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The Modern Marketing Plan @tomcritchlow

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Content Marketing Is The Future

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People Don’t Like Banner Ads

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Continually Invest in Page Types

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Make Your Pages Deserve To Rank

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Zappos Have 50,000+ Product Videos

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Define Your Audience

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Personas for Customers

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Personas for Mavens

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Research Communities

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Speak To Your Audience

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Create Content Platforms

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Content Platforms FTW

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Content for Customers for the Long Tail

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Content for Mavens For the Head Terms

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Relationship Building

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Relationship Building > Link Building

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Build Flywheels

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Email Is The Elephant In The Room

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Build Social Followings

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Use Money To Accelerate Flywheels

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Social Advertising

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Slide 27 text Psst:

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Tom Critchlow VP Operations NYC [email protected] Fiercely curious. Passionate about learning. Email me! @tomcritchlow