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PostgreSQL Performance for Application Developers @LukasFittl

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Skilled Developer Amateur Hacker @LukasFittl

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No content

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Hosted Postgres Query Monitoring 350 million unique queries tracked

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1. Query Optimization 2. App <-> DB 3. Scaling Out

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Identifying slow queries EXPLAINing slow queries Indexing Query Optimization

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Identifying slow queries

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LOG: duration: 32378.502 ms execute : SELECT * FROM x WHERE y = 123 AND z IN (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’) log_min_duration_statement = 30s

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userid | 10 dbid | 1397527 query | SELECT * FROM x WHERE y = ? calls | 5 total_time | 15.249 rows | 0 shared_blks_hit | 451 shared_blks_read | 41 shared_blks_dirtied | 26 shared_blks_written | 0 local_blks_hit | 0 local_blks_read | 0 local_blks_dirtied | 0 local_blks_written | 0 temp_blks_read | 0 temp_blks_written | 0 blk_read_time | 0 blk_write_time | 0 pg_stat_statements

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Supported on cloud platforms

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SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements LIMIT 1; userid | 10 dbid | 17025 queryid | 1720234670 query | SELECT * FROM x WHERE y = ? calls | 14 total_time | 0.151 rows | 28 shared_blks_hit | 14 shared_blks_read | 0 shared_blks_dirtied | 0 shared_blks_written | 0 local_blks_hit | 0 local_blks_read | 0 local_blks_dirtied | 0 local_blks_written | 0 temp_blks_read | 0 temp_blks_written | 0 blk_read_time | 0 blk_write_time | 0

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queryid | 1720234670 query | SELECT * FROM x WHERE y = ? calls | 5 total_time | 15.249 Query + No. of Calls + Avg Time

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shared_blks_hit | 2447215 shared_blks_read | 55335 Avg. Shared Buffer Hit Rate: 97% hit_rate = shared_blks_hit / (shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read)

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blk_read_time | 14.594 blk_write_time | 465.661 Time spent reading/writing to disk track_io_timing = on

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EXPLAINing slow queries

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psql EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) SELECT * FROM snapshots WHERE collected_at BETWEEN now() - '24 hours'::interval AND now(); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Index Scan using index_snapshots_on_collected_at on snapshots (cost=0.30..8.32 rows=1 width=116) (actual time=0.078..0.078 rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: ((collected_at >= (now() - '24:00:00'::interval)) AND (collected_at <= now())) Buffers: shared hit=5 Planning time: 0.286 ms Execution time: 0.115 ms (5 rows)

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Explain Analyze # EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE salary >= 50000; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on employees (cost=0.00..35811.00 rows=1 width=6) (actual time=2.401..295.247 rows=1428 loops=1) Filter: (salary >= 50000) Total runtime: 295.379 (3 rows) Filter: (salary >= 50000) (3 rows) startup time max time rows return actual time 2.401..295.247 rows=1428 295.379

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# CREATE INDEX idx_emps ON employees (salary); Indexes!

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Indexes! EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE salary >= 50000; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using idx_emps on employees (cost=0.00..8.49 rows=1 width=6) (actual time = 0.047..1.603 rows=1428 loops=1) Index Cond: (salary >= 50000) Total runtime: 1.771 ms (3 rows)

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Indexes B-Tree Generalized Inverted Index (GIN) Generalized Search Tree (GIST) K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Space Partitioned GIST (SP-GIST)

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Indexes Which do I use?

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BTree This is what you usually want

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Generalized Inverted Index (GIN) Use with multiple values in 1 column Array/hStore

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Generalized Search Tree (GIST) Full text search Shapes

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Indexes Conditional Functional Concurrent creation

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Conditional > SELECT * FROM places WHERE population > 10000; name | population ----------------------------------- ARAB | 13650

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Conditional > CREATE INDEX idx_large_population ON places(name) where population > 10000;

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Functional > SELECT * FROM places; data ----------------------------------- {"city": "ACMAR", "pop": 6055} {"city": "ARAB", "pop": 13650}

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> SELECT * FROM places WHERE get_numeric('pop', data) > 10000; data ----------------------------------- {"city": "ARAB", "pop": 13650} Functional

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> CREATE INDEX idx_large_population ON places(get_numeric('pop', data)); Functional

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CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ... roughly 2-3x slower Doesn’t lock table One more thing

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Lock Contention Schema Changes Connection Limits App <-> DB

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Lock Contention

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Long Held Locks in Transactions Rails Counter Cache & Timestamps BEGIN SELECT 1 AS one FROM "post_votes" WHERE (…) LIMIT 1 SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 INSERT INTO "notifications" (…) VALUES (…) RETURNING "id" SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 UPDATE "users" SET "updated_at" = ? WHERE "users"."id" = ? INSERT INTO "post_votes" (…) VALUES (…) RETURNING "id" UPDATE "posts" SET "votes" = COALESCE("votes", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = ? UPDATE "posts" SET "credible_post_votes_count" = … WHERE "posts"."id" = ? UPDATE "users" SET "updated_at" = ? WHERE "users"."id" = ? UPDATE "posts" SET "updated_at" = ? WHERE "posts"."id" = ? COMMIT

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log_lock_waits = on deadlock_timeout = 1000 ms process 20679 still waiting for ExclusiveLock on tuple (566,1) of relation 16421 after 1000.115 ms process 20678 still waiting for ExclusiveLock on tuple (566,1) of relation 16421 after 1000.126 ms process 15533 still waiting for ExclusiveLock on tuple (566,1) of relation 16421 1000.129 ms process 20663 still waiting for ExclusiveLock on tuple (566,1) of relation 16421 1000.100 ms process 15537 still waiting for ExclusiveLock on tuple (566,1) of relation 16421 1000.130 ms process 15536 still waiting for ExclusiveLock on tuple (566,1) of relation 16421 1000.222 ms process 20734 still waiting for ExclusiveLock on tuple (566,1) of relation 16421 1000.130 ms process 15538 still waiting for ExclusiveLock on tuple (566,1) of relation 16421 1000.136 ms process 15758 still waiting for ShareLock on transaction 250175899 after 1000.073 ms

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pg_stat_activity lock information

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Idle Transactions

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RED: Long Queries Pid Duration Query ----- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31868 00:10:52.165883 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 28835 01:06:16.505554 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 28836 01:06:16.486394 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 28837 01:06:16.41853 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 28838 01:06:16.380474 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 31869 00:10:26.068636 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 31870 00:08:47.790245 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 23781 01:12:14.603475 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 31862 00:10:47.98641 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 31863 00:11:05.921372 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 27648 01:17:38.773909 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 27098 01:28:51.216489 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 27106 01:27:18.455351 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 31880 00:10:52.877779 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 31881 00:10:52.168877 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 RED: Idle in Transaction 23729 01:37:12.566497 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_unique_visits" = COALESCE("link_unique_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 RED: Blocking Queries 23760 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_unique_visits" = COALESCE("link_unique_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 01:37:12.646868 23729 UPDATE "posts" SET "link_visits" = COALESCE("link_visits", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 01:31:59.088208 Dead Background Worker caused silent queue back-up for 1hr+

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Schema Changes

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1. Don’t remove columns on large tables 2. Don’t rename columns 3. Always index CONCURRENTLY 4. Carefully change column type 5. Carefully add columns with a DEFAULT 6. Carefully add NOT NULL columns

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1. Don’t remove columns on large tables 2. Don’t rename columns 3. Always index CONCURRENTLY 4. Carefully change column type 5. Carefully add columns with a DEFAULT 6. Carefully add NOT NULL columns

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1. Don’t remove columns on large tables 2. Don’t rename columns 3. Always index CONCURRENTLY 4. Carefully change column type 5. Carefully add columns with a DEFAULT 6. Carefully add NOT NULL columns

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1. Don’t remove columns on large tables 2. Don’t rename columns 3. Always index CONCURRENTLY 4. Carefully change column type 5. Carefully add columns with a DEFAULT 6. Carefully add NOT NULL columns

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1. Don’t remove columns on large tables 2. Don’t rename columns 3. Always index CONCURRENTLY 4. Carefully change column type 5. Carefully add columns with a DEFAULT 6. Carefully add NOT NULL columns

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1. Don’t remove columns on large tables 2. Don’t rename columns 3. Always index CONCURRENTLY 4. Carefully change column type 5. Carefully add columns with a DEFAULT 6. Carefully add NOT NULL columns

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1. Don’t remove columns on large tables 2. Don’t rename columns 3. Always index CONCURRENTLY 4. Carefully change column type 5. Carefully add columns with a DEFAULT 6. Carefully add NOT NULL columns

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Watch out for slow queries conflicting with DDL!

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Connection Limits

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Threaded Application Servers

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Rolling Deploys

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e.g. 200 max_connections = 10 connections / Server, 10 App Servers, Rolling Deploy (2x)

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Cache & Index Hit Rate Optimizing Your Cache Scaling Out

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Cache & Index Hit Rate

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SELECT sum(heap_blks_hit) / nullif(sum(heap_blks_hit + heap_blks_read),0) FROM pg_statio_user_tables Table Cache Hit Rate Target: >= 99%

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SELECT relname, n_live_tup, seq_scan + idx_scan, 100 * idx_scan / (seq_scan + idx_scan) FROM pg_stat_user_tables ORDER BY n_live_tup DESC Index Hit Rate Target: >= 95% on large, active tables

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relname | n_live_tup | scans | index_hit_rate ---------------------------------+------------+------------+---------------- query_fingerprints | 347746140 | 513262821 | 99 queries | 346575911 | 22379253 | 99 schema_table_events | 100746488 | 1459 | 99 queries_schema_tables | 62194571 | 7754 | 99 log_lines | 46629937 | 2 | 0 issue_states | 31861134 | 3 | 0 schema_columns | 31849719 | 6688381553 | 99 query_overview_stats | 26029247 | 13831 | 99 schema_index_stats_2d_20170329 | 18274023 | 1592 | 99 schema_index_stats_2d_20170328 | 18164132 | 6917 | 99 snapshot_benchmarks | 13094945 | 2315069 | 99 schema_index_stats_60d_20170329 | 9818030 | 69 | 20 schema_index_stats_60d_20170328 | 9749146 | 110 | 30 schema_index_stats_60d_20170323 | 9709723 | 103 | 40 schema_index_stats_60d_20170327 | 9702565 | 103 | 33 schema_index_stats_60d_20170324 | 9672853 | 64 | 48 schema_index_stats_60d_20170322 | 9651125 | 141 | 46 schema_index_stats_60d_20170325 | 9647832 | 23 | 69 schema_index_stats_60d_20170326 | 9636532 | 39 | 53 schema_index_stats_60d_20170303 | 9538898 | 174 | 63 schema_index_stats_60d_20170321 | 9522712 | 170 | 49 schema_index_stats_60d_20170309 | 9492844 | 126 | 57 schema_index_stats_60d_20170304 | 9491850 | 64 | 82 schema_index_stats_60d_20170320 | 9486945 | 104 | 56 schema_index_stats_60d_20170319 | 9466378 | 47 | 74 Index Hit Rate

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relname | n_live_tup | scans | index_hit_rate ---------------------------------+------------+------------+---------------- schema_columns | 31849719 | 6688670158 | 99 schema_indices | 1164034 | 1341718091 | 99 schema_constraints | 4474681 | 969363158 | 99 schema_tables | 560726 | 596941518 | 99 query_fingerprints | 347747524 | 513267842 | 99 system_snapshots | 1085113 | 41108836 | 99 servers | 4549 | 38061571 | 99 postgres_roles | 9088 | 25771530 | 0 postgres_settings | 455750 | 24006216 | 99 queries | 346577295 | 22379253 | 99 databases | 8846 | 22026619 | 99 issues | 109618 | 18192187 | 99 api_keys | 8005 | 18096925 | 0 reports | 5 | 11530280 | 0 users | 3452 | 10079069 | 99 snapshots | 1245372 | 9182566 | 99 system_infos | 1623 | 2373577 | 99 postgres_versions | 2291 | 2336714 | 99 snapshot_benchmarks | 13094977 | 2315100 | 99 schema_functions | 902307 | 2090925 | 99 database_collaborators | 1159 | 260977 | 0 query_stats_2d_20170328 | 7835103 | 249022 | 99 query_stats_2d_20170329 | 7713757 | 247589 | 99 report_runs | 299 | 213526 | 4 query_stats_60d_20170328 | 7430331 | 121121 | 99 Index Hit Rate

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Optimizing Your Cache

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Scaling Up r3.xlarge r3.4xlarge

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Scaling Out Shard in your application Use a sharded database (e.g. Citus)

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