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REDDIRT.js The Future of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript — Today   :)   November 3rd, 2011 @ Oklahoma City, OK

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#whoami ? My name is Nathan. I do UX stuff at projekt202. But most people know me as "the 960 guy" (that's ok). | |

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Download the slides & follow along: Or, talk smack about me on Twitter: @nathansmith Note: You don't have to take notes feverishly.

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Today, I want to talk a bit about what the future of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will look like.* * My predictive powers are probably average (at best).

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Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.

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In order to determine where we're heading, let's reflect on where we've been...

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Act I How We Got Here

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Slide 9 text 1989: Tim Berners-Lee created HTML to link research docs.

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"Storage of ASCII text, and display on [80x24] screens, is in the short term sufficient, and essential. Addition of graphics would be an optional extra with very much less penetration for the moment." – Tim Berners-Lee

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Slide 11 text HTML was for serious work. Initially, no tag.

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Then everyone got ahold of it:

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No content

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But, I digress. We're getting a little ahead of ourselves. (sorry)

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1993: Marc Andreessen proposed the tag. Mosaic later becomes Netscape, which then introduces JS, SSL, etc. "Standardizing"  on browser  innovation.

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No content

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"JS had to 'look like Java' only less so, be Java's dumb kid brother or boy- hostage sidekick. Plus, I had to be done in ten days or something worse than JS would have happened." Brandon Eich created JS in 10 days.

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JS Java It's not you, it's me. I'm all quirky and prototypical. You're just too classy.

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With classical inheritance, if your mother breaks her leg, you go visit her in the hospital. With prototypical inheritance, your leg would also (instantly) break. Object Inheritance #TLDR #TLDR = "Too Long, Didn't Read" aka: Sum it up for me :)

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Slide 22 text 1995: JavaScript debuted in Netscape Navigator 2.0.

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The word "JavaScript" was chosen to tap into the brand name of the Java programming language. Sun Microsystems (since acquired by Oracle) owned the trademarks for both Java™ and JavaScript™, and stewarded the development of Java (not JavaScript). In 1997, JavaScript (the language) was standardized by the European Computer Manufacturers Association, and it was dubbed "ECMAScript." | Um  -­  what? Brief history of JS = Clear as mud...

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Altogether different beasts: Both potentially delicious (or dangerous), but not actually derived from the same animal. Similar in name: JavaScript is to Java as Hamburger is to Ham.

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(With apologies to Jeremy Keith and Brad Colbow)

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1996: IE 3.0 ships with "JScript" (for copyright purposes). In 1995, MS begins to ship Internet Explorer with Windows 95. For Netscape, it was the beginning of the end. Microsoft also reverse- engineered JavaScript, as "JScript."

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Created at Netscape "ECMA TC39" Committee responsible for evolving the language Who's responsible for JavaScript now? {to name a few... | TM of Oracle (via Sun)  Defines the ECMAScript DOM API

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JS browser support is pretty good. JavaScript (ECMAScript 3.0) is supported fairly consistently in all major browsers. ⾨ This is Wikipedia's compatibility table* for: – Trident (IE) – Gecko (Firefox) – WebKit (Chrome & Safari) – Presto (Opera) * I realize those are rendering engines, not specific JS engines (which change names more rapidly). It's how Wikipedia lists 'em.

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JavaScript is that friend in high school you secretly had a crush on, but was always hanging out with that sleazy boyfriend, DOM. Nice  > What  a  punk

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The Document Object Model (DOM) is what allows JS to interact with XML/HTML, ala: window.document.getElementsByTagName('*'); The DOM is stewarded by a different group than governs JS. Browsers also implement it slightly differently. For instance, IE historically didn't treat whitespace as text nodes, even though the official DOM spec says it should.

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2005: Then there was jQuery... Heck  yeah! $('p.neat').addClass('ohmy').show('slow'); JavaScript that reads like CSS code!?

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$(document).ready(function() { // Many tutorials put all the code here. }); But we treated it like CSS... Um,  okay...  What's  the  big  deal?

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Loosely  translated: "You'd better lose yourself in the music, the moment. You own it, you better never let it go... You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to [load]." (with apologies to Eminem) window.onload

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Really, it's not the fault of jQuery, nor of any other capable JavaScript libraries: Dojo, MooTools, Prototype, Sencha, YUI... As is almost always the case with code, the problem is actually a human one. We've become complacent and forgotten (or never learned) how JavaScript works. Beware the danger of abstraction & illiteracy.

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Slide 36 text 1994: Marc Andreessen, on styling... "Sorry, you're screwed."

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1994: Håkon Wium Lie proposed CSS. Initially it was called CHSS, ("Cascading HTML Style Sheets"), but was later shortened to simply CSS. 1996: The first browser to support CSS was Internet Explorer 3.0, followed closely by Netscape Navigator version 4.0.

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CHSS had 100 levels of "!important" h1.font.size = 24px 12% /* 12% importance */ h1.font.size = 16px 100% /* 100% importance */ h1.font.size = 12px 89% /* 89% importance */ h1 {font-size: 24px;} /* Applies globally (weak) */ h1.x {font-size: 16px;} /* More specific */ h1 {font-size: 12px;} /* Beats line 1, not line 2 */ Thankfully, CHSS was never implemented: CSS has "last-in" wins, with specificity override.

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Brief history of the first "Browser War"

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1998: "Web Standards" advocacy begins. The box model isn't fixed until October 2006, release of IE7.

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We made sites "best viewed in IE6," and Netscape lost the browser war.

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The "dark side" = developing for 1 browser. Oh, what... Like you never photoshopped you vs. yourself with a lightsaber? C'mon!

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In 2001, IE had over 90% market share.

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2004: Firefox arose from Netscape's ashes. Thus began a new Browser War, still in progress.

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Since then, IE has been in steady decline.

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Chrome is gaining, at the expense of Firefox.

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"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." – George Santayana "My 'pure CSS' demo only works in WebKit"

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Act II Where We're Going

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Realistically speaking, XHTML 2.0 would've been a very tough sell, from a practical standpoint. It was extremely rigid. A page simply would not render, if it wasn't perfectly formed from an XML structure standpoint. Oh, and it would've done away with . Oh  noes!

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There were differing schools of thought on HTML vs. XHTML. In the field "make it work" Academic "make it valid"

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rapid  —> iteration

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Ian Hickson, benevolent HTML5 specification dictator curator.

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Technically, "HTML5" is now a misnomer. (But, it's too late. Marketing already got ahold of it.) HTML is to be considered an ever-evolving "living standard". The "WHATWG" — Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group — will continue to work on HTML, and the W3C will "snapshot" feature sets periodically, and tag them with incremental version numbers: HTML5 (and presumably, HTML6, etc). Thus, no more version numbers in DOCTYPE...

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HTML5 "killed" XHTML. Good riddance, says I. <—  Much  easier  to  remember! As it turns out, "" = minimum number of characters to trigger "standards" mode in older IE versions.

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You don't have to type extra junk anymore. alert('This is some inline JS.'); /* <![CDATA[ */ alert('Are you kidding me?'); /* ]]> */

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Have you ever used a non-CSS stylesheet? Note: Media queries best defined via @media in a single stylesheet anyway, to avoid unnecessary HTTP requests. (No?  Me  neither,  so  why  "type"  it?)

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You can't do that! What about the validator? Relax. It's valid. HTML5 is no longer a sub- set of SGML like all versions of HTML before it. Nor is it a spin on XML, like XHTML 1.x was. HTML is just HTML now. This is how browsers always treated (X)HTML anyway. I know what you XHTML purists are thinking: (phew!)

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HTML5 CSS3 What about JS? (Not stewarded by W3C)

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No content

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Branding, FTW! So, what's next? 1. Get cool logo(s). [X] 2. Convince others. [X] 3. Profit! [X]

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Slide 63 text Apple likes HTML5.

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Slide 64 text Google likes HTML5.

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Mozilla likes HTML5.

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Opera likes HTML5.

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HTML5 is gaining traction.

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As of IE9, all browsers support .

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2011: IE9 supports SVG (proposed in 1999). Examples of Dojo.js charts To be fair, IE9 renders SVG very fast, via hardware acceleration. Konqueror (WebKit predecessor), was the first browser to have built-in SVG support, in 2004.

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SVG is like construction paper. Layers retain distinct shapes. SVG files can live without JS. And, each layer can respond to mouse events!

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Canvas is like a whiteboard drawing, one layer. Note: Canvas only works in the browser via JS.

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Quick CSS tip to fix IE9's SVG rendering: svg { overflow: hidden; }

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IE9, without the CSS fix for SVG:

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IE9, with the CSS fix for SVG:

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SVG in: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, & Safari.

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I won't cover or in detail during this talk, but two helpful JavaScript libraries are worth noting... Raphaël (SVG) – Dmitry Baranovskiy Processing JS (Canvas) – John Resig

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More  Semantic  Richness! New tags in HTML5

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etc... Mixes  well  with  ARIA

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The dawn of 3D browser graphics. aka: Can I play Farmville in IMAX!? WebGL is going to be HUGE (eventually)

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Metaprogramming Haml => HTML Sass/Compass => CSS CoffeeScript => JS Note: Yes, I'm sure there are many, many more examples in the wild. But my time is finite, and this is what I'm familiar with. | | |

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Personal note: After giving 'em a try, I am becoming more a fan of meta languages that treat whitespace as significant. Usual  disclaimers  apply: "It depends." Your mileage may vary. No purchase necessary. Machine-wash only. Enter at own risk. Batteries not included. Void where prohibited, etc.

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Example of Sass (with Compass). @import compass/css3 // CSS3 helpers, etc. // I write this Sass code: .foobar +background-image(linear-gradient(#fff, #ccc)) +border-top-right-radius(4px) +box-shadow(rgba(#000, 0.5) 0 2px 5px 0) &:hover text-decoration: underline

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Example of Sass (with Compass). /* This CSS is generated... */ .foobar { background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #cccccc)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #cccccc); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #cccccc); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #cccccc); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #cccccc); background-image: linear-gradient(#ffffff, #cccccc); -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -o-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -ms-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -khtml-border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 4px; -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px 0; -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px 0; -o-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px 0; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px 0; } .foobar:hover { text-decoration: underline; } BLOAT?  Not  really.  You'd have  to  type  all  this  to  make  it   work  cross-­browser  anyway.

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Note: Don't indent unnecessarily with Sass. // This looks innocent enough: table.table-class tbody tr td color: orange

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Note: Don't indent unnecessarily with Sass. /* But it generates this... */ table.table-class tbody tr td { color: orange; } /* When you probably just meant... */ .table-class .link-class { color: orange; }

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I could go on. But I won't. (Sorry Jina) Note: Don't steal another presenter's topic. Note: Jina Bolton is presenting on Sass later today. Don't miss it!

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Haml rocks, if you're in a Ruby project. To me, Haml means never typing this again...

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Haml can generate nicely formatted HTML.

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I'm not an über-Ruby guy. Get your feet wet:

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Okay, so abstraction for HTML and CSS is fine. It saves keystrokes, and those languages are pretty #yawn anyway, right? I mean, they're declarative, so of course we should automate writing them. But this is a JS conference, right? Do not touch my JavaScript. I repeat...

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get.your(coffee) { return 'off my lawn'; }

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Not everyone's a fan. Dustin Diaz, quoting Douglas Crockford:

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Can you spot the bug? var joe = 1 sue = 2, bob = 3; var joe = 1, sue = 2, bob = 3; Bugs like this can be laborious to find, which is why I write...

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Nuthin' wrong with being overly clear. var joe = 1; var sue = 2; var bob = 3; Minifiers like Uglify JS can handle removing repeated var keywords. Put that burden on automation, not yourself. |

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I just tell JSLint: "Hey JSLint... Shut up." Actually, is a great tool for checking for JavaScript errors. But validation is a means to an end, not the goal itself. If you want to ensure JSLint compliance, there's CoffeeScript...

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Recursion -> CoffeeScript is written in CoffeeScript.

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# CoffeeScript: $('#foobar').click -> # Do stuff. // JavaScript: $('#foobar').click(function() { // Do stuff. }); CoffeeScript -to- JavaScript... LOL  -­  That's  all?

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# CoffeeScript: is_between = 3 < my_value < 12 // JavaScript: var is_between; is_between = (3 < my_value && my_value < 12); CoffeeScript = Syntactic Sugar... Oh,  I  see.

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One last example... (Sorry Brandon) # CoffeeScript: happy = true unless raining // JavaScript: var happy; if (!raining) { happy = true; } That's  hawt. Note: Brandon Satrom is presenting on CoffeeScript later today. Don't miss it!

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BRAVE NEW WORLD HTML, CSS, JS, & Flash: Government can reach its citizens directly (1:1), via social media...

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Ours is an era of technological marvels.

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(Free) fonts used in this presentation. Anonymous Pro Hand  of  Sean Titillium Text Lady Ice REDDIRT.js logo SteelFish (Listed in order of appearance)

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Code "reddirtjs" = 50% off Cody Lindley's book. (I tech-edited)

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Shameless plug: I'll be speaking on Sass & Drupal next year.

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Enjoy Red Dirt JS! Get the slides: Feel free to say hi on Twitter: @nathansmith Questions? I may (not) know the answer.