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Robert O'Callahan Mozilla Corporation The Open Web Platform In The Mobile Era

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Let's make this interactive.

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The “open Web platform”: true multi-vendor standards.

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But vendors want to own the platform.

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Does the Web really compete with native platforms? Yes.

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Single-vendor platforms address real needs. For example: slick UI, sensors, offline usage, app discovery and monetization, tooling.

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Good news: Web standards are moving faster than ever.

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Soon latest versions of all major browsers will support ● HTML5 Forms, Drag&Drop, parsing, , History, AppCache ● DOM touch events, orientation events, geolocation, File API, Workers ● WebSockets, EventSource ● CSS hyphenation, columns, 2D and 3D transforms, gradients, transitions and animations, flexbox layout, fonts (WOFF) ● Accelerated 2D canvas ● WebGL (Not Microsoft, but they'll crack) ● JS Typed Arrays

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Behold demos.

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A lot more is coming. ● JS language improvements (WeakMap, modules) ● Ongoing JS performance improvements ● IndexedDB ● CSS regions, grids, exclusions, Opentype control, element() images ● Custom CSS/SVG filters ● Fullscreen, MouseLock ● SPDY, CSP ● MediaStream, WebRTC, PeerConnection ● Some kind of audio processing

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The Web standards platform is not stagnating. We have other problems.

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“Browser X implements Y, browser Z doesn't” is easy to market. Especially if you produce apps that use Y. This creates bad incentives.

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Maybe the feature isn't a true multi-vendor standard. Please beware of “open- washing”.

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Maybe the feature is poorly implemented.

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Maybe the feature is just bad for the Web.

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Please be discerning about new features.

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Less marketable activities are as important as adding new features, e.g. improving specs and fixing bugs to improve interop.

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Please give us the right incentives by focusing on implementation and spec quality.

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Not Webkit.

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Apps that target a particular browser engine are antithetical to the open Web. Please don't do that.

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if (window.has3d) { elem.setAttribute('style', '-webkit-transform:translate3d(' +x+'px,'+y+'px,'+z+'px);'); }

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Vendor prefixing has served us well but it can hurt. We need to unprefix features quicker. Please treat prefixed features as experimental.

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Apps locked into single-vendor distribution channels undermine the open Web. Please don't do that.

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Facebook should not have a monopoly on Web identity. Mozilla is creating BrowserID. Please use it.

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A drive for open Web standards is more needed than ever. Even if HTML wins, the open Web could lose. Please be responsible.