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Web Typography Richard Rutter Web Typography Evangelist, Talk Web Design 2012, University of Greenwich

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We are all typographers!

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From Mark Boulton’s “Designing layouts that think for you”

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From Mark Boulton’s “Designing layouts that think for you”

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From Mark Boulton’s “Designing layouts that think for you”

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From Mark Boulton’s “Designing layouts that think for you”

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From Mark Boulton’s “Designing layouts that think for you”

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From Mark Boulton’s “Designing layouts that think for you”

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Defaut line-height and margins

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Rhythmic line-height and margins

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"It's a flippin' pangolin!"

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“It’s a flippin’ pangolin!”

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opening double quote “ closing double quote ” opening single quote ‘ closing single quote ’ en dash – em dash — minus − multiplication × ellipsis … “ ” ‘ ’ – — − × …

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Calibri         0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStuv Cambria         0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStu Candara       0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStu Constantia     0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStu Corbel           0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStuv

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Calibri         0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStuv Cambria         0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStu Candara       0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStu Constantia     0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStu Corbel           0123abcdefigHJKlmnopQRStuv fi

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fine affluent

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fine affluent

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h1 { text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; }

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Kerning on (top) and off (bottom)

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Kerning table for Baskerville 1757

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When the only font available is Times New Roman, the typographer must make the most of its virtues. The typography should be richly and superbly ordinary, so that attention is drawn to the quality of the composition, not the individual letterforms.” Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst “

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Font Linking

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@font-face { font-family: "Clarendon"; src: url("clarendon-nar-eb.woff"); }

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Browser File types supported Internet Explorer 4 Embedded OpenType (EOT) Internet Explorer 9 EOT, WOFF Safari 3.1 TrueType, OpenType, SVG Safari 5 TrueType, OpenType, SVG, WOFF Opera 10 TrueType, OpenType Opera 11.10 TrueType, OpenType, WOFF Firefox 3.1 TrueType, OpenType Firefox 3.6 TrueType, OpenType, WOFF Chrome 4 TrueType, OpenType, SVG Chrome 6 TrueType, OpenType, SVG, WOFF Mobile Safari iOS 3.2 SVG Mobile Safari iOS 4.2 SVG, TTF Mobile Safari iOS 5 SVG, TTF, WOFF Browser support for Webfonts

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@font-face { font-family: "Clarendon Narrow Extrabold"; src: url(clarendon-nar-eb.eot); src: url(clarendon-nar-eb.eot?iefix) format(eot), url(clarendon-nar-eb.woff) format(woff), url(clarendon-nar-eb.ttf) format(truetype), url(clarendon-nar-eb.svg#font) format(svg); font-weight: 800; }

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Ultra light Light Regular Bold Black Ultra black Adelle Adelle Adelle Adelle Adelle Adelle

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Light Regular SemiBold Bold ExtraBold Heavy Adelle Adelle Adelle Adelle Adelle Adelle

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h1 { font-family: “Adelle”, Cambria, Georgia, serif; font-weight: bold; }

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h1 { font-family: “Adelle”, Cambria, Georgia, serif; font-weight: 200; }

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100 Ultra Light, Extra Light 200 Light, Thin 300 Book 400 Normal, Regular 500 Medium 600 Demi Bold, Semi Bold 700 Bold 800 Black, Extra Bold 900 Ultra Bold, Fat, Heavy Values for font-weight property

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ff fl ffl fi ffi ff fl ffl fi ffi fb fj fk ti ty

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QUICHE ch stf ck OO I E

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affloat fine fjords a oa n fjords

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✂ ajestic

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Quiz game key !ui" #$m% &%'

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0123456789 

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Lining Old Style Proportional 409,280 , Proportional 367,112 , Proportional 155,068 , Proportional 171,792 , Tabular , , Tabular , , Tabular , , Tabular , ,

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1 ½

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Final space shu le.

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Final NASA space shu le.

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Final NASA space shu le.

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Final space shu le.

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h1 { font-feature-settings: "lnum", "tnum", "dlig " 0, "swsh" 2; }

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h1 { font-feature-settings: "lnum", "tnum", "dlig " 0, "swsh" 2; -moz-font-feature-settings: "lnum=1, tnum=1, dlig=0, swsh=2"; }

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h1 { font-feature-settings: "lnum", "tnum", "dlig " 0, "swsh" 2; -moz-font-feature-settings: "lnum=1, tnum=1, dlig=0, swsh=2"; -webkit-font-feature-settings: "lnum", "tnum", "dlig " 0, "swsh" 2; }

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In the Government formed in response to a perceived threat om the ’s Sputnik program. absorbed the -year-old , along with the and many of ’s early space programs.

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Magneta Expert Subset

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In 1958 the US Government formed NASA in response to a perceived threat from the USSR’s Sputnik program. NASA absorbed the 46-year-old NACA, along with the JPL and many of ARPA’s early space programs.

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p { font-family: "Magneta Book", Georgia, serif; } .numbers, .smallcaps { font-family: "Magneta Book Subset", "Magneta Book", Georgia, serif; }

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ele- phant-

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Hyphenation in the Gutenberg Bible

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p { hyphens: auto; }

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p { -webkit-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; }

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Richard Rutter, @clagnut