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Collec&ng quan&ta&ve metadata by coun&ng all specimens in a herbarium Peter Desmet
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Quan&ta&ve metadata are cool! A very colourful presenta&on by @peterdesmet #tdwg
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Index Herbariorum 350,000,000 herbarium specimens worldwide
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25,000,000 digi&zed and published (= 7%) GBIF Data Portal (Andrea Hahn)
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What do we know about the other 93% ?
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Descrip&ve metadata
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Metadata registries‐herbaria
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Collec&on name + code Address Staff Subcollec&ons
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Es&mated size Based on what? Actually counted?
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Geographic scope Pre^y well described How distributed?
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Taxonomic scope Vascular plants + Bryophytes? Families? Genera?
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Can we get some real numbers?
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Vascular plants specimens are organized in Folders
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What if we counted the folders?
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And the # of specimens per folder?
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? $ How much would it cost?
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? days How long would it take?
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What we did at the Marie-‐Victorin Herbarium (MT)
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Move an es&mated 900,000 specimens
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More space Reassign 350 -‐> 640 cases
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New classifica&on Flowering plants: APG III (2009) Ferns: Smith et al. (2006)
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Coun&ng Digi&zing Data cleaning Publishing
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No content
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Average age > 60
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No content
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1 summer
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826 work hours 110 work days, 22 work weeks
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4 volunteers
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Paper -‐> Excel
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Data cleaning
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2 volunteers 1 professor 1 informa&cian
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Correc&ng errors Typos, missed genera, dubious counts
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New classifica&on Assigning families, correc&ng genera
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Format data
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1 informa&cian (me)
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Google Fusion Tables‐inventory-‐gk
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Darwin Core Archive via IPT‐inventory
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Metadata = EML Descrip&ve metadata
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Occurrence dataset basisOfRecord = PreservedSpecimen
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1 record 1 folder 1 genus 1 loca&on in 1 tray
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# specimens individualCount
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What do we know now?
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22,298 folders
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628,664 specimens
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2/3 of previous es&mate
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21.5% digi&zed
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380 families
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82% of known families
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5,298 genera
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6 con&nents
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Combina&ons Rubus specimens from Canada? Yes: 2921, in trays A236-‐07 – A238-‐04
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Useful for us In-‐house management & planning Digi&za&on priori&es
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Useful for others? Loans Demand driven digi&za&on?
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Granularity Genus, con&nent -‐> Useful for climate change & invasive species studies?
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Global picture Really 350 mil. specimens? How distributed over genus & con&nent?
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Cost / Time ?
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158 work days Publishing 1% Data cleaning 21% Digi&zing 8% Coun&ng 70%
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5,740 $ total salary cost Publishing 7% Digi&zing 0% Coun&ng 37% Data cleaning 56%
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110 specimens = 1$ 100 &mes cheaper than full digi&za&on
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3,200,000 $ All 350 mil. specimens
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138 h 1049 h Staff 5,740 $ Volunteers 0 $ 88% by volunteers
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16,230 $ 10$ wage for “volunteers” + staff salary
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9,000,000 $ All 350 mil. specimens
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340 years 1 person at 7.5h/day, 5 days/week, no holidays
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26 days One person per herbarium 3,400 herbaria -‐ Index Herbariorum
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?! Tricky to extrapolate! What about non-‐mounted specimens? How useful is this data? Is there a metadata repository?
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First step Towards some real numbers
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Thanks!‐inventory Peter Desmet