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Don’t Use NoSQL Mathias Meyer, @roidrage

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No content

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What do we use NoSQL for?

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Resque Delayed Job CouchDB Queue Service Replacing RabbitMQ with MongoDB

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“Doesn’t matter what kind of tool it is, at least one developer will eventually use it as a queue.” Me, 2012

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Visitor Tracking Split Testing API Limiting Logging

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Caching, Sessions

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“Doesn’t matter what kind of database it is, at least one developer will eventually use it as a cache.” Me, 2012-01-11

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We can?

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We wants it?

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We don’t know better?

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Cause and Effect

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We abuse the database as a queue

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We hit memory limits hard

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There’s always a schema.

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We pay for our choices.

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What to do instead?

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Use the right tool for the job?

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How do we know the right tool?

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RabbitMQ, Kestrel, Gearman for queues

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Graphite for statistics

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pt-online-schema-change for schema updates

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PostgreSQL Arrays for queues?

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PostgreSQL Arrays for queues? for lists

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MySQL 5.6 Memcached API

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HandlerSocket for MySQL

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PostgreSQL hstore for documents

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PostgreSQL XML for documents

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Build your own tools.

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Learn a new tool every month.

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Don’t Use NoSQL

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Unless you really have to.

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PostgreSQL hstore create table herokaih (id serial primary key, attr hstore); create index attr_idx on herokaih using gist (attr); insert into herokaih (attr) values (hstore(ARRAY['name', 'Dylan Egan'])); select attr -> 'language' from herokaih where attr @>'name=>Dylan';

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PostgreSQL XML create table herukai (id serial primary key, data xml); insert into herukai (data) values ('Dylan Eganheroku herukai>'); select xpath('//herukai/name/text()', data) from herukai; SELECT * from herukai where (xpath('//herukai/name/text()', data)) [1]::text = 'Dylan Egan'::text;

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PostgreSQL Arrays create table herokail (id serial primary key, tags text[], name varchar(200)); insert into herokail (name, tags) values ('Dylan Egan', ARRAY['meat']); update herokail set tags = array_append(tags, 'beer') where name = 'Dylan Egan'; select name from herokail where tags @> ARRAY['beer'];

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pt-online-schema-change pt-online-schema-change h=127.1,t=users --alter “ADD COLUMN twitter_name varchar(40)” --drop-old-table