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:- should_learn(Prolog, You). presenter(name(‘Josh Smith’),twitter(‘@kognate’)). 1 Thursday, January 12, 12

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Code 2 Thursday, January 12, 12

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greetings. • Josh Smith • @kognate 3 Thursday, January 12, 12

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will(We, Today). • Learn something about Prolog • Learn what an expert system is • Write some Prolog code 4 Thursday, January 12, 12

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will_not(We,Today). • Hold our questions till the end • Leave experts in Logic Programing 5 Thursday, January 12, 12

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listing(Agenda). • What is Prolog • Overview of Syntax and Semantics • Code Dialog • CodeMash Expert System 6 Thursday, January 12, 12

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what_is(Prolog). 7 Thursday, January 12, 12

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basic_ideas. • Describe the situation • Perform a query (Ask a question) • Logically deduce new facts • Deductions returned as answers 8 Thursday, January 12, 12

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the_year_is(1972). • Prolog was born in Europe • PROgraming LOGic • Highest level language in general use today (probably) 9 Thursday, January 12, 12

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declarative. • is_not(Haskell), is_not(Lisp). • very, very high level 10 Thursday, January 12, 12

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why(use(Prolog)). • Semantic Web • Rule Engines and Expert Systems (AI) • text processing • it’s fun! (really) 11 Thursday, January 12, 12

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overview(Syntax) 12 Thursday, January 12, 12

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stuff. • atom, number, real • fact • predicate • query • list 13 Thursday, January 12, 12

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operators. • +, -, =:=, ==, <= , >=, mod, div • recursion, recursion, recursion • Logical Correctness is hard 14 Thursday, January 12, 12

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two_more_things. • :- is implication • ?- is query 15 Thursday, January 12, 12

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terms. • simple and complex • simple(term) , complex(term(like_this)). • simple(Term) :- complex(term(Term)). 16 Thursday, January 12, 12

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variables. • Upper Case Terms • should_learn(Prolog, You) :- Prolog = ‘A Really Cool Language’, You = ‘audience member’. • Unification Unification Unification 17 Thursday, January 12, 12

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dialog(Code). 18 Thursday, January 12, 12

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module(Codemash, []). 19 Thursday, January 12, 12

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?- what(question). • what sessions should I go to? 20 Thursday, January 12, 12

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resources. - Programming in Prolog: Using the ISO Standard - Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence - The Art of Prolog, Second Edition: Advanced Programming Techniques - The Craft of Prolog (Logic Programming) by Richard A. O'Keefe - Programming in Prolog: Using the ISO Standard - Prolog Programming in Depth - Clause and Effect: Prolog Programming for the Working Programmer 21 Thursday, January 12, 12