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in web design composition

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1. emphasis & focus 2. a/symmetry 3. leading lines 4. rule of thirds composition

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emphasis & focus design aspects draw attention guide user focus aspect ratio to enhance impact singular element grouping of mutiple elements colour schemes & balance light & contrast use of icons / images typography

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• foreground • direction • prominence • size • focus

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• foreground • direction • prominence • size • focus • position • colour • prominence • space • focus

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the need for focus ~ example: Readability

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a/symmetry design aspects visual balance between text & images content structure & page layout offset of symmetric/asymmetric form symmetric associated with: simple, familiar, mimic of nature in extremes considered: less natural, clinical/steril, artificial asymmetric associated with: organic, dynamic, engaging in extremes considered: restless, chaotic, confusing

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= copies of element re!lected to create a mirror opposite reflection symmetry

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rotational symmetry = copies of element rotated around a set point

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translational symmetry = copies of element o!fset while maintaining general orientation/ratio

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leading lines design aspects size / prominence angle / perspective direction / path line / form colour balance / brightness & contrast influence user focus guide attention sequentially present narrative / tell a story enhance usability

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rule of thirds design aspects rhythm & alignment grid & scale colour balance / brightness & contrast type setting content placement equal division by 3, vertically & horizontally lines/intersections as reference setting purposeful focal points visual balance & dynamic adding meaning

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interpretive direction of movement / line, facing le!t: walking away / going backwards / back in time / retropsect

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interpretive direction of movement/line, facing right: walking on / going forward / into the future / optimism

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image credits: photo: penguins, Antartica, © David Doubilet, via street art (hand), German street artist Tasso, via photos: daffodil, bench © Laura Moreno, fashion photo, Mark Shaw for Vanity Fair, 1953, via symmetric drawings, M.C.Escher, photo: water snake, via High Speed Liquid and Bubble Photograph © Heinz Maier, via photo: Chicago's art Institute © John Crouch 2004-2011, Corvette ad, 1967, via Gimmebar, Design Chapel, design 2002, Robert Lindström, photo: bobbed hair, 1920, Louise Brooks, via site references Analog - A List Apart ( & Readability ( Simon Collison -, Marco Rosella - Amazee Labs, designed by Mike Kus - Square Space, Jason Santa Maria, Silverback, by ClearLe"t - “Inquirer”, design sample by Ethan Marcotte, : responsive web design

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Prisca Schmarsow [email protected] @prisca_eyedea