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1996 ★ Microsoft gives CoreFonts to the web ★ Good: Verdana, Georgia ★ OK: Times New Roman, Arial, Trebuchet, Impact ★ Ugly: Comic Sans

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1997 ★ Browser Wars. ★ IE: EOT ★ Netscape: TrueDoc ★ Nobody cares. Everybody just uses Arial.

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1997-2007 ★ Crickets. ★ Embed type in images, use Core Fonts. ★ Foundries ostrich.

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2004 ★ sIFR - a painful but useful attempt at using custom fonts.

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2007 ★ Håkon Wium Lie writes "CSS @ Ten" for A List Apart.

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2008 ★ Safari 3.1 allows native @font-face embedding of TTF/OTF font les.

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2009 ★ Firefox 3.5 supports TTF/OTF @font-face embedding ★ People realize that IE still supports EOT. ★ FF + Safari + IE = most of the web.

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2009 ★ Chrome 4 supports @font-face ★ Cufon debuts. Great hack, too late. ★ Foundries remove head from sand, help create WOFF ★ FF 3.6, Chrome 5, use WOFF

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2009 ★ Typekit debuts ★ Font Squirrel generator debuts ★ I launch

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2010 ★ Bunch of Typekit clones pop up ★ Foundries roll their own ★ Serious exploration of x-platform rendering issues

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2011 ★ IE9 released (much better type rendering) ★ Safari 5.1 nally has WOFF support ★ Typekit bought by Adobe

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2011 @font-­‐face  {  font-­‐family:  'MyWebFont';  src:  url('webfont.eot');  /*  IE9  Compat  Modes  */  src:  url('webfont.eot?#iefix')  format('embedded-­‐opentype'),  /*  IE6-­‐IE8  */            url('webfont.woff')  format('woff'),  /*  Modern  Browsers  */            url('webfont.ttf')    format('truetype'),  /*  Safari,  Android,  iOS  */            url('webfont.svg#svgFontName')  format('svg');  /*  Legacy  iOS  */ } /*­‐hardening-­‐of-­‐the-­‐bulletproof-­‐syntax */

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2012 ?

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Type Rendering ★ Windows & Windows & Mac, oh my

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Type Rendering

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Mac OS X

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DirectWrite (Vista, Win 7)

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GDI ClearType (XP)

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GDI Standard (XP)

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No Antialiasing

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TrueType Hinting ★ Trying to make Windows suck less

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TrueType Hinting

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Performance ★ All browsers handle @font-face differently ★ WebFont Loader lets you smooth them out

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Best Practices ★ Always test font rendering in Win XP rst

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Best Bets ★ Typekit (esp. Adobe and FontFont) ★ WebType RE fonts ★ ttfautohint ★ Running fonts through Font Squirrel generator ★ Headlines are always safer

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Webfonts + WordPress ★ Best plugin I found for Google Web Fonts: google-web-fonts-for-wordpress/ ★ has Typekit integration built in. ($30/year) ★ Custom is the best way to go if you can.

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Thanks! ★ ★ ★ ★ ce/features/ ★ ★ ★