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the next step in gem hosting nick quaranto

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the gemcutter saga: new moon

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Now, this is a story all about how My gem host got flipped-turned upside down

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5th year SE & CS major at RIT bills fan rubyist at heroku @qrush

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> demo history motivation tech other features on deck

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demo > history motivation tech other features on deck

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january: jekyll may: railsconf august: launch? october: transition

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demo history > motivation tech other features on deck

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the default host project approval php

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the new hotness forked gems

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accessible info publisher api open source

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demo history motivation > tech other features on deck

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class VaultObject < AWS::S3::S3Object set_current_bucket_to "gemcutter_production" end"gems/awesome-1.0.0.gem", data, options)

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# app/metal/hostess.rb class Hostess < Sinatra::Default get "/specs.4.8.gz" do content_type('application/x-gzip') serve(current_path) end end

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require File.join('vendor', 'bundler_gems', 'environment') require File.join('config', 'environment') use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/index.html", "/favicon.ico", "/images", "/stylesheets"], :root => "public/maintenance" use Hostess use Rack::Maintenance, :file => File.join('public', 'maintenance', 'index.html') run Sinatra::Application

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# lib/rubygems_plugin.rb Gem::CommandManager.instance.register_command :push # lib/commands/push_command.rb class Gem::Commands::PushCommand < Gem::Command def execute send_gem end end

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class Gemcutter def save write_gem Delayed::Job.enqueue self notify("Successfully registered gem.", 200) end def perform update_index end end

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shoulda factory_girl rr cucumber

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Feature: Push Gems In order to share code with the world A rubygem developer Should be able to push gems up to Gemcutter Scenario: User pushes new gem Given I am signed up and confirmed as "[email protected]/password" And I have a gem "RGem" with version "1.2.3" And I have an api key for "[email protected]/password" When I push the gem "RGem-1.2.3.gem" with my api key And I visit the gem page for "RGem" Then I should see "RGem" And I should see "1.2.3"

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demo history motivation tech > other features on deck

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prerelease versions do |s| = "jekyll" s.version = "0.6.0-pre" end

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development dependencies do |s| = "jekyll" s.add_development_dependency("shoulda", "2.10.2") end

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linking to outside resources do |s| = "jekyll" s.links[:code] = "" s.links[:docs] = "" end

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demo history motivation tech other features > on deck

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gem forking:

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this is our gem host now let's make it awesome!

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thanks you! thoughtbot github heroku ruby central

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