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RUBY EM TODOS OS LUGARES E DISPOSITIVOS @carlosbrando e @luisbebop

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Por que VMs?

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03 de Novembro de 2012 RubyConf Brazil mRuby JavaScript Picol

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Por que tinyvm? 03 de Novembro de 2012 RubyConf Brazil

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03 de Novembro de 2012 640K ought to be enough for anybody. “ ” Bill Gates, 1981 RubyConf Brazil whatever

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Ruby => Assembly 03 de Novembro de 2012 RubyConf Brazil

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Tipos complexos Strings Float Arrays Hashs

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ARRAY DE VARIÁVEIS 0 1 2 10 HASHTABLE 0x75EC78 0x80BACD 0x75EC78 *STRING 0x80BACD *HASH (void *) (void *)

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Treetop YARV Melbourne (Rubinius) Sexp Processor Parse tree

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YARV YARV Koichi Sasada

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Vamos começar com algo bem simples

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Vamos começar com algo bem simples

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puts "Hello RubyConf" STACK HEAP RUBY

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== disasm: @>========== 0000 putnil ( 1) 0001 putstring "Hello RubyConf" 0003 send :puts, 1, nil, 8, 0009 leave STACK HEAP YARV

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.LC0: .string "Hello RubyConf" start: push .LC0 pop eax prn eax jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY

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.LC0: .string "Hello RubyConf" start: push .LC0 pop eax prn eax jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY

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STACK .LC0: .string "Hello RubyConf" start: push .LC0 pop eax prn eax jmp leave leave: HEAP ASSEMBLY "Hello RubyConf"

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.LC0: .string "Hello RubyConf" start: push .LC0 pop eax prn eax jmp leave leave: HEAP ASSEMBLY STACK eax = "Hello RubyConf"

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.LC0: .string "Hello RubyConf" start: push .LC0 pop eax prn eax jmp leave leave: HEAP ASSEMBLY STACK eax = "Hello RubyConf"

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.LC0: .string "Hello RubyConf" start: push .LC0 pop eax prn eax pop ebp jmp leave leave: HEAP ASSEMBLY STACK eax = "Hello RubyConf" > Hello RubyConf

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.LC0: .string "Hello RubyConf" start: push .LC0 pop eax prn eax jmp leave leave: HEAP ASSEMBLY STACK eax = "Hello RubyConf"

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.LC0: .string "Hello RubyConf" start: push .LC0 pop eax prn eax jmp leave leave: HEAP ASSEMBLY eax = "Hello RubyConf" STACK

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Vamos complicar um pouco

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def say_hello(name) puts "Hello, " + name end say_hello("Brando e Luis") STACK HEAP RUBY

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STACK HEAP == disasm: @>========== 0000 putspecialobject 1 ( 1) 0002 putspecialobject 2 0004 putobject :say_hello 0006 putiseq say_hello 0008 send :"core#define_method", 3, nil, 0, 0014 pop 0015 putnil ( 5) 0016 putstring "Brando e Luis" 0018 send :say_hello, 1, nil, 8, 0024 leave == disasm: >=========== local table (size: 2, argc: 1 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1] s1) [ 2] name 0000 putnil ( 2) 0001 putstring "Hello, " 0003 getlocal name 0005 opt_plus 0007 send :puts, 1, nil, 8, 0013 leave YARV

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret start: push .LC0 call say_hello jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " start: push .LC0 call say_hello jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " start: push .LC0 call say_hello jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " start: push .LC0 call say_hello jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY "Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " start: push .LC0 call say_hello jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY "Brando e Luis" 0xFF

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY "Brando e Luis" 0xFF

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY "Brando e Luis" r10 = 0xFF

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, "

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, " ebx = "Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis" r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, " ebx = "Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, Brando e Luis" ebx = "Brando e Luis" edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, Brando e Luis" ebx = "Brando e Luis" edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, Brando e Luis" ebx = "Brando e Luis" edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis" edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis" > Hello, Brando e Luis

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, Brando e Luis" ebx = "Brando e Luis" 0xFF edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " say_hello: pop r10 pop [20002] mov eax, .LC1 mov ebx, [20002] strcat eax, ebx mov eax, edi prn eax push r10 ret STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, Brando e Luis" ebx = "Brando e Luis" 0xFF edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " start: push .LC0 call say_hello jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, Brando e Luis" ebx = "Brando e Luis" edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " start: push .LC0 call say_hello jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, Brando e Luis" ebx = "Brando e Luis" edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis"

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.LC0: .string "Brando e Luis" .LC1: .string "Hello, " start: push .LC0 call say_hello jmp leave leave: STACK HEAP ASSEMBLY r10 = 0xFF [20002] = "Brando e Luis" eax = "Hello, Brando e Luis" ebx = "Brando e Luis" edi = "Hello, Brando e Luis"

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@carlosbrando @luisbebop Obrigado!