function __construct($toAddress, MailerInterface $mailer) { $this->toAddress = $toAddress; $this->mailer = $mailer; } public function addCcAddress($ccAddress) { $this->ccAddresses[] = $ccAdresss; } public function notify($product) { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->addTo($this->toAddress); foreach($this->ccAddresses as $ccAddress) { $mail->addCC($ccAddress); } //create message body using $product $this->mailer->send($mail); }

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protected $toAddress; protected $ccAddresses = array(); protected $mailer; public function __construct($toAddress, MailerInterface $mailer) { $this->toAddress = $toAddress; $this->mailer = $mailer; } public function addCcAddress($ccAddress) { $this->ccAddresses[] = $ccAdresss; } public function notify($product) { $mail = MailFactory::get(); $mail->addTo($this->toAddress); foreach($this->ccAddresses as $ccAddress) { $mail->addCC($ccAddress); } //create message body using $product $this->mailer->send($mail); } $mail = MailFactory::get();

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//-- protected $mailFactory; public function __construct($toAddress, MailerInterface $mailer, MailFactoryInterface $mailFactory ) { $this->toAddress = $toAddress; $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->mailFactory = $mailFactory; } //-- public function notify($product) { $mail = $this->mailFactory->get(); $mail->addTo($this->toAddress); foreach($this->ccAddresses as $ccAddress) { $mail->addCC($ccAddress); } //create message body using $product $this->mailer->send($mail); } protected $mailFactory; MailFactoryInterface $mailFactory $this->mailFactory = $mailFactory; $mail = $this->mailFactory->get();

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Where does the creation of dependencies go ?

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class ProductSaver { public function save($product) { $mapper = new DataMapper(); $mapper->save($product); $emailNotifier = new EmailNotifier(); $emailNotifier->notify($product); } }

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public function save($product) { $mapper = new DataMapper(); $mapper->save($product); $emailNotifier = new EmailNotifier('[email protected]', new Mailer, new MailFactory ); $emailNotifier->setCcAddress('[email protected]'); $emailNotifier->setCcAddress('[email protected]'); $emailNotifier->notify($product); } $emailNotifier = new EmailNotifier('[email protected]', new Mailer, new MailFactory ); $emailNotifier->addCcAddress('[email protected]'); $emailNotifier->addCcAddress('[email protected]');

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protected $notifiers = array(); public function addNotifier(NotifierInterface $notifier) { $this->notifiers[] = $notifier; } public function save($product) { $mapper = new DataMapper(); $mapper->save($product); foreach($this->notifiers as $notifier) { $notifier->notify($product); } } protected $notifiers = array(); public function addNotifier(NotifierInterface $notifier) { $this->notifiers[] = $notifier; } foreach($this->notifiers as $notifier) { $notifier->notify($product); }

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protected $notifiers = array(); protected $mapper; public function __construct(DataMapperInterface $mapper) { $this->mapper = $mapper; } //-- public function save($product) { $this->mapper->save($product); foreach($this->notifiers as $notifier) { $notifier->notify($product); } } protected $mapper; $this->mapper->save($product); public function __construct(DataMapperInterface $mapper) { $this->mapper = $mapper; }

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Problem solved?

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class ProductController { public function addAction() { //validate the POST variables $productSaver = new ProductSaver(); $productSaver->save($product); } //-- }

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public function addAction() { //validate the POST variables $emailNotifier = new EmailNotifier('[email protected]', new Mailer, new MailFactory ); $emailNotifier->setCcAddress('[email protected]'); $emailNotifier->setCcAddress('[email protected]'); $mapper = new DataMapper(); $productSaver = new ProductSaver($emailNotifier, $mapper); $productSaver->setNotifier($emailNotifier); $productSaver->save($product); } $emailNotifier = new EmailNotifier('[email protected]', new Mailer, new MailFactory ); $emailNotifier->addCcAddress('[email protected]'); $emailNotifier->addCcAddress('[email protected]'); $mapper = new DataMapper(); $productSaver = new ProductSaver($mapper); $productSaver->addNotifier($emailNotifier);

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protected $productSaver; public function __construct($productSaver) { $this->productSaver = $productSaver; } public function addAction() { //validate the POST variables $this->productSaver->save($product); }

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$emailNotifier = new EmailNotifier('[email protected]', new Mailer, new MailFactory ); $emailNotifier->addCcAddress('[email protected]'); $emailNotifier->addCcAddress('[email protected]'); $mapper = new DataMapper(); $productSaver = new ProductSaver($mapper); $productSaver->addNotifier($emailNotifier); $controller = new ProductController($productSaver);

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Advantages to separate wiring ● Set up config differently for each app ● No config code in classes ● No need to maintain different versions for different apps ● Just inject object with different functionality

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Disadvantages to manual wiring ● Large unwieldy bootstrap file ● Everything set up whether used or not ● Repetitive code

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The Symfony2 Service Container to the rescue ● Creates and configures services ● Allows configuration with XML, YAML and PHP ● Only creates used services

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services: emailNotifer: class: NameSpace\Of\EmailNotifer arguments: [[email protected], @mailer, @mailFactory] calls: - [ addCcAddress, [ [email protected] ] ] - [ addCcAddress, [ [email protected] ] ] mailer: class: NameSpace\Of\Mailer mailFactory: class: NameSpace\Of\MailFactory

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$container->setDefinition('emailNotifer', new Definition( 'NameSpace\Of\EmailNotifer', array( '[email protected]', new Reference('mailer'), new Reference('mailFactory') ) ))->addMethodCall('addCcAddress', array( '[email protected]' ))->addMethodCall('addCcAddress', array( '[email protected]' )); $container->setDefinition('mailer', new Definition( 'NameSpace\Of\Mailer' )); $container->setDefinition('mailFactory', new Definition( 'NameSpace\Of\MailFactory' ));

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How do we actually use the container?

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$productController = $container->get('productController');

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class ProductController extends Controller { public function addAction() { //validate the POST variables $productSaver = $this->container->get('productSaver'); $productSaver->save($product); } //-- }

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A Criticism of Dependency Injection ● It's difficult to navigate code

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Tools to help ● container:debug command ● JMSDebuggingBundle

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php app/console container:debug [container] Public services Service Id Class Name doctrine Symfony\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry doctrine.dbal.default_connection Doctrine\DBAL\Connection doctrine.odm.mongodb.cache.array Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache #--

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php app/console container:debug assetic.asset_manager [container] Information for service assetic.asset_manager Service Id assetic.asset_manager Class Assetic\Factory\LazyAssetManager Tags - Scope container Public yes

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JMSDebuggingBundle ● dle

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Conclusion ● Class level advantages ● Promotes re-usability ● Allows true unit testing ● App level advantages ● Allows easy configuration of application ● Easy to implement new features by dropping in new objects ● No need to maintain multiple code bases

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