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High Performance Scala scala matsuri 2019 Hiroki Fujino

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About Me • Hiroki Fujino • Server Side Engineer • Working in Berlin since February

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Background Experienced advertising distribution system • Throughput for large number of request • Ef fi cient memory usage for large data What is required: Average ~10ms response

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• Runs on JVM • Static type system • Rich libraries supporting performance Scala is potentially High Performance Language

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Achievement of high performance is not easy

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• I/O • Garbage Collection(GC) ※Based on my experience Two Critical Performance Issue

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I/O Issue Throughput decrease Thread Starvation Context Switch Task1 Task2 Task3 CPU Core Task1 Task2 Task3 Task1 Task2 Task3 Multithreading for tasks which include I/O thread1 thread2 thread3

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I/O Issue Why thread starvation happens? How blocking affects thread? Throughput decrease Thread Starvation Context Switch Task1 Task2 Task3 Task1 Task2 Task3 Task1 Task2 Task3 CPU Core thread1 thread2 thread3 Multithreading for tasks which include I/O

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GC Issue Increase memory to store lots objects Application stops for a longer time Stop The World by GC )FBQ )FBQ

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GC Issue How to reduce application stop time by GC? Application stops for a longer time Stop The World by GC )FBQ )FBQ Increase memory to store lots objects

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It’s necessary to understand the theory Why thread starvation happens? How blocking affects thread? How to reduce application stop time by GC?

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Focus Point Theory • Basic Module • Scala Collection • Concurrency Library • I/O Library Scala Language

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Focus Point Theory • Basic Module • Scala Collection • Concurrency Library • I/O Library Scala Language × • Mechanism of Garbage Collection • Data structure of Collection • Relationship between thread and CPU • Difference between blocking and non-blocking

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Focus Point Theory • Basic Module • Scala Collection • Concurrency Library • I/O Library Scala Language × • Mechanism of Garbage Collection • Data structure of Collection • Relationship between thread and CPU • Difference between blocking and non-blocking High Performance

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Goal Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Scala Acknowledgement: The code in this presentation is sample Object size on HotSpot64 •Use CPU ef fi ciently for I/O •Avoid application stop by GC High Performance by:

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Agenda 1. I/O 2. Garbage Collection 3. Conclusion

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Agenda 1. I/O 2. Garbage Collection 3. Conclusion

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I/O is very expensive •10[ns] Main Memory Reference •250,000[ns] Read 1MB sequentially from memory •10,000,000[ns] Disk seek •10,000,000[ns] Read 1MB sequentially from network •20,000,000[ns] Read 1MB sequentially from disk

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Concurrency Concurrency is effective for I/O I/O CPU Core Task1 Task2 Task1 Task2 Task1 Task2 CPU Core can work on one task at a time

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The Goal of Concurrency •How to use thread pool •Blocking or Non-blocking Ef fi cient use of CPU Important things:

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1. Asynchronous Call with Blocking Operation 2. Asynchronous Call with Non-blocking Operation Understanding through Code Comparison

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Sample Code getUser getMessages getTeam Disk I/O Network I/O MicroService def execute(userId: String, teamId: String) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = { // get User by MySQL val userF = database.getUser(userId) // get Message by MySQL val messagesF = database.getMessages(userId) // get Team by MicroService val teamF = teamService.getTeam(teamId) }

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1. Asynchronous Call with Blocking Operation 2. Asynchronous Call with Non-blocking Operation Understanding through Code Comparison

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Database Access ScalikeJDBC def getUser(id: String) (implicit s: DBSession, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[User]] = Future { withSQL { select.from(Users as u).where.eq(, id) }.map(rs => Users(u.resultName, rs)).single.apply() } getUser getMessages Disk I/O Blocking

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Http Request Apache Http Client def getTeam(name: String) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[Team]] = Future { val client = new DefaultHttpClient() val httpResponse = client.execute(new HttpGet(url)) // transform response into Team … } getTeam Network I/O MicroService Blocking

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1. getUser 2. getMessages 3. getTeam Asynchronous Call with Blocking Operation thread1 thread2 thread3 I/O ※The fi gure for illustration purposes

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Pro fi ling is effective for monitoring thread Switching threads depends on operating system Dif fi cult to predict thread condition Pro fi ling Tool: • CPU • Thread • I/O • Garbage Collection • Memory Recorded Factors:

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Sample result in multiple executions Running SocketRead Thread Graph

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Asynchronous Call with Blocking Operation thread1 thread2 thread3 Thread is blocked 1. getUser 2. getMessages 3. getTeam I/O ※The fi gure for illustration purposes

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Blocking Issue Blocking threads leads to thread starvation and decrease of throughput

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Increasing thread pool size solves this issue?

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Too Many Threads lead to problem • Excessive Memory Usage • Overhead of Context Switch

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Thread takes cost [参考] openjdk-jdk11/src/hotspot/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp Kernel Thread int ret = pthread_create(&tid, &attr, (void* (*)(void*)) thread_native_entry, thread); JVM thread consumes 1MB implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(new ForkJoinPool(8)) val thread = new Thread()

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Cost of Context Switch Total overhead of context switch thread1 thread2 thread3 Time CPU Core CPU Core

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Non-blocking Ef fi cient use of threads while waiting I/O

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I/O CPU Core Task1 Task2 Task1 Task2 Task1 Task2 Non-blocking Single thread with non-blocking operation Thread executes another task during I/O wait thread1

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1. Asynchronous Call with Blocking Operation 2. Asynchronous Call with Non-blocking Operation Understanding through Code Comparison

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Non-blocking Library Database Client Http ScalikeJDBC-Async quill-async quill- fi nagle-mysql akka-http

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Database Access with Non-blocking quill-async def getUser(id: String) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[Users]] = { val select = quote { query[Users]. fi lter( == lift(id)) } } getUser getMessages Disk I/O Non-blocking

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Http Request with Non-blocking def getTeam(teamName: String) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Team] = { val response = Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = innerUrl, method = HttpMethods.GET)) // transform response into Team … } akka-http getTeam Network I/O MicroService Non-blocking

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1. getUser 2. getMessages 3. getTeam Asynchronous Call with Non-blocking Operation I/O Thread is non-blocked ※The fi gure for illustration purposes thread1

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Running Monitor Wait Thread Park Thread Graph Sample result in multiple executions

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Blocking vs Non-blocking Blocking Non-blocking Non-blocking enables thread to run ef fi cient

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Thread Pool Strategy • Should not use `execution global` in blocking operation import •Thread pool size implicit val blockingEC = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(new ForkJoinPool(8)) - CPU bound => About number of CPU Core - I/O bound with blocking => More than number of CPU Core, but not too large • If there is blocking operation, use another thread pool for it The next slide is the updated one because some information is wrong here

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Thread Pool Strategy (Updated Slide) • Should not use `execution global` in blocking operation import • *If there is blocking operation, use another thread pool for it •Thread pool size - CPU bound => About number of CPU Core - I/O bound with blocking => More than number of CPU Core, but not too large implicit val blockingEC = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8)) implicit val blockingEC = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()) Be careful of growing thread pool size *Updated the previous slide

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Garbage Collector also use CPU CPU Core Application Garbage Collector Task 1 Task 2 GC Task Task1 Task2 Task1 GC Task

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Garbage Collector also use CPU Stop The World CPU Core Application Garbage Collector Task 1 Task 2 GC Task Task1 Task2 Task1 GC Task

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Agenda 1. I/O 2. Garbage Collection 3. Conclusion

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Garbage Collection )FBQ )FBQ Frequency of GC Application stop time Frequency of GC Application stop time Small heap Large heap

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Types of Garbage Collection •ZGC •Shenandoah •CMS •G1 •Serial •Parallel Each GC has features: •Generational or Regional •How many heap size is assumed

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Types of Garbage Collection Default GC from Java9 •ZGC •Shenandoah •CMS •G1 •Serial •Parallel Each GC has features: •Generational or Regional •How many heap size is assumed

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Types of Garbage Collection New GC in Java11 Require large heap size •CMS •G1 •Serial •Parallel •ZGC •Shenandoah Each GC has features: •Generational or Regional •How many heap size is assumed

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Types of Garbage Collection Each GC has features: •Generational or Regional •How many heap size is assumed In general, application stops during garbage collection step (ZGC and Shenandoah may be not) •ZGC •Shenandoah •CMS •G1 •Serial •Parallel

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Common Consideration for GC Optimization •Performance •Memory Usage - The faster operation is completed, the more object is collected in early stage - The less use memory, the less GC happens - Avoid unnecessary memory allocation - Avoid inef fi cient algorithm

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Top 3 Solution for GC 1. Use correct collection 2. Avoid Boxing 3. Consider object lifetime in cache ※Based on my experience

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Top 3 Solution for GC 1. Use correct collection 2. Avoid Boxing 3. Consider object lifetime in cache

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Collection affects GC )FBQ Large collection object tends to bottleneck. •Use large memory •Objects stay in memory for long time if calculation is slow Normal Object Large Collection Object

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Scala Collection scala.collection.mutable scala.collection.immutable Many collection type in scala.collection package

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Data Structure of Collection Each collection has different data structure Ex. List Vector Linked List Bitmapped Vector Trie ɾ ɾ ɾ ʜ ʜ … ʜ ʜ … ʜ

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Each collection has different characteristics Ex. List Vector L eC C L eC eC val lookUpElem = list(2) val listWithZero = 0 :: list val listWithFour = list :+ 4 Performance Characteristics of Collection val list = List(1, 2, 3) val vector = Vector(1, 2, 3) val vectorWithZero = 0 +: vector val lookUpElem = vector(2) val vectorWithFour = vector :+ 4 Complexity Complexity

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Performance Characteristics of Collection Of fi cial documents

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Memory Characteristics of Collection val seq: Seq[Int] = Seq. fi ll(10000)(1) val list: List[Int] = List. fi ll(10000)(1) val array: Array[Int] = Array. fi ll(10000)(1) val vector: Vector[Int] = Vector. fi ll(10000)(1) Seq List Array Vector 240,032 Bytes 240,032 Bytes 40,016 Bytes 46,728 Bytes

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Characteristics of Parallel Collection • Array • ArrayBuffer • Vector • mutable.HashMap • immutable.HashMap • Range • mutable.HashSet • immutable.HashSet • concurrent.TrieMap List Vector ParVector scala> (1 to 10000).toList.par res2: ParVector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, … Takes cost of transformation

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Micro Benchmark is effective for Performance JMH class ParallelCollectionBenchmark { val vecNumbers = Random.shuf fl e(Vector.tabulate(10000000)(i => i)) val listNumbers = Random.shuf fl e(List.tabulate(10000000)(i => i)) @Benchmark def maxInVec() = { vecNumbers.par.max } @Benchmark def maxInList() = { listNumbers.par.max } }

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Micro Benchmark is effective for Performance JMH [info] Benchmark           Mode Cnt Score Error Units [info] CollectionBenchmark.maxInList thrpt 10 1.109 ± 0.436 ops/s [info] CollectionBenchmark.maxInVec  thrpt 10 9.524 ± 1.339 ops/s

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Use Correct Collection •Sequential Access or Random Access •Parallel execution •Not need all data in memory - List is suitable for sequential access - Vector is suitable for random access - Use collection which has pure parallel collection. - Use Iterator as possible

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Top 3 Solution for GC 1. Use correct collection 2. Avoid Boxing 3. Consider object lifetime in cache

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Primitive type vs Wrapper type Primitive Type Wrapper class type ・boolean ・char ・byte ・short ・int ・long ・ fl oat ・double ・Boolean ・Char ・Byte ・Short ・Int ・Long ・Float ・Double

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Primitive type vs Wrapper type Primitive Type Wrapper class type All wrapper class type extends Object Wrapper type consumes more memory than Primitive Type 4 bytes 32 bytes int numInt = 123; Integer numInteger = new Integer(123);

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Boxing Boxing int numInt = 123; Integer numInteger = new Integer(numInt); // Boxing int numInt = 123; Object obj = numInt; // Auto Boxing byte var1 = 123; // 4bytes Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf(var1); // 16bytes =

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– “Scala hides boxing/unboxing operations from you, which can incur severe performance or space penalties.”

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Boxing •Collection •Generics •Tuple Popular Case

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Collection val array: Array[Int] = Array. fi ll(10000)(1) public int[] array(); Compile List stores java.lang.Integer Array stores int val list: List[Int] = List. fi ll(10000)(1) public scala.collection.immutable.List list(); Compile 240032 bytes 40016 bytes Boxing

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Generics Generics incurs the costs of boxing case class GenValue[T](value: T) def genIntValue(v: Int) = GenValue(1) public bytecodes.GenValue genIntValue(int); … Code: stack=3, locals=3, args_size=2 0: new #17 // class bytecodes/GenValue … 5: invokestatic #23 // Method scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger:(I)Ljava/ lang/Integer; … Compile Boxing

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@specialized Generates multiple versions of a class to remove boxing overhead case class SGenValue[@specialized T](value: T) SGenValue$mcB$sp.class // byte SGenValue$mcC$sp.class // char SGenValue$mcD$sp.class // double SGenValue$mcF$sp.class // fl oat SGenValue$mcI$sp.class // int SGenValue$mcJ$sp.class // long SGenValue$mcS$sp.class // short SGenValue$mcV$sp.class // null SGenValue$mcZ$sp.class // boolean SGenValue.class // AnyRef

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@specialized case class SGenValue[@specialized T](value: T) def genIntValue(v: Long) = SGenValue(1) public bytecodes.SGenValue genIntValue(long); … Code: stack=3, locals=3, args_size=2 0: new #17 // class bytecodes/SGenValue$mcI$sp … 5: invokespecial #20 // Method bytecodes/SGenValue$mcI$sp."":(I)V … Compile No Boxing class for int

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Comparison of Object Size case class GenValue[T](value: T) case class SGenValue[@specialized T](value: T) Boxing Non Boxing 24 bytes 32 bytes val v = GenValue[Int](1) val sv = SGenValue[Int](1) val list: List[GenValue[Int]] = (1 to 10000)[Int]) val slist: List[SGenValue[Int]] = (1 to 10000)[Int]) 480016 bytes 560016 bytes

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@specialized case class SValues[@specialized A, @specialized B](a: A, b: B) Generates 82 classes case class SValues[@specialized(Int, Long, Double) A, @specialized(Char, Byte) B](a: A, b: B) Generates 7 classes

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Tuple vs Case Class case class Bar(value: Int) def tuple2Boxed: (Int, Bar) case class ErrorResponse( title: String, message: String, errorCode: Int ) def errorResponse: ErrorResponse case class IntBar(value: Int, bar: Bar) def intBar: IntBar def tuple3: (String, String, Int) Boxing Non Boxing 200 bytes 184 bytes 56 bytes 40 bytes

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Boxing •Be careful of unnecessary boxing •Check whether boxing happens by using javap: javap -v xxx.class •Apply @specialized for generics Ex. Integer.value emerge a lot

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Top 3 Solution for GC 1. Use correct collection 2. Avoid Boxing 3. Consider object lifetime in cache

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Cache is effective for performance Cache in memory (key-value) Database File key value If cache don’t has key, get data from origin If cache has key, response cache value

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Cache implemented with Map val cache = new mutable.HashMap[UserId, User] cache.get(id) match { case Some(user) => ??? // cache hit case None => ??? // get user from database } In general, Map is used when implement cache by yourself

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Cache Dilemma When should keys be refreshed? •If cache has many keys, performance may improve •Cache must not lead to OutOfMemory Should all keys be refreshed constantly?

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Obsolete Object Reference affects GC Cache in memory (key-value) null Object1 strong reference null Object2 soft reference null Object3 weak reference

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Obsolete Object Reference affects GC Cache in memory (key-value) null Object1 strong reference null Object2 soft reference null Object3 weak reference GC does not collect key GC collect key if it needs memory GC collect key

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HashMap vs WeakHashMap •HashMap •WeakHashMap Key with strong reference Key with weak reference val hashMap = mutable.HashMap[UserId, User](id -> user) id = null val weakMap = mutable.WeakHashMap[UserId, User](id -> user) id = null if id is referenced only by HashMap, GC don’t collect key. if id is referenced only by WeakHashMap, GC collect key.

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// Strong Reference val map = mutable.HashMap[UserId, User](id1 -> suzuki) // Weak Reference val weakMap = mutable.WeakHashMap[UserId, User](id2 -> tanaka) println(map.toString()) // Map(UserId(1) -> User(1,Suzuki)) println(weakMap.toString()) // Map(UserId(2) -> User(2,Tanaka)) id1 = null id2 = null System.gc() // GC run println(map.toString()) // Map(UserId(1) -> User(1,Ichiro,Suzuki)) println(weakMap.toString()) // Map() HashMap vs WeakHashMap

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Cache Strategy with Object Lifetime •WeakHashMap is effective Ex. Temporary cache for large object •Refresh Key Pattern - Set TTL of key - Refresh all keys constantly - Delete key when GC runs by Weak Reference

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Agenda 1. I/O 2. Garbage Collection 3. Conclusion

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Use CPU ef fi ciently for I/O •Thread Pool Size •Blocking or Non blocking - Many threads lead to context switch overhead - Not too small, not too large for number of CPU core - Non blocking is effective - If non blocking isn’t enable, use thread pool for I/O

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No more GC!! •Performance •Memory Usage How 1.Collection 2.Boxing 3.Object lifetime in Cache What Avoid low throughput by GC

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Conclusion •Use CPU ef fi ciently for I/O High Performance by: •Avoid low throughput by GC Don’t guess, measure

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References • Scala High Performance Programming • Java High Performance - O’Reilly • Benchmarking Scala Collections • @inline and @specialized - Scala Days Berlin 2016 • • • • •