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Delivering the Rich Web at Low Cost Bidirectional client/server messaging Dan Allen (JBoss) @mojavelinux

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Rich Web Challenges

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Simplify & manipulation

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high performance, small footprint

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Wasteland of Quirks

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It's time to get organized

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Do you wish to debug?

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ser e perience

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Event-driven client-server communication Websockets HTTP

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Productivity for developers performance for users Google Web Toolkit /'gwIt/

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GWT == Client-side RIA

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GWT == Client-side RIA

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Use existing Java tools

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Wait, ? Seriously?

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Type-safety & code-assist tooling

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Keeps code organized

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Loads of talent! 10,000,000 Java developers worldwide!

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"No compromise" AJAX

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Java-to-JavaScript compiler Code you can't match by hand

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Handles Application minification

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Makes the browser look good!

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Throughput Results % Threadcount

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CPU Load Results % Threadcount

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Class Library Core Java java.lang.* java.util.** no reflection :( Browser APIs AJAX JSON & XML HTML 5 UI framework a la Swing UI Binder RPC Mechanism (Java backends) RequestBuilder (REST calls)

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"Code & refresh" development mode

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IDE & build tool plugins Google Plugin for Eclipse GWT Designer

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No content

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GWT Project Layout / src/main/java/ org.example HelloWorld.gwt.xml org.example.client org.example.client war/ HelloWorld.css HelloWorld.html WEB-INF/ web.xml

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GWT "Hello, World!" public class HelloWorld implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Button button = new Button("Click Me!"); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Window.alert("Hello, World!"); }}); RootPanel.get().add(button); } } Compiles to JavaScript client

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No content

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What about data?

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Build serious applications for the browser. Develop purely in Java.

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Errai makes GWT easier to use ● Fuses client and server ○ Event-driven programming model ○ Push messaging ○ Payload serialization ● Ridiculously fast performance ● Server integration ● Simplified RPC & JAX-RS integration

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Errai Message Bus Central communication channel Autonomous components exchange information via messages by using well-defined interfaces

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Errai Message Bus ● Event processing ● Queuing & buffering ● Protocol conversion ● Message routing Central communication channel

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Internet Service A Service B Server bus Client bus Client bus E1 E2 E3 E1 E2 E3 UI Event listener Server-side component Message payload Browser Browser

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"CDI in the browser"

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Errai CDI ● Unified client/server programming model ○ Wiring (@Inject) ○ Producers ○ Events (across the wire!) ○ Scoped beans ● Easy access to message bus ● RPC-style invocation via typed interface ● Publish/subscribe

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Errai "Hello, Server!" via CDI Event @Inject private Event clientEvent; ClientMessage("Hello, Server!")); client

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Message Received via CDI Event server public void receive(@Observes ClientMessage msg) { System.out.println(msg.getMessage()); } Hello, Server!

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Errai conversation Address a single node in response to an event

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Errai "Hello, Client!" via CDI Event @Inject private Event serverEvent; server @Conversational public void receive(@Observes ClientMessage msg) { ServerMessage("Hello, Client!")); }

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UI Update via CDI Event public void receive(@Observes ServerMessage msg) { Window.alert(msg.getMessage()); } client

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Serialization of payload as easy as... @ExposeEntity public class ClientMessage { private String message; public ClientMessage() {} public ClientMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } } Default constructor required

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Errai "Hello, Server!" via Errai Bus @EntryPoint public class HelloWorld { @Inject public void init(final MessageBus bus) { Button button = new Button("Click Me!", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { MessageBuilder.createMessage() .toSubject("HelloWorldService") .withValue("Hello, Server!").done().sendNowWith(bus); }}); RootPanel.get().add(button); } } client

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Message Received via Errai Bus @Service public class HelloWorldService implements MessageCallback { public void callback(Message msg) { String val = msg.get(String.class, MessageParts.Value); System.out.println(val); } } Hello, Server! server

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Monitoring the Bus

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REST Easy (JAX-RS) @Path("customers") public interface CustomerService { @POST @Consumes("application/json") @Produces("text/plain") public long createCustomer(Customer customer); } server

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RESTveryEasy RemoteCallback onCreate = new RemoteCallback() { public void callback(Long id) { Window.alert("Customer created with ID: " + id); } }; Button create = new Button("Create", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { String firstName = firstNameInput.getText(); ... RestClient.create(CustomerService.class, onCreate) .createCustomer(new Customer(firstName, lastName, zip)); } }); client

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"That was amazing!"

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GWT & Errai As rich as you can take it!

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Mike Brock Errai Lead | @jbossmike Jonathan Fuerth Errai Dev | @jfuerth Christian Sadilek Errai Dev | @csadilek :virals