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jQuery & Responsive Web Design w/ Dave Rupert @davatron5000 #jqsummit #rwd

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I work at Paravel. && @paravelinc

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I host the ATX Web Show. && @atxwebshow

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I make tiny jQuery plugins. < 100 lines of code each!

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> Stop talking about yourself. Ok! Let’s get down to business!

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Serious Business Meeting Agenda: • Responsive Web Design Basics • Fix Common RWD Problems w/ jQuery • Fluid Resizing of Text • Fluid Resizing of Video Embeds • Fluid Image Rotators • Questions & Answers Pizza Party!!! YAY!!!

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ONLY! $18

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RWD Basics FLEXIBLE GRID FLEXIBLE MEDIA @MEDIA QUERIES M ake it “squeezie” Images Video This is the fun, next lvl #$%&

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Flexible Grid 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 4% 4% 4% 4% 2% 2% 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 4% 4% 4% 4% 2% 2%

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target ÷ context = result

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i.e. Fluid 960 Grid .container_12 .grid_4 { width: 300px; } 300px / 960px = 0.3125 x 100 31.25% target ÷ context

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On the Griddle by @jonikorpi “The 1140 Grid”

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Flexible Media img, video { max-width: 100%; }

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@media queries @media screen and (min-width: 480px) { body { background: pink; color: red; } } Your imagination is the limit :) > That’s not very practical.

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@media queries Where you’ll use - Change the layout as needed. -- i.e. Make content absorb more/less of the grid. - Change the style of elements. -- i.e. Make
  • elements resemble a “mobile” app. - Change base font-size.
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    Responsive Web Design Tips to winning at - Embrace the flexible grid. - Preserve content hierarchy - Break up with pixel-perfection. - Don’t use pixels. - Use EM units for font-size. - Learn by doing.

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    > This is all CSS. What’s this have to do with jQuery? Good question!

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    CSS gets us 100% of the way there, but... > Does not compute.

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    Iron out the wrinkles with just a few sprinkles of JavaScript > “SPRINKLES”!??! JavaScript is a serious language for serious people!

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    Part Deux Using tiny jQueries to solve common problems in RWD

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    I wish there was a way for headlines to fill up their parent container, then scale like an image. The Paravel Workflow™ Hrmmmm.....

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    ... 1 Hour Later ... I think I’ve got something! Check the dropbox.

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    How FitText Works $("#my_headline").fitText();

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    Behind the Scenes window.resize(function(){ $(this).css( 'font-size', parent.width() / (10 * compressor) ); }); }); * code is only slightly simplified. srsly.

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    I’d pay well for a video service that made embedding fluid/responsive videos the right way easy. It’s way more difficult than you’d think. The Next Day... +1 Hrmmmm.....

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    Don’t worry, bros! I got this... ... 1 Hour Later ... Let me know if you need help, I’ve got some ideas. Perfect! I was going to google your blog anyways to figure it out. You supply the brains and I’ll make a tiny jQuery plugin!

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    The Problem

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    You can try.. iframe {width: 100%;}

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    You can try.. iframe { width: 100%; height: auto; }

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    With FitVids

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    How FitVids Works $(document).ready(function(){ $("#thing-with-videos").fitVids(); // Target your .container, .wrapper, .post, etc. });

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    Style Injection .fluid-width-video-wrapper { width: 100%; position: relative; padding: 0; } .fluid-width-video-wrapper iframe, .fluid-width-video-wrapper object, .fluid-width-video-wrapper embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

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    Intrinsic Ratio Method $allVideos.each(function(){ var aspectRatio = $(this).height() / $(this).width(); $(this).wrap('
    ') .parent('.fluid-width-video-wrapper') .css('padding-top', (aspectRatio * 100)+"%"); $(this).removeAttr('height').removeAttr('width'); }); * code is only slightly simplified. srsly.

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    > Cool story, bro. Just one more!

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    Easy! I’ll just use my trusty jquery.cycle plugin! I’ve used this infinity-billion times.

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    Crap. Doesn’t work. > Now you’ll have to actually program something.

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    2 Great Choices 5.1 kb 1.9 kb minified 6 options Credit: Mark Tyrrell @marktyrrelluk Last commit: August 14th, 2011 27.2 kb 11.1 kb minified 25 options Tons of features Credit: Tyler Smith @mbmufffin Last commit: October 22nd, 2011

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    How they Work $(window).load(function() { $('.flexslider').flexslider(); });

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    Structure your HTML

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    BOOM. Get money.

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    > Wrap it up. Just about to.

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    FACT: The internet needs your help. Please contribute to open source projects and help solve small problems with JavaScript.

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    Thanks! Questions, comments, concerns? © Dave Rupert @davatron5000