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HEROKU IN FIVE MINUTES BattleHack Venice 2015

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Sign up for free at!

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FAST AND EASY DEPLOYS Sync from Dropbox, GitHub, or the code on your computer.

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FORKING APPS $  heroku  fork  -­‐-­‐from  sourceapp  -­‐-­‐to  targetapp   Creating  fork  targetapp...  done   Copying  slug...  done   Adding  heroku-­‐postgresql:dev...  done   Creating  database  backup  from  sourcapp...  ..  done   Restoring  database  backup  to  targetapp...  ..  done   Copying  config  vars...  done   Fork  complete,  view  it  at

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“The Twelve-Factor App”

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II. DEPENDENCIES Applications have explicitly declared dependencies.

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II. DEPENDENCIES Applications have explicitly declared dependencies. $  cat  composer.json   {      "require":  {          "php":  ">=5.3.3",          "ext-­‐mcrypt":  "*",          "symfony/symfony":  "~2.4.6",          "twig/extensions":  "~1.0",          "symfony/monolog-­‐bundle":  "~2.4"      }   } $  cat  package.json   {      "dependencies":  {          "express":  "~4.9.x",          "cool-­‐ascii-­‐faces":  "~1.3.x"      },      "engines":  {          "node":  "0.10.x"      }   }

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do not check your dependencies into Git

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III. CONFIGURATION Store config in the environment.

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III. CONFIGURATION Store config in the environment. Assumption: same code but different configuration per deployment target

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III. CONFIGURATION Store config in the environment. $smtp  =  parse_url(getenv('SMTP_GATEWAY_URL'));   $transport  =  Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(
        $smtp['host'],  $smtp['port']
 ; Assumption: same code but different configuration per deployment target $  heroku  config:set  SMTP_GATEWAY_URL=\   smtp://

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do not hardcode config vars, they might change suddenly!

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VI. PROCESSES heroku-­‐python-­‐app  $  cat  Procfile   worker:  python   web:  gunicorn  hello:app heroku-­‐node-­‐app  $  cat  Procfile   worker:  node  worker.js   web:  node  index.js heroku-­‐ruby-­‐app  $  cat  Procfile   worker:  env  TERM_CHILD=1  bundle  exec  rake  resque:work   web:  bundle  exec  unicorn  -­‐p  $PORT  -­‐c  ./config/unicorn.rb heroku-­‐php-­‐app  $  cat  Procfile   worker:  php  background.php   web:  vendor/bin/heroku-­‐php-­‐apache2  #  or  heroku-­‐php-­‐nginx

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SCALING $  heroku  ps:scale  web=5   Scaling  dynos...  done,  now  running  web  at  5:1X.   $  heroku  ps   ===  web  (1X):  `bundle  exec  unicorn  -­‐p  $PORT`   web.1:  starting  2014/11/05  20:36:39  (~  4s  ago)   web.2:  starting  2014/11/05  20:36:39  (~  4s  ago)   web.3:  starting  2014/11/05  20:36:39  (~  4s  ago)   web.4:  starting  2014/11/05  20:36:38  (~  4s  ago)   web.5:  starting  2014/11/05  20:36:38  (~  4s  ago)   ===  worker  (Free):  `bundle  exec  stalk  worker.rb`   worker.1:  up  for  1m   $  heroku  ps:scale  web=1   Scaling  dynos...  done,  now  running  web  at  1:1X.

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your app needs a relational database

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your app needs a document database

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your app needs an email gateway

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your app needs a search engine

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your app needs an analytics engine

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your app needs a log storage

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your app needs... add-ons!

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$  heroku  addons:create  heroku-­‐postgresql

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$  heroku  addons:create  heroku-­‐redis

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$  heroku  addons:create  mongolab

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$  heroku  addons:create  memcachier

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$  heroku  addons:create  foundelasticsearch

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$  heroku  addons:create  cloudamqp

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$  heroku  addons:create  papertrail

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$  heroku  addons:create  newrelic

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$  heroku  addons:create  sendgrid

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$  heroku  addons:create  pusher

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The End

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THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Questions? Ask me: @dzuelke &