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design principles I

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design principles 1. balance 2. gradation & contrast 3. repetition & rhythm

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symmetric balance symmetric

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balance ๏ layout of content blocks and visual elements to create a visual balance ๏ balanced webpages: clear content presentation, easy to understand, easy to skim read ๏ underpinning visual hierarchy and focusing user attention ๏ symmetric balance ๏ radial balance ๏ crystallographic balance types of balance in design ‣ visual weight distributed evenly ‣ radial distribution of visual weight ‣ asymmetric ‣ elements further away from the centre appear heavier ‣ larger elements considered heavier ‣ space surrounding elements will in fl uence perceived visual weight ‣ saturated, intense colours and darker shades are seen as heavy ‣ elements appear heavier when textured (as opposed to fl at coloured) ‣ the more compact the layout of elements - the heavier it appears ‣ POSITION ‣ SIZE ‣ SPACE / WHITE SPACE ‣ COLOUR / SHADE ‣ TEXTURE ‣ DENSITY

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symmetric balance visual weight distributed evenly

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‣ dog photo : heavy, visual weight pulled towards le f t 
 ‣ curve of dog and facial angle: redirection towards right 
 ‣ cross for visual balance ‣ 4 column layout ‣ whitespace on the le f t : 
 lighter weight than content 
 ‣ visual balanced : 
 content columns as base elements of page layout, re fl ecting even weight of header

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radial balance

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radial balance visual weight distributed around set point

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crystallographic balance

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crystallographic balance visual weight distributed evenly with varying positions

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gradation & contrast

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gradation & contrast ๏ establishment and emphasis of focal points and highlights ๏ creation of depth and perspective ๏ guiding user attention, prompting interaction ‣ background / text / interactive elements ‣ type weight / size / colour ‣ content structure & presentation ‣ content images / design elements / ornaments / icons ‣ COLOUR ‣ TYPOGRAPHY ‣ LAYOUT ‣ VISUAL ELEMENTS

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repetition & rhythm

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repetition ๏ grouping of repeated elements : creates unity / meaning / understanding ๏ creation of rhythm / movement / pattern ๏ enhance usability by consistency / create familiarity throughout the site ‣ background / text / interactive elements ‣ typeface / setting / colour ‣ content structure & presentation ‣ content images / design elements / ornaments / icons ‣ COLOUR ‣ TYPOGRAPHY ‣ LAYOUT ‣ VISUAL ELEMENTS

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‣ pattern: 
 repetition of graphics within book cover 
 ‣ icon: 
 repeats individual graphic used for sectioning of content 
 ‣ colour: 
 red repeated to highlight headings and CTAs 
 ‣ content width / weigth increasing towards bottom : creating movement

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image credits feature image: “Dot”, A4 Paper Festival, © photo: Chicago, photographer / graphic designer Tim Jarosz, via book cover (Journey to the Center of the Earth) by Carlo Giovani image: rabbit/hand shadow puppet, via Frank Chimero / gimmebar Nautilus photo by Pixabay (via Pexels) site references, Khoi Vinh, Jim Gunardson, Robert Dabi fl orida fl arto ff

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Prisca Schmarsow [email protected] @prisca_eyedea