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Hello world? Hello? Hello? Building epic telephony apps with django-twilio.

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Who am I? ● Randall Degges ● Lead developer @ BTS communications (we build cool telephony stuff). ● Full stack developer. ● Been doing this for 3 years. ● Python / Django / Asterisk / VoIP. ● ● ● IRC: rdegges @ freenode

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So... what the heck is telephony?

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Telephony ● Apps that work via voice (IVRs). ● Apps that work via SMS (text message). ● Apps that help people communicate using their phones. ● Some examples: ○ PagerDuty ( ○ Conference Calls ( ○ Knock Knock ( ○ ...

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A brief history of telephony.

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Telephony--finally usable! ● Until recently, telephony was HARD. ○ Expensive and Proprietary. ○ Required hookups (telcos, carriers, special hardware). ○ Lots of domain knowledge. ○ Big learning curve. ● twilio is a game changer. ○ Cheap and Accessible. ○ Less of a learning curve. ○ Scalable. ○ Works over HTTP.

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Why twilio? ● Cheap. ● Scalable. ● Well documented & supported. ● I said so! ●

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Let's learn about telephony!

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How twilio works (incoming). ● You buy a phone number from twilio. ● You give twilio a URL where your application lives (eg: ● Someone calls or SMS messages your phone number. ● twilio receives your call / SMS, and POSTs to your URL with lots of data. ● Your web application tells twilio what to do next. ● Repeat.

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How twilio works (outgoing). ● You POST to twilio with some instructions. ● twilio does what you want.

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django-twilio makes twilio easy. ● It provides lots of utilities for building twilio apps. ● Don't write boilerplate code. ● Lock down your telephony web applications. ● It's actively developed. ( ● It's got great support. ● It's got great docs. ( ● It's unit tested. ● It got sample apps ( ● And oh yea, it's easy!

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Hello, LA Django! # urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... url(r'^$', 'django_twilio.views.say', {'text': 'hi!'}), # ... ) Try it live: (818) 924-2907! See:

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Easy, right?

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Make a Conference Room # urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... url(r'^$', 'django_twilio.views.conference', { 'name': 'conf1', 'wait_url': '', 'wait_method': 'GET', }), # ... ) Try it live: (818) 924-2942!

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Custom Stuff # from twilio.twiml import Response from django_twilio.decorators import twilio_view @twilio_view def my_view(request): r = Response() r.sms('Party at my place?') return r one-decorator

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State of Development ● Actively developed. ● New stuff every day. ● Great docs ( ● Lots of unit tests. ● Working on new features and stable release. ● Working towards being a full twilio solution. ● Project supported by twilio! http://www.twilio. com/docs/libraries/

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Resources ● My website: ● twilio: ● twilio-python: ● django-twilio: ● example apps from this presentation: https://github. com/rdegges/django-twilio-example-apps

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