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Hi, I’m dherman @littlecalculist

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I — JavaScript and I love the language it almost is...

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TIER 1 AWESOMENESS modules • block scoping • generators • proxies • binary data • destructuring • rest-args & defaults TIER 2 AWESOMENESS name objects • custom iteration • comprehensions • string templates • hash tables & weak maps

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Great languages deserve great libraries and that means modules

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var  Collections  =  (function()  {        function  Dict()  {  ...  }        return  {                Dict:  Dict        }; })();

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“The human compiler, at work.” — Paul Graham “The sincerest form of feature request.” — someone?

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module  Collections  {        export  function  Dict()  {  ...  } }

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import  {  $  }  from  "jquery.js"; import  {  map,  each  }  from  "underscore.js";

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import  {  $  }  from  "jquery.js"; import  {  map,  each  }  from  "underscore.js"; loaded once, before execution

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let is the new var block scoping (at long, long last)

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for  (i  =  0;  i  <  a.length;  i++)  {        var  x  =  a[i];        x.onclick  =  function()  {  x.toggle()  }; }

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for  (i  =  0;  i  <  a.length;  i++)  {        let  x  =  a[i];        x.onclick  =  function()  {  x.toggle()  }; }

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Generator functions an alternative to callback spaghetti

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function*  counter()  {        yield  1;        yield  2;        yield  3; } var  g  =  counter(); alert(;  //  1 alert(;  //  2 alert(;  //  3

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XHR("foo.txt",  function(foo)  {        XHR("bar.txt",  function(bar)  {                XHR("baz.txt",  function(baz)  {                        setTimeout(function()  {                                status.innerHTML  =                                        foo  +  bar  +  baz;                        },  1000);                });        }); });

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XHR("foo.txt",  function(foo)  {        XHR("bar.txt",  function(bar)  {                XHR("baz.txt",  function(baz)  {                        setTimeout(function()  {                                status.innerHTML  =                                        foo  +  bar  +  baz;                        },  1000);                });        }); }); pyramid of doom

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function  onTimeout(foo,  bar,  baz)  {        status.innerHTML  =  foo  +  bar  +  baz; } XHR("foo.txt",  function(foo)  {        XHR("bar.txt",  function(bar)  {                XHR("baz.txt",  function(baz)  {                        setTimeout(function()  {                                onTimeout(foo,  bar,  baz);                        },  1000);                });        }); });

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function  onTimeout(foo,  bar,  baz)  {        status.innerHTML  =  foo  +  bar  +  baz; } function  onBaz(foo,  bar,  baz)  {        setTimeout(function()  {                onTimeout(foo,  bar,  baz);        },  1000); } XHR("foo.txt",  function(foo)  {        XHR("bar.txt",  function(bar)  {                XHR("baz.txt",  function(baz)  {                        onBaz(foo,  bar,  baz);                });        }); });

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function  onTimeout(foo,  bar,  baz)  {        status.innerHTML  =  foo  +  bar  +  baz; } function  onBaz(foo,  bar,  baz)  {        setTimeout(function()  {                onTimeout(foo,  bar,  baz);        },  1000); } function  onBar(foo,  bar)  {        XHR("baz.txt",  function(baz)  {                onBaz(foo,  bar,  baz);        }); } XHR("foo.txt",  function(foo)  {        XHR("bar.txt",  function(bar)  {                onBar(foo,  bar);        }); });

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function  onTimeout(foo,  bar,  baz)  {        status.innerHTML  =  foo  +  bar  +  baz; } function  onBaz(foo,  bar,  baz)  {        setTimeout(function()  {                onTimeout(foo,  bar,  baz);        },  1000); } function  onBar(foo,  bar)  {        XHR("baz.txt",  function(baz)  {                onBaz(foo,  bar,  baz);        }); } function  onFoo(foo)  {        XHR("bar.txt",  function(bar)  {                onBar(foo,  bar);        }); } XHR("foo.txt",  onFoo);

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Pour 1/2 cup water into pan. When you’re done: Bring water to boil. When that’s done: Lower heat and add rice. After 15 minutes: Turn off heat and serve.

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spawn(function*()  {        var  foo  =  yield  read("foo.txt"),                bar  =  yield  read("bar.txt"),                baz  =  yield  read("baz.txt");        yield  sleep(1000);        status.innerHTML  =  foo  +  bar  +  baz; });

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Proxies meta-programming for fun and profit

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var  p  =  new  Proxy(obj,  {        get:  function(...)  {  ...  },        set:  function(...)  {  ...  },        delete:  function(...)  {  ...  },        ... });

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Bits, bytes and blobs binary file and network I/O

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var  Point2D  =  new  StructType({        x:  uint32,        y:  uint32 }); var  Color  =  new  StructType({        r:  uint8,  g:  uint8,  b:  uint8 });

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var  Pixel  =  new  StructType({        point:  Point2D,        color:  Color }); var  Triangle  =  new  ArrayType(Pixel,  3);

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new  Triangle([        {  point:  {  x:  0,  y:  0  },            color:  {  r:  255,  g:  255,  b:  255  }  },        {  point:  {  x:  5,  y:  5  },            color:  {  r:  128,  g:  0,  b:  0  }  },        {  point:  {  x:  10,  y:  0  },            color:  {  r:  0,  g:  0,  b:  128  }  } ])

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Destructuring try it, you’ll like it

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var  {  r,  g,  b  }  =  thing.color; var  [x,  y]  =; [a,  b]  =  [b,  a];

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function  div({  width,  height,  border  })  {        ... }

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Rest-args and defaults death to the arguments object!

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function  f(i,  j,  {        return  rest.slice(i,  j); }

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array.push(thing1,  thing2,  ...moarThings); var  shape  =  new  Shape(...points);

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function  img(src,  width=320,  height=240)  {        ... }

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function  img({  src,                              width=320,                              height=240  })  {        ... }

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Name objects first-class, unique property keys

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function  Container()  {        var  secret  =  3;        this.service  =  function()  {                if  (secret-­‐-­‐)  {                        ...                }        }; }

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var  key  =  Name.create("secret"); function  Container()  {  this[key]  =  3  } Container.prototype  =  {        service:  function()  {                if  (this[key]-­‐-­‐)  {                        ...                }        } };

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Custom object iteration taming the for-in loop

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for  (x  in  [3,  4,  5])          //  0,  1,  2  (d’oh) for  (x  of  [3,  4,  5])          //  3,  4,  5 for  (x  of  keys(o))              //  keys  in  o for  (x  of  values(o))          //  values  of  o for  ([k,  v]  of  items(o))  //  props  of  o

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import  iterate  from  "@iter"; obj[iterate]  =  function()  {        return  {                next:  function()  {  ...  }        } } for  (x  of  obj)  {  ...  }

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Comprehensions beautiful array processing

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[  x  *  y  for  (x  of  obj1)  for  (y  of  obj2)  ] (  x  *  y  for  (x  of  obj1)  for  (y  of  obj2)  )

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String templates untangling string formatting code

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\nohai,  "  + firstName  +  "  "  +  lastName  + "\n


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ohai,  ${firstName}  ${lastName}


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ohai,  ${firstName}  ${lastName}


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Object-keyed tables hash tables and weak maps

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var  scores  =  new  Map(); var  player1  =  {  ...  }; scores.set(player1,  0); scores.get(player1)  //  0

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var  markers  =  new  WeakMap(); var  tile  =  new  Tile(...); var  results  =  [...]; tiles.set(tile,  results);

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There is a bigger picture.

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“Be a better language for: a. complex apps b. libraries c. code generators”

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Motivated by use cases. Solve with simple, general, composable features. Pieces have to fit together in a cohesive whole.

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study the issues study the big picture study the issues again study the big picture again study the issues again SHIP IT!

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Work in the open es-discuss

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How soon is now?

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We (Ecma) are working hard and fast on the spec. We (vendors) are prototyping and shipping features now. Transpilers as language shims: Traceur, Narcissus

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