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Bridging The GAP

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I’m Darcy.

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@sutto [email protected]

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Filter Squad

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cat ./README •A brief History of JavaScript •Server & Client Side Tools

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Most Importantly, Becoming a Better Ruby Developer Using JavaScript

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Ruby JavaScript

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Ruby JavaScript

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Ruby JavaScript Bridging The Gap

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A Brief History of JavaScript Act 1

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Prototype Based Dynamic & Weak Typing Functions are First Class

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The Three Phases of JavaScript Development

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~1996 until ~2004 The Browser Wars & The DHTML Years

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~2004 until ~2008 AJAX and Web 2.0

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~2008 to Now HTML5 & The Return to the Server Side

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0.1.0 Released Late 2009

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Server Side JS isn’t New.

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1996: NetScape LiveWire 1997: Rhino created 1997: JScript via ASP 2000: JScript.NET

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2005: Helma released 2007: AppJet Launched 2008: Aptana Jaxer hits 1.0 2009: Node.JS Released

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JavaScript and I Act 2

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Mid 2008: I started writing an IRC Bot

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Bright Idea: JavaScript Plugins

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Client in Ruby, Plugins in JavaScript

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Early 2010: I discovered CoffeeScript

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“Simple, transparent CoffeeScript support for Rails and Rack Apps”.

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Client Side Act 3

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render :update do |page| # Update the list of users via JavaScript page.replace_html 'user_list', :partial => 'user', :collection => @users # Now, highlight said list. page.visual_effect :highlight, 'user_list' end

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Red + RedShift

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Unobtrusive RJS (Rails >= 3.0), e.g.

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Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline

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Shared Templating

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The Mustache Approach

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Same base Spec, Different Renderers.

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Logic Less Template == Programming Language Inspecific

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The Handlebars Approach

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HandleBars >= Mustache

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Rails support via Handlebar-Rails

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Same Handlebar.JS, Running Server + Client.

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Server Side Act 4

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gem install coffee-script

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0.1.0 until 0.3.2 Ruby-based Compiler

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Barista + BistroCar Call Library via Node

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Gem Version ~> 1.0 Uses the gem ‘node’

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Gem Version <= 2.2, >= 2.0 Built in Engines Approach

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Gem Version ~> 2.2 Uses ExecJS instead

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therubyracer therubyrhino johnson mustang

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Apple JavaScript Core (JSC) Mozilla Spidermonkey Microsoft Windows Script Host Node.js

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Uses first available RunTime

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Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline

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Building Stuff with ExecJS

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require 'execjs' p ExecJS.eval(<<-END) ["Hello", "World"].join(" ") END # => "Hello World"

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var Welcome = { hello: function(who) { return "Hello " + who; } };

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script ='welcome.js') ctx = ExecJS.compile(script) p'Welcome.hello', "World") # => "Hello World"

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“Rspecs for a Ruby interface to javascript.”

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embedded Runtimes vs. Way to invoke Runtime

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it "can directly embed ruby values into javascript" do @cxt["bar"] = 9 @cxt['foo'] = "bar" @cxt['num'] = 3.14 @cxt['trU'] = true @cxt['falls'] = false @cxt.eval("bar + 10").should be(19) @cxt.eval('foo').should == "bar" @cxt.eval('num').should == 3.14 @cxt.eval('trU').should be(true) @cxt.eval('falls').should be(false) end

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Other Approaches

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Juggernaut 2

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Ruby / Other Languages Redis PubSub Node.JS Server Browser

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Ruby / Other Languages Redis PubSub Node.JS Server Browser

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Ruby / Other Languages Redis PubSub Node.JS Server Browser

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Ruby / Other Languages Redis PubSub Node.JS Server Browser

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See Also: ZeroMQ

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Questions? - Opening Image - Colour Pallete - Bad Ass Latte Art - Adorable Seal Baby.