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Padrino::Validation::HTML5 by @aereal (?:id:aereal) 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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Who am I? @aereal ?:id:aereal GitHub: aereal 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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Activities make kaminari.gem independent Rails/Railities Padrino document translation 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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Web App in Ruby World (ja) 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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Padrino is ... the godfather of sinatra 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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Validation with 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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Write Validations In View (HTML5) In Model 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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DRY = Don’t Repeat Yourself 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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ActiveModel::Validations Acceptance Confirmation Inclusion/Exclusion Format (Numericality) Length Presence 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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P::H::FB P = Padrino H = Helpers FB = FormBuilders 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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P::H::FB 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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P::V::H5 P = Padrino V = Validation H5 = HTML5 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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P::V::H5 Validations and their options from ActiveModel injects HTML5 form validations i.e. PresenceValidation -> input[required=required] 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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See Also (Translators welcome!) 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔

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Padrino ࠇϛα in ژ౎ 2011/12/10 13:00 - 15:00 Ωϟϯύεϓϥβژ౎ #padrino_sabbath 11೥11݄13೔೔༵೔