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Saturday Exchange Biomedical & Technology Miami

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6 Questions Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

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Who? Who are you? Entrepreneurs? Background? Others?

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What? Business? Product Service Content Digital

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How? Business model? Commodity Service Advertisement/Referral Innovation

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Primer on Intellectual Property

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Primer on Intellectual Property

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Intellectual Property for Startups

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Why: IP System? U.S. Constitution: “To promote the Progress of Science and the useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”

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Phases of a Business “The Hero’s Journey” Phases: Idea > Startup > Funding or Bootstrap? > Release > Sales > Exit?

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Supply & Demand

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IP for Startups

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Types of Tasks

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IP for Startups Trademarks Copyrights Patents Other: Trade Secrets? Unfair Competition?

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Other Legal Issues Agreements Litigation

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Credits: Supply & Demand: Stephen Covey matrix:

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Michael Montgomery @Montgomery Registered Patent Attorney & Intellectual Property Lawyer. (Note: This is not legal advice. But you knew that already.)