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OPEN WEB GAMES Using HTML5 & JavaScript Rob Hawkes

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The time is now Threshold of something cool

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Notable events Important goings-on in HTML5 gaming

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Acquisitions HTML5 game engines being bought up

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Recruitment HTML5 game developers are wanted

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Funding Investing in the pioneers

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Conferences Discussing the future of HTML5 games

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Browser involvement Providing the tech for HTML5 games

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Facebook involvement Bettering performance

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Porting hit iOS games Showing HTML5 is more than capable

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Existing games Some of the best examples

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Quake II

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Minecraftian worlds

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Angry Birds

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Created by Phil Banks (@emirpprime)

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HTML5 & JavaScript What is all the fuss about?

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Open technologies Anyone can view the source code

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Free technologies Free to use. Free to develop with

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Plugin-less No more reliance on third-party software

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No compilation Save time with development and testing

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Interoperable They are built to work across platforms

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Cross-browser support Most major features are supported

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Full compatibility Not all browsers support everything

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No DRM It goes against these technologies

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Technology Behind the scenes of HTML5 games

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Canvas 2D graphics platform

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WebGL 3D graphics platform

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HTML5 audio Sound effects and background music

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WebSockets Multiplayer communication

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Node.js Game logic and network communication

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Local storage Storing data on the player device

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Full Screen API Simple, yet powerful

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Gamepad API Bringing the console to the Web

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Mouse Lock API Locking the cursor in one place

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Web applications Not just a fancy website

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Offline assets Who needs the Internet anyway

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App-like experience Run from the desktop or home screen

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Game engines Create HTML5 games today

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The future This is just the beginning

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Rob Hawkes HTML5 & WebSockets game Twitter sentiment analysis Delving into your soul RECENT PROJECTS Personal website and blog MORE COOL STUFF jsCraft Minecraft port to JavaScript Rawket Scientist Technical Evangelist at Mozilla @robhawkes

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THANK YOU Any questions? Rob Hawkes @robhawkes