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Mobile is the Future: Why you should make it your career. Jason Grigsby @grigs • •

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Got email from this guy...

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Mobile is Disruptive Technology Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0

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10 20 30 40 50 60 Q1 Q3 Q5 Q7 Q9 Q11 Q13 Q15 Q17 Q19 Quarters Since Launch Subscribers (MM) iPhone + iTouch NTT docomo i-mode AOL Netscape iPhone + iTouch vs. NTT docomo i-mode vs. AOL vs. Netscape Users First 20 Quarters Since Launch Note: *AOL subscribers data not available before CQ3:94; Netscape users limited to US only. Morgan Stanley Research estimates ~39MM netbooks have shipped in first eight quarters since launch (10/07). Source: Company Reports , Morgan Stanley Research. Mobile Internet Outpaces Desktop Internet Adoption iPhone + iTouch Users = 8x AOL Users 9 Quarters After Launch Desktop Internet AOL* v 2.0 Launched 9/94 Mobile Internet NTT docomo i-mode Launched 6/99 Mobile Internet iPhone + iTouch Launched 6/07 ~57MM ~25MM ~7MM Desktop Internet Netscape* Launched 12/94 ~11MM 26 Source:

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Slide 5 text 20 000 000 40 000 000 60 000 000 80 000 000 100 000 000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total page views (Opera Mini) Data transfer (Opera Mini) Last month we had 52 billion page views. That is Reddit, times 52. Last month Opera Mini transferred 804 million megabytes of data. That is approx. 10 times the amount of data found in the online collection of the U.S. Library of Congress. January 2011: 90.368.678 + 15 million using Opera Mobile Unique Opera Mini users Graphic: Tom Byermoen // Opera Software Opera Mini is available for more than 3000 different mobile phone models

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5.2 Billion Mobile phone for nearly everyone on the planet. Flickr photo by Pingnews:

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Technology Cycles - Wealth Creation / Destruction New Companies Often Win Big in New Cycles While Incumbents Often Falter Mainframe Computing 1960s Personal Computing 1980s Desktop Internet Computing 1990s Mobile Internet Computing 2000s Mini Computing 1970s New Winners New Winners New Winners New Winners Note: Winners from 1950s to 1980s based on Fortune 500 rankings (revenue-based), desktop Internet winners based on wealth created from 1995 to respective peak market capitalizations. Source: FactSet, Fortune, Morgan Stanley Research. Microsoft Cisco Intel Apple Oracle EMC Dell Compaq Google AOL eBay Yahoo! Yahoo! Japan Tencent Alibaba Baidu Rakuten Digital Equipment Data General HP Prime Computervision Wang Labs IBM NCR Control Data Sperry Honeywell Burroughs 16 Source:

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Mobile’s Eight Unique Abilities

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2. PERMANENTLY CARRIED ~50% of US admit to sleeping with phone

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Mobile is the most borg-like technology we’ve ever seen

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Find a single report that doesn’t show exponential growth for mobile web. CHALLENGE:

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3% 2% 12% 18% 22% 43% Android Symbian iPhone Blackberry Bada Windows/Others Q2 2011 Smartphone Market Share (Gartner) Phones currently shipping WebKit in blue (97%). WebKit & HTML5: Dominant Mobile Platform By contrast, 10 smartphone operating systems.

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Email Gallery Free Email Templates Email Marketing Companies Submit Advertise Here Advertise Here Column Type of Email Type of Business Color POPULARITY RESET Hyundai USA Newsletter 3 Alertful Newsletter 2 Divine Chocolate Newsletter 2 Does your company send email to customers?

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Does your company participate in social media?

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Links don’t open apps

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Slide 37 text 21% of Google’s largest advertisers have mobile web sites. Only Why?

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Mobile web is hard to get right.

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Upcoming Zombie Apocalypse of Devices

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More devices every day

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Short Run Problem is Mobile Phones

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Content & Services Car sketch: Long Run Problem

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How do you deliver the right HTML, CSS and JavaScript to browsers?

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Technique #1 Responsive Web Design

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Three Main Pieces to Responsive Web Design Fluid Grids Flexible Images Media Queries

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Original Resized K Saved % Saved Holmes 34.7K 8.1K 26.6K 76.6% Watson 39.0K 8.4K 30.6K 78.4% Mycroft 30.5K 6.7K 23.8K 78.0% Moriarty 43.4K 8.2K 35.2K 81.1% Adler 26.0K 6.6K 19.4K 74.6% Winter 34.7K 7.8K 26.9K 77.5% Total 208.3K 45.8K 162.5K 78.0% Media Queries Hide Problems

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Technique #2 Mobile First Responsive Web Design

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Mobile First Responsive Web Design Promises to Solve These Problems

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Slide 55 text initial request 1 Hmm, Huston - we have a problem... idea what we can deliver to this client... HTML JavaScript stylesheets images Flash video fonts

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= Letting go of “pixel-perfect” layouts and instead designing our content to adapt to different (browser or device) environments Responsive Design is also a state of mind Fluid Grid Layouts CSS Media Queries Fluid Images/Media A State of Mind + + + Responsive Web Design!

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Technique #3 Device Detection

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How Device Detection Works

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Device Classes

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URLs Should Go to Content, Not Mobile Home

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Should the iPad Get Your Mobile Site?

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Slide 63 text Our vision of mobile context is often wrong.

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80% during misc downtime 76% while waiting in lines 62% while watching TV 69% for point of sale research

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TMI: 39% use phone on the toilet.

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Slide 66 text ese problems lead many to believe separate sites are evil.

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“Browser sniffing is a stupid, error-prone and reviled practice, ‘backed’ by a decade of failures.”

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ese are simply tools.

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25 of 30 sites in Alexa Top 30 use device detection Other ve don’t offer mobile sites!

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Technique

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Responsive Web Design • Relatively easy to implement without changing infrastructure. • If your pages are already using css layouts, you may only need to modify css and add mediaqueries. • Web pages look like they designed for mobile. Benefits • Mobile pages typically end up bloated. Desktop size images are downloaded and mobile browser is forced to resize. • Does nothing to address extra javascript not needed for mobile. • If your desktop pages have elements that mobile phones do not understand, it will still get downloaded resulting in odd experiences. Disadvantages

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Mobile First Responsive Web Design • Supports a wider range of devices. • Helps you focus on what really matters on pages. • Correct sized assets and optimized content for each device. • Same markup and content. No need for separate sites. • Many believe this is the future of web development and design. Benefits • IMG tag issues are not solved. Race conditions on browser loading exist. • Can you really have the same HTML for feature phone and GoogleTV? • Difficult to progressively enhance from XHTML-MP to HTML5. So you’re probably cutting off phones without realizing it. • Experimental and new. Few sites are doing this. Disadvantages

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Device Detection • Mobile web developers have been using it for years which means it is well-known. • Widely used by large organizations. • Ability to define device classes and deliver different content and functionality for each. Benefits • Requires signing up for an arms race of keeping up with the user agent strings of devices. With all of these new devices coming out, it will be challenging to keep up. • The open source device databases can’t be used for commercial sites which means you have to pay someone for the database or sign up for a service. Recurring cost. • The databases can have incorrect information in them or the device may mask its real identity. Disadvantages

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Hybrid approaches • There is an emerging school of thought that uses device detection and combines it with data from client-side feature detection. • This resolves the first load problem because the device detection gives the information you need to deliver the first page, but it also verifies the information by running javascript and setting a cookie with answers to key questions. This allows the device data to improve. • It also also the developers to add tacit knowledge to the mix to override device data when the developers know better. A good example of tacit knowledge is the fact that blackberry 5 supports a lot of javascript, but is so slow that it doesn’t make sense to use it even though it passes client js tests. • Even within device classes, responsive web design makes sense.

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Backend Infrastructure

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Slide 77 text 21% of Google’s largest advertisers have mobile web sites. Only Why?

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Slide 78 text BIGGEST CHALLENGE FOR MOBILE WEB: Many Sites are Chaos Behind the Scenes

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Native Developers Start from a Clean Slate

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Features of New Platforms Integrated image resizing Video conversion and resizing Separation of content from markup so content can be used in native apps Prioritization of content based on context Full-featured APIs Synchronization New Ways to Enable Content Editors

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Desktop Web Server Internet[productID] Desktop or Mobile Desktop Web Page Desktop Redirect Mobile products/[productID] Cloud Four Mobile Web Server Device Class Template A Device Class Template B Device Class Template C Device Class Template D Internet Web Services APIs One Possible Bridging Solution Mobile Web Server w/ RWD Platform Internet APIs Necessary to Support App Development

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No matter how you approach it, we have a lot of infrastructure to build

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thank you.

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We’re building the future right now

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Not easy, but this is where the opportunities are.

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Let’s get to work.

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One of our goals: Establish the Portland area as a mobile mecca.

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Mobile is one of the few industries growing in this economy.

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Most companies are floundering when it comes to mobile strategy.

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"There just aren't that many people who have experience with mobile software, and there's a desire for people who know how to make that work." — Steve Fredrick, general partner at private equity firm Grotech Ventures in Vienna, Va., and founder of job site StartUpHire.

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Survey says over 20% of businesses hired substantially more mobile this year. Of those w/ mobile 57% plan to boost such hires in next twelve months. Most common salary range: $75,001 to $100,000

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There aren’t enough mobile developers, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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Most web designers don’t know how to build true mobile web sites.

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It’s uncharted territory. It’s new. It’s fun. Easy to make a name for yourself.

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It is one of the best opportunities for you.

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Mobile Future Slides: | @grigs | | M obile Portland 4th M onday, 6pm Learn mobile. Build stuff. Set yourself apart.