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Simplenoting with Vim @sora\_h

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Self Introduction • sora_h • ِΓͷਥೋ • ͓ͯ͘Ε • Vimmer • Gentoo

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Self Introduction • Rubyist • Ruby committer • ࣮ྗͳͲແ͍ ←ॏཁ • Vim ઓಆྗ: 497

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Self Introduction • •

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Agenda • simplenote • The ways to use simplenote by Vim • mattn/vim-metarw-simplenote • sorah/metarw-simplenote.vim • Demo

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Simplenote • • Simpler than Evernote • Simple features: • Sync plain text • Tagging • Mobile apps • Easy API

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Vim • Simplenote has API. • It means we can make simplenote to be accessible by Vim.

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The ways • We can access to simplenote from Vim by using the following plugins: • mattn/vim-metarw-simplenote • mrtazz/simplenote.vim • mattn/vimplenote-vim

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mattn/vim-metarw-simplenote • Use simplenote with metarw • metarw is: • written by @kana1 • Seems file but not file

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mattn/vim-metarw-simplenote • Use simplenote with metarw • metarw is: • written by @kana1 • Seems file but not file metarw is a Vim plugin to provide a framework to read/write a file-like argument of which name is written in URI-like notation such as "git:master:src/ui.c". metarw also provides content browser like netrw's one for some sorts of argumetns if they are given to :edit or other command.

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mattn/vim-metarw-simlpenote • :Edit sn: • :Edit sn:THE_NOTE_ID:mynote • ihi!Hello • :w

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mrtazz/simplenote.vim • Using +python

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mattn/vimplenote-vim • Pure vim script • no metarw

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vim-metarw-simplenote • I wanted to use simplenote with metarw, so I started using this plugin. But...

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:Edit • you can get note list by completing • It’s not useful.

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sorah/metarw-simplenote.vim • Fork of metarw-simplenote-vim • Did: • Add unite sources: sn, sn_tag • Refactoring

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sorah/metarw-simplenote.vim • Will: • Tagging with neocomplcache

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Story •

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Story “ The Simplenote API is in private testing.

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Story “please sign up for access and tell us a little about what you'd like to do.

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Story • Unofficial API Document: •

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Slide 25 text sorah/metarw- simplenote.vim

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Thank you!